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Then, he suddenly took her hand and asked to dance with her.


Tanjiro immediately took his eyes off the beautiful girl and tried not to scream in front of a crowd as he breathed faster than ever.

Is it her?

His old best friend? Or is it just a coincidence that they look alike? But- Her eyes. The same color Tanjiro would always remember: Pink-lilac. They were always so soft and loving. Tanjiro swallowed and dared to take a step closer to her. And when he saw the girl's face more clearly, he couldn't believe it. 

It really was his best friend, Kanao Tsu- Kocho. Now here's the problem. Tanjiro fidgeted with his sleeves as he tried to think of a way to get himself to talk to Kanao. He would definitely recognize her voice and be 100 percent sure. But- but what if she already forgot about Tanjiro completely? All these memories? Tanjiro thought hopelessly.

"Eh, Oni-san!" Nezuko's voice snapped Tanjiro out of his thoughts. 

"Hai?" He asked, still glancing at Kanao, who was talking to her sister, Kanae.

"The servant has brought drinks, baka." She told him, rolling her eyes. "What were you thinking about?" Tanjiro immediately felt his cheeks heat up as he turned his face away, mumbling, "Hai, hai. Now gooooo awayyyyyyy. Someone's trying to think." He smiled teasingly. 

Nezuko rolled her eyes again and turned to chat with Muichiro (If you read our other story, you would know why!) as Tanjiro continued thinking about how he could talk to Kanao. What if it gets embarrassing?? Tanjiro shook his head miserably and grabbed a drink from the counter, sipping orange juice quietly. 

After stalling for a pretty long time, Tanjiro stepped closer to Kanao as she looked up. His heart started to beat faster and faster by each second..

"Kanao?" He finally blurted out. The girl stepped back with shock in her eyes. 

Now he was sure that it was Kanao Kocho, his childhood best friend.

"Are you... Tanjiro?" Tanjiro also stepped back in shock. "KANAO?!?!?!?!" He gasped. "It's really YOU?" Kanao nodded excitedly. 

"I thought you moved away!" Kanao nodded again. 

"I'm moving back here!" She told Tanjiro happily. "AND I'm never moving away again! This is gonna be my home! My house is only four blocks away from yours!" Tanjiro couldn't believe it. 

"OH WAIT! The sakura tree! Remember?" There was a bit of confusion in Kanao's eyes for a second but it changed to excitement. "I ALMOST FORGOT! Let's go!" She dragged Tanjiro by the sleeve outside and ran to his house, which really is 4 houses away from her house and into the backyard. The sakura tree made a perfect shade under it as Tanjiro and Kanao sprinted under it, plopping down on the grass and listened to the wind whistle gently.Tanjiro suddenly remembered something. "Uh," He started. 

"Hai?" Kanao tilted her head curiously. 

Then, he suddenly took her hand and asked to dance with her.


Author's note

kk! Done! Konichiwa-!! This is Diamond. Sorry for taking such a long break. We were really running out of story ideas tbh- But now we are writing a TanaKana story. Hope you enjoy it lol.. Btw tysm for this many votes on The Milk Tea Shop!



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