~Meeting again~

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Kanao still wasn't fully prepared when she saw Tanjiro standing in front of her with a disgusted look.


Kanao accidentally made her alarm clock accidentally drop to the floor because she was annoyed of the constant beeping.

She groaned and got up, smashing the alarm clock to make it stop.  

"Finally, I can have some peace," She rolled her eyes. Kanao had set her usual 7:00 AM alarm extra early to 6:30 AM because her assistant, Makomo told her earlier that someone wanted to meet her today, and it seemed like a super important character.

Like always, Kanao got dressed, went out to get some ohagi from Tamayo's bakery and took the train to her company. 

It's May 25th, She sighed. Why do I feel so empty?

Later she she arrived, Makomo greeted her. 

"Where is he?" She asked. Makomo pointed to Kanao's office and bowed.

"He is waiting over there." She replied. Kanao nodded and walked over, opening the door. And guess who she found waiting for her?

The same snotty guy who attended her old marriage. It did take some seconds for her brain to process who in the freaking world that was, but Kanao recognized him.

Kanao's step-father.

The same guy who arranged the forced marriage. And he did not look happy.

"Oto-san?!" Kanao's jaw dropped. "W-What are you doing here?"

"To talk to you about something," He replied coldly. "By the way, good job running away." Kanao felt her face and neck heat up. She really hates to talk about her old life, which she has already put behind.

"It seems like that you divorced Tanjiro, when it didn't reach 5 years." Her step-father lifted his chin.

"So?" was the only thing Kanao could come up with.

"You didn't follow what I told you to do! Ugh, I just realized that we're getting way too off track. I'm here to tell you about an alliance I arranged for you and Mr. Kamado." 

Kanao couldn't believe her ears. "What?!"

Her step-father ignored her on purpose. "You guys are meeting later at his company. I already have everything arranged." He left without another word.

Kanao just stared at the door for 4 minutes straight.

"Tanjiro-kun~!" Daki's soft voice said.

"Hai?" Tanjiro responded. "I'm just getting ready to go to work."

"Can I go shopping? Pleaseeeee?" 

"Of course!" He smiled.  

"YAY!" Daki said gleefully. 

Yeah, Tanjiro definitely spoils Daki too much. He always lets her buy whatever she wants, even if it's extremely expensive. But since Tanjiro earns lots of money from his company, he doesn't seem to care.

"Can I get the most expensive Chanel bag~~? I wanna show it to my friend," Daki asked in a spoiled tone.

"Ah! Gomen... I don't think that is necessary. Sorry, honey-chan."

Seems like Daki got mad. "Eh? I thought you had enough! Ugh!" And of course Tanjiro doesn't want that. 

"Alright, calm down, Daki-chan," Tanjiro started. "You can get whatever you want, but just not the bag. It is way too expensive."

"But!" Daki shouted. "I really want it!"

"Listen, Daki-chan," Tanjiro tried to calm her down. "I will go shopping with you today, alright? You can get-"

Someone chose that moment to call him. Tanjiro mouthed "gomen" and went outside to answer the phone call, which made Daki even more furious than she was before. In her opinion, Tanjiro could get her anything, anything for her, because he had enough. But that's not how the world works.

Daki started feeling sorry for herself and decided that she would get whatever she like. 

I really really want that Chanel bag! She thought. I could definitely made my friends so jealous! But because Tanjiro is so poor, he "couldn't afford it".

She rolled her eyes and started listing what she would get and purposely chose the expensive items.


"Konichiwa! Watashi no Kamado Tanjiro."

"Oh! Watashino Kanao's step-father." Tanjiro's jaw dropped.

"Her? What is the matter?" He snapped.

"Oh, you guys are forming an alliance together." Kanao's step-father told him.

It took a moment for his brain to process, just like Kanao's. "W-what do you mean? Nobody even told me! Please, can I not? I am currently enjoying my life."

"Okay, listen, it will benefit you both with a lot of money." He explained patiently to Tanjiro.

Money? Tanjiro thought. I could get the Chanel bag for Daki then! Then he chose to continue and listen.

After explaining more about the situation, Kanao's step-father asked, "Would you like to accept the deal?" Tanjiro considered for a bit and chose to do it for Daki. She meant the whole word to him that the only thing he wants to do is make Daki happy with whatever it takes.

"Okay. Arigatou. Sayonara!" 

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Tanjiro hung up and suddenly realized that he couldn't tell Daki about this. She would be fuming about Tanjiro working with his ex-wife. He shook his head. Tanjiro had also promised that he would go shopping with Daki.

"Daki-chan?" Tanjiro called out quietly.

"Hai, Tanjiro-kun~~~?" Daki responded.

"Ah... Gomenasai, I just got a call that there is a really important business deal in my company, and I need to go right now. Someone wants to meet me. I couldn't go shopping with you anymore. Gomen!" 

"WHAT?!" Daki's eyes widened.

Tanjiro said "gomen" so many times to apologize to Daki that he literally lost count. Eventually she calmed down and folded her arms, still slightly angry. 

Tanjiro shook his head and felt guilty for working with Kanao but not going shopping with Daki, his beloved wife. He had no choice but waved to her and got into his car. Sadly, Daki didn't wave back, which made his heart break. He drove silently to his company, cursing under his breath on the whole way there.

Kanao recluatantly stepped in Tanjiro's company and sat down in a chair. It is actually pretty nice over there. Everything is clean and shiny! Seems like that Tanjiro had taken good care of it.

The door creaked and I believe we all know who is gonna step in.

Kanao still wasn't fully prepared when she saw Tanjiro standing in front of her with a disgusted look.

Author's note

Haha! Tanjiro said "sorry" so many times. I feel bad lol... Anyways, tysm for reading our story. Have a good day! Emerald is gonna post on Monday, which doesn't give her any time to write so she BETTER START NOWWWWW (looking at u, Emerald!)



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