『Chapter 3』

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"Multiple sources are confirming that Peter Parker, a 26 year old grad student and part time photographer, operated as Spider- Man for at least a decade, saving by some counts thousands of lives around the world. With these tragic seismic events on the rise, one can only wonder, can Electric Spider really keep New York safe on their own?"

"Peter Parker, Spider-Man, is dead. He is survived by his wife Mary Jane and his daughter, Y/n Parker. Our hero Spider-Man is gone and Electric Spider is currently missing."


The news of Spiderman spread throughout the city quickly. My mom and I didn't even have enough time to process everything that happened before a city wide memorial was held. Dad's identity was revealed and our house was swarmed with reporters and fans, asking questions about Spiderman and Electric Spider. I hadn't left my room since that night but my mom was forcing me to get out and go to his memorial today. I didn't have the energy to dress up, so I only threw a hoodie and sweatpants on, leaving with my mom to the memorial site.

"I know it's hard, but he wouldn't want you groveling in your room the rest of your life. If you feel up for it, maybe you can say some words for him."

I only gave her a nod in response. She was doing her best to cheer me up but the guilt was eating me from the inside.

'I could've saved him if I had been stronger. There's no one else to blame but me.'

We finally arrived at the memorial site and I was already overwhelmed by the amount of people there. A couple security guards ushered my mom and I to the makeshift stage they had. My mom went up and turned back to face me as a way to ask if I was coming up with her. I shook my head as there were too many people there and backed away a bit. She was fine with that and continued her way on stage. Once up there, she cleared her throat in the microphone, gaining everyone's attention before speaking.

"My husband Peter Parker was an ordinary person. He always said it could have been anyone behind the mask. He was just the kid who happened to get bit. He didn't ask for his powers, but he chose to be Spider-Man."

I started tearing up again, remembering how he comforted me when I first got bitten by that spider. He told me the same thing great-uncle Ben told him,

"With great power, comes great responsibility."

I couldn't take it anymore and snuck past the security guards, making my way to an empty place so I could just breathe.

"My favorite thing about Peter is that he made us each feel powerful. We all have powers of one kind or another. But in our own way, we are all Spider-man. And we're all counting on you."

As I was walking I put my headphones on and pulled my phone out, turning on one of my playlists and blasting it in my ears to block everything out. After walking for a while I looked up and found myself in an alleyway. The area around it was pretty much empty as everyone was at the memorial.

'You know…sitting in an alleyway would be a terrible idea if I was an ordinary person…'

I shrugged the thought off and sat on the ground, taking one of my earbuds off so I could still hear. I brought my knees up to my chest and rested my head on them, closing my eyes after.

'I'll just rest my eyes for a bit.'

I was beyond exhausted and could feel myself nodding off, but was far too lazy to stop myself. The moment I was about to fully fall asleep, I could hear someone screaming, causing me to shoot up. I looked around for the source of the noise, but jumped when I heard something hit a nearby taxi. I quickly ran in the direction of the noise and saw someone lying on the floor.

"Are you okay?"

I quickly ran up to the person and crouched down, checking for any major injuries. Before I could finish, the person shot up and dug in their pockets before pulling out a broken USB. Their eyes widened at the site and they started talking to themselves.

"No…no, no, no…"

I watched with a raised eyebrow, not really understanding what was going on. The person took their spiderman costume mask off, revealing Miles staring at the broken USB laying in his hands.


His head quickly turned towards me, only causing his eyes to widen more before he hid the USB back in his pocket.

"Y-Y/n! Hey…how've you been?"

"... Why did you just fall out of the sky?"

Miles had opened his mouth to either answer my question or give me a terrible lie instead. However, before he was able to speak, I could hear my name being called. It sounded like my mom and I quickly got up.

"Sorry…I have to go now."

I sense Miles wanted to ask me something but I had quickly run off before he could. I made my way back to my mom and apologized for sneaking off without her knowing.


It was a while after dad's memorial. There weren't as many reporters outside, but there were still a few asking about Electric Spider's whereabouts.

My Sunflower🌻🕷🕸 (Miles morales x y/n story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora