R being sus lol UvU

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T:R, What is this drawing?

R:uhh, that?

R:that's not mine

T:it was in your locker

R:i didn't draw it


R:Someone put it there

T:no listen-

R:i don't draw atuff like that!

T:you drew it, you bloody liar!

T:you signed it.

R:did i sign it?

T:R, why did you draw yourself as a two legged cat drone?

R:that's my fursona...

T:Your fucking what?!

(Btw this was inspired by thay one person who did it on tiktok with the Mandela catalogue (with the intruder and Gabriel with this meme, the credits goes to the owner of the little meme or vine or whatever you call this and it has inspired me to make this but my version, i dont wanna be a cruel person by stealing it so i just gave credits in this chapter of the random ass book that your reading right now, i hope you understand that i dont wanna steal something and i just gave credit, so yeah, if you got any more random ass shit i can do, you can let me know in the commnets and i will happily do them ^^)

just a random ass book filled with random shit lolWhere stories live. Discover now