Master of Chi

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     "Don't think you failed me, (Y/n). Although I can't hold you, know that I love you.. so, so much."

~In the Mortal Realm~
     Although he knew both Po and (Y/n) were fighting to save their lives, he was more worried about Po. The fear of losing his son forever was too close for comfort, his heart racing as he sat on his knees beside the petals, hoping that any second now that Po would come back.
     As Li watched the petal, his ears perked forward as they began to move slightly out of place, their glow faltering slightly.
     "Come on Po. (Y/n). Fight!"
     Despite being restrained, Po grunted with effort as Kai drifted the panda closer towards him and (Y/n). He tugged at the chains, his breath quickening with fear as Kai began the movements, jade forming around his chest and belly. He stole a worried glance to (Y/n) watching as the she-wolf struggled to free herself, her own ears pinned back as tears freely fell down her cheeks.
     With the few petals in Li's paws, he lifted them up and gripped them gently, his breathing catching in his throat in a fearful realization, something is wrong.
     "We have to help them.." He looked across the petals as they moved again in a different spot. Looking back at the others, he waved his arms and beckoned them closer, his voice sounding desperate. "Everyone gather around! That's it. Come in close. Come on." Looking down at his paws, he interlocked them, a determined and worried look upon his features, "We can do this." He looked down at both yin and yang symbols and spoke softly, loud enough for everyone to hear as the silence grew, hoping that Po could somehow hear him. "Po, you taught us who we were meant to be." He slowly extended his palm to the circle, closing his eyes with furrowed brows as he spoke with a raspy voice, "A father."
     Tigress soon followed suit, extending her palm and closing her eyes, her words sincere and strong, "A friend."
     One by one, Bao, Grandma Panda, Big Fun, they all spoke their passions. Taking turns to let the other speak, their palms extending and their voices quiet, like a prayer to be carried to its savior.
     "A dumpling kicker."
     "A lethal fighting machine."
     "A hugger."
     Unbeknown to them, down in the spirit realm, Po still remained trapped in Kai's hold, his guardian, his (Y/n), pinned beneath the Bulls hoof as he himself slowly turned to Jade. By now he had closed his eyes, wanting to spare (Y/n) the sight of his life slipping from his eyes to nothing as the jade crawled up his body and towards his neck, where he began to tense and await his end. Kai continued to grin his evil grin, his motion almost complete, his eyes glowing brighter than before. (Y/n) continued to fight, to struggle the best she could, but even with all the strength she could muster at the moment, it wouldn't be enough to move Kai.
     Soon everyone was nearly done with their titles, leaving just three to go. Mei Mei spoke, "A nunchuck chick."
     Then little Lei Lei, glancing down at the two action figures in her right arm, muttering the first name of her first toy as she extended her paw, "Stripy baby."
     Finally, the last of them all to speak, Mr. Ping. The elder goose spoke softly, furrowing his brows before he spoke with all his heart, extending the palm of his wing to the symbol, "A family."


     No one dared to break it as they pushed their wills into their paws and wing. Slowly, every palm began to glow yellow, their energy flowing and growing brighter. The petals began to swirl and glow as their energy passed through.

~In the Spirit Realm~
     The jade, having been spreading steadily, had almost met the upper half of Po's face, covering his mouth and nose. (Y/n) clawed at the ground, pained whimpers leaving her as she watched her love turn to jade. A short, quiet sob escaped her muzzle as she closed her eyes, waiting for her Kai to lift her up to join Po in a jade form.


     The sound came to life like a bell, (Y/n)'s ears twitching at the sound. She wouldn't have looked up until it was joined by a small chorus of more ringing. Raising her head, her breath stuck in her throat as she watched palm prints forming along his jade covered chest and body, golden cracks forming around each one.
     Her (e/c) eyes widened as she noticed the jade stopping its growth, now reversing its process, freeing Po's face from its restraint. Watching as Po opened his eyes to look down at his own body, a smile formed on her muzzle, her tail beginning to wag as her tears had turned into ones of joy. Each print grew brighter, larger cracks forming as light seeped through them.
     From above her, Kai's glare turned into one of curiosity and shock. His hooves struggled to continue their process as his own power lessened.
     Po, who was now grinning, could feel his strength returning tenfold as he met (Y/n)'s gaze, his emerald eyes shining brightly as he gripped his palms, "Sweet!"
     With a thrash of his body, the chains unraveled from Po's body, a golden shockwave of chi released from his body, propelling Kai backwards off (Y/n) and to a different structure. With (Y/n) still low to the ground, she wasn't thrown back, the shockwave only nudging her as she flattened herself to the rock below her.
     (Y/n) had to close her eyes to protect them from the blinding light of Po's body, the echoes of chi disappearing somewhere far around them, the surrounding atmosphere tinted in a gold hue. Slowly opening her eyes, her jaw dropped in awe at the sight before her. Po was floating in the air accompanied with new clothing; a white dragon vest, a golden cape, and a large straw hat. Rays of light came from him, a structure eerily similar to the Jade Palace rose behind the panda. The she-wolf could feel herself fangirling over Po for a moment, the panda who was now surrounded by a ring of gold chi, looking like a hero drawn in the comic books.
     She was brought out of her fangirling and back into reality when Kai's voice spoke curiously behind her, the Bull standing tall with squinted eyes as he observed Po, "Who are you?"
     Po slowly raised his head, his eyes looking past (Y/n) towards Kai, "I've been asking the same question." Slowly, Po moved his arms in a series of techniques, his palms releasing chi that held in the path they once took. "Am I the son of a panda? The son of a goose? A student? A teacher?" He was almost spinning gracefully, his voice carrying soft and clear for both Kai and (Y/n) to hear, "Turns out, I'm all of them." As Po continued his movements, Kai's eyes widened in shock. (Y/n)'s jaw practically dropped as the chi behind Po had taken form and fused itself into a fearsome dragon. "I am the Dragon Warrior."
     Kai stepped forward, ripping his blade from the side of a pillar as he gazed upon Po and his dragon. (Y/n) on the other hand pushed herself into a standing position, walking to the edge of the surface she stood on, a big smile on her face. Her tail wagged softly, her heart soaring in her chest as she looked around and climbed up onto a nearby pillar formation.
     Unable to contain his laughter, Po broke out of his serious character, a joyous smile upon his features, "Get it? See the giant dragon." The dragon followed and copied his every movement, hunching over as Po laughed. "Get ready to feel the thunder!" Turning around, Po began to fly around the palace at great speeds, the wind pushing around him as he flew, "This is awesome!"
     The she-wolf couldn't help but laugh also, climbing to the top of a pillar as she watched Po fly near. Grinning up at him, she leaped off the top of the pillar towards him, her arms outstretched. It didn't take a second later that Po had already caught her, his arms wrapping around her as he spun whilst flying past floating boulders. He buried his face into her as she nuzzled him, returning the action back before pulling away with a chuckle, "Hey, check this out!" Looking up with (Y/n), he began to chomp at the air, the dragon head doing the same.
     Giggling at the sight, (Y/n) turned back to Po, her brows furrowed as she leaned in and nuzzled under his chin, whispering softly to him, "I thought I lost you, Po."
     For a split second, Po was taken aback before he smiled softly and pulled back, kissing the top of her head before turning her face to meet his own, his hand gently lifting her chin, "Me too. But I promise that will never happen again." He then glanced to his left to where Kai had leaped into the air, his blades beginning to spin around him. Looking back to (Y/n), Po flew to the steps of the jade palace and stood her there as he put her down, "You've done so much to protect me, (Y/n). Now let me return the favor."
     Before (Y/n) could respond, she froze momentarily in surprise at Po feathered a quick kiss to her lips. Her eyes widened, standing still as Po flew up and away as Kai flung one of his blades in his direction. Smirking softly, Po opened his muzzle and snapped forward, catching the blade in th dragons muzzle. With an effortless yank, he swung Kai through the air, the bull yelling as he struggled to pull the chain free from Po's grasp.
     "Belly gong!" Yanking Kai towards him, he belly gonged him with the dragon stomach. Turning his body, he yanked Kai towards him again, "Butt slap." His dragon tail practically sent Kai flying, the bull loosing his hold on the chain. Looking over at (Y/n) he laughed and winked at her, "How about a little lunch, cause I'm starvin'." As he 'ate' one of Kai's blades like a noodle, he grinned as he faintly heard (Y/n)'s giggle echoing over to him, the sound alone bringing butterflies to his stomach.
     Laughing with her, Po smiled and flew down under the structure Kai landed on. As he began his ascent, he inwardly grinned as Kai had jumped down to attack. Instead of returning the attack, Po flew into Kai, allowing Kai to tumble and get himself tied up in his chains as Po passed through him. As Po flew away, Kai was left tied in his chains, spitting his tail from his mouth as he glared at Po's furthering figure. The panda looked back, chuckling at the sight as he turned and flew back towards him yelling, "Lets do this!"
     As Kai broke free of his chains, instead of flying into him, Po locked eyes with him and flew past him pulling the blade out of his grasp. As he flew, the chain spun Kai for a moment before the bull realized what had happened, his ankle was caught in the chains. Grunting in surprise, Kai was dragged through the air behind Po, the panda looking back and calling out to him, "Heads up!"
     Although it was enough of a warning to Po, it barely gave Kai enough time to prepare. Looking up, he was met with a rock hard surface, crashing into multiple of them before Po finally let go of him, allowing him crash into a final boulder, big enough for him to find his footing on. With a chunk of it in his mouth, he bit down, letting it break into small pieces before spitting, his icy glare locked on the panda who now stood in a defensive position in front of the Jade Palace, protecting (Y/n).
     "It took me five hundred years to take Oogway's chi." Kai slowly stood, pushing away a large rock that threatened to get in his path. Clenching his hooves, his voice came with a growl as he pointed up at Po, "I will have yours is it takes me five hundred more!"
     Instead of being worried, Po mocked Kai in the same way that they had met in the outskirts of his village, "Chitty chitty chat chat, chitchat."
     Grunting angrily, Kai took a few running steps before launching himself towards Po. His yell grew louder as he neared the panda, preparing to throw a punch as his hooves glowed their bright green. Unknown to him, Po began the technique to summon chi, the dragon behind him transforming and curling into the yin-yang symbol. From behind Po, (Y/n) could only watch at he beauty of what Po was doing, the dragon chi glowing brightly between them.
     "You want my chi so bad?" He raised his head, opening his eyes to meet Kai's glowing ones, "Then take it." Leaning forward, he extended his arms and palms towards the bull, the dragon uncurling behind him. With his gaze locked on Kai, the dragon phased through Po and entered Kai, allowing the bull to absorb the chi to its fullest. As the ends of the dragon disappeared, Po remained in his calm state, hit hat lowered from his eyes.
     The (f/c) wolf watched as Kai grunted from the impact, the chi, the energy entering him. Her ears pinned back, looking to Po as if he was crazy. Although she couldn't see his face, with how calm he was being in his stance, it brought a sense of ease to her. She brought her arms to her chest, moving behind a pillar just in case things went south.
     Kai chuckled, his eyes glowing brighter as he could feel his power growing, stronger than he has ever felt before, "Yes... the power is mine." He grinned, clenching his hooves before a collection of soft snaps caught his attention. His eyes widened, his grin faltering as the jade pendants broke free from his belt chains, a wave of energy coursing through his body giving changing the green in his eyes to gold, "Wait, no. It's too much. That's too much!" The glow beneath his skin began to grow, the energy consuming him as he yelled out, "No... No!"
     (Y/n) had to hide herself behind the pillar as a shockwave of chi was release from the bull, his body consumed by energy. Closing her eyes, she held herself as she waited for the bright glow to end.

~In the Mortal Realm~
     In the Mortal Realm, everyone stood back as the yin-yang symbol on the ground glowed and spun. Suddenly, pendants were flying out and transformed back to their original forms. Masters Croc, Bear, and Chicken were among the first few to change, looking around and smiling to one another. Next it was the rest of the five, piled upon each other.
     Viper gasped, smiling as she recognized the surrounding without its green hue, "We're back!"
     Monkey sat up a bit, smiling big as he held Mantis in his palm, "Bestie!"
     Despite being back to normal, Mantis freaked out for a moment, looking along his body at his green form, "I'm still green! It didn't work!" After a moment of realization, he took a sighing breath and chuckled lowering his front legs smiling, "Oh, wait, that's my normal green."
     Suddenly, he was pulled free from Monkeys grasp... and into Lei Lei's paw, Greeny baby." With giggles, she began to boop Mantis and the Tigress action figure together, acting as if the two were kissing.
     Mantis on the other hand struggled to free himself, not wanting to hurt the child as he called out while being carried away from the others, "Not a baby! Not a baby! Antenna of Fear!!"
     Li got up from his spot, looking around at all the Masters, worry edging his voice as he could spot (Y/n) nor his son, "What about Po? Where is my son?"
     Tigress look upon her teammates, her brows pushed together as she spoke, "Have you seen either (Y/n) or Po?"
     Viper was the first to speak, shaking her head confused, "No. Are they not here?" The serpent looked around at the familiar and non-familiar faced around her.
     Mr. Ping stepped towards the symbol, worry and confusion hitting him as he called out, hoping that maybe they were somewhere near, "(Y/n) Po?.. Why are they not back?" He took another look around at the crowd, his heart beginning to ache as he reached up gripping his chest gently.

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