The Truth

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     Ever since the big talk with his father, Po felt at ease with his emotions. He felt closer to his mother, and better yet, he felt closer to being a panda. All day, everyone had been preparing for this festival, it was in Po's honor. The young male had passed every basic test on how to be a panda regarding in sleeping, rolling, and everything fun!
     Fun, joyous music could be heard throughout the village. Pandas of all ages were playing games, dancing, having fun with their friends and loved ones. Po smiled as he walked though the pathways, looking up at how the flames in the lanterns gave off a soothing glow above him.
     Feeling a tug on his pant-leg, Po perked up and looked down to see Lei Lei, the female cub who now owned his most prized action figures. Chuckling softly, Po got down to his knee and raised a brow, "Oh? Do you need help with something?"
     The cub smiled, giggling as she raised her paws up to him, "Dance! Dance!"
     Not helping but laugh, Po nodded and stood up grabbing her paws in his, careful to not harm the action figures that were in her paws, "Of coarse!" Spinning around with Lei, Po jumped around with her, making sure to jump away so he wouldn't step on her.
     As they danced through the walkways, villagers laughed and cheered them on, "Dance, Lotus, dance!"
     Releasing her paws, the two danced separately for a moment before Po grabbed her left paw spinning her in place. Po's smile grew brighter at her cheers, taking this moment to pull away and walked deeper into the village. Looking around at all the happy faces, he perked up spotting grandma panda, walking over to greet her.
     The older panda chuckled softly, reaching up and grabbing his face, "He's so handsome."
     Po laughed, letting her shake his cheeks before pulling away. On his way, he grinned spotting Big Fun. With his arms open wide, Po gave him a tight hug, "Hi!"
     Big fun laughed softly, lifting Po off his feet as he returned the hug, "That's a panda hug!"
     Continuing his walk, Po spotted his fathers and waved, "Hey!"
     While the two looked away from their game, they were unaware of its consequences. When the two turned, the cubs who were watching them quickly spun the board around, giving the fathers their opponents pieces. It was when they looked back down that their smiles disappeared, shock and a confused look taking over their faces.
     Where the music had died down, Po spotted a pair of panda kids running around with fireworks. Joining in on the fun, Po laughed and chased after the two, not noticing that they had run around Mei Mei. It was when he had left that he thought she had said his name, but he was more focused on other things.
     Eventually Po had lost sight of the boys, now wandering through a busy part of the village. Most of the music was out of hearing, pandas surrounding him talking to one another. He looked up at the stars with a soft smile, in the back of his mind he was thinking of (Y/n). He remembered how she'd love to watch the stars, was she watching them now?
     Following the path in front of him, Po found himself to be walking over a small bridge, the waters below illuminating the glowing lanterns of the village. Unconsciously, he tapped his fingers together watching as two cubs chased each other over the bridge and past him. Once he made it to the other side, Po stopped and took a deep breath of the fresh air.
     He was at peace here, no worries, no troubled thoughts, just peace. At the corner of his eyes, a wilting flower caught his attention, on similar to the one Shifu had healed back at the Jade Palace. Looking around, Po thought for a second before giving off a small determined smile. Closing his eyes, he brought his paws together and slowly did a circular motion. With his paw outstretched, he faced it towards the flower and concentrated, 'Is it working?'
     Peaking his eye open, he was half expecting the flower to rise, but what he didn't expect to see was Tigress almost dragging herself into the village, the jade scroll in her paw. Gasping, Po hurried over frowning softly, "Tigress?" Upon getting closer, fear began to rise in Po as he spotted the limp, knocked out (Y/n) strapped to her back, "(Y/n)!"
     Hearing Po's yell, all the pandas stopped what they were doing and looked over. Li and Mr. Ping stopped their game and looked over, hopping out of their chairs concerned for their son and his friends. Although when Mr. Ping faintly saw Po lift (Y/n)'s body off Tigress, his feathered brows furrowed in worry, "Oh no!"
     Mei Mei on the other hand raised a brow, looking over the pandas and to the new unexpected females, "Who are they?"
     A few feet from her, Lei Lei gasped softly and looked between her action figures and Tigress and (Y/n). Upon realizing that they were in-fact the same, she ran past the other pandas and hugged Tigress, "Big stripy baby!" Keeping her arm around Tigress, she looked over to (Y/n) who was cradled in Po's arms and reached out rubbing her paw into her soft (f/c) fur, "Big fluffy baby!"
Po frowned softly as Tigress grunted from the hug as he helped her stand, his other arm occupied with (Y/n), "What are you doing here?"
     Holding onto Po's shoulder, Tigress looked down at the cub confused before up at Po urgently, "Kai attacked the valley. He's taken every master in China,-" With her free paw, she grabbed onto his other arm just above (Y/n)'s head, the jade scroll pressing against his fur gently, "-including Shifu and the others.. It's..." She took a shaky breath, steadying herself as she frowned softly, "It's all gone, Po. Everything, everyone."
     The frown on Po's face only grew with every word she spoke, his ears pinning back slightly, "Everyone?"
     Tigress gave him a slight nod, her ears pinning back as she looked up at him, "Everyone..." Although she was in pain, what she felt most was guilt, she couldn't save everyone, she was forced to leave them behind, her friends, her only family.
     Not far behind Po, Mr. Ping called out in worry, "How's my restaurant?!" The pandas around him looked at him confused, causing the goose to feel a little self conscious about his priorities. Raising a wing, he added quietly and stepped back, "We'll talk later."
     Looking towards everyone else, Tigress stood a bit better when Lei Lei had stopped hugging her, "And now he's on his way here." Turning back to Po, she winced at the pain in her side, "He's after (Y/n) and you, Po... He's coming after all pandas too."
     Po's eyes widened softly, gripping (Y/n) gently as he could hear the frightened gasps of other pandas behind him, "How long do we have?"
   "Not long.." Shaking her head, she gripped his shoulder slightly, a pleading look in her eyes, "Please, tell me you've mastered chi."
     Thinking quickly, Po turned and headed to Mr. Ping quickly, "Dad! Please take (Y/n) and Tigress to a safe spot, I'll meet up with you in a bit!"
     Mr. Ping hurried over to Po with outstretched arms nodding, "Alright son." Watching how careful Po was with (Y/n)'s form, the goose frowned softly and held her up the best he could, "I'll take good care of her son.." He could see the love in his boys eyes, how much he cared for her was something he could never easily hide.
     Nodding thankfully, Po hurried to catch up with Li, hearing as he was handing a cub to its mother, "Dad. Dad! You need to teach me the secret chi technique now."
     Shaking his head, Li handed the cub away before walking around Po, "I-I'm afraid you need more time." Turning his back to him, he began to sped walk towards his own home calling out to the others, "Everyone, go get your things!"
     From behind him, Po frowned and tried to urge the technique from him, urgency at the tip of his words, "I don't have more time! I need to learn it now!"
     Raising his voice slightly, he quickly lowered it as he turned to Po momentarily, "Sorry, you're not ready." He then continued his way home, calling out one more time, "Ok, pack everything!"
     Po looked up at the older panda confused, frowning softly as he chased after him, "I am ready!"
     "Not quite."
     "What are you talking about?" By now, Po had chased Li down the stairs and now onto the bridge that connected Li's home to the village, "I've done everything you've asked." He could tell Li was getting tense, was he going to tell him what he wanted, "I mastered napping, sleeping in, hammocks, hot tubs! I am totally involved with my panda parts. Now why won't you just show me?"
     Li had stopped in the middle of the bridge, frowning as it felt that something inside him just snapped, "Because I don't know it!" He was turned towards Po now, his muzzle agape as he realized what he just said.
     Po's eyes widened, looking up at Li as it felt like the silence around them had gotten stronger, the sounds of the cold winds filling the air for a second. He dropped his paw from the frozen rope that steadied them, the shock settling in, "You what?.."
     Li took a small breath, trying to find the right words, yet everything he thought would only sound worse if said aloud, "I don't... know it, ok? No one does." Waving his paw, he tried his best to avoid Po's eyes, only to glance and look away towards the ropes, gripping it in his paw, "Maybe we used to but... but not anymore."
     "You lied?"
     "No, I..." Li tried to justify himself, stepping towards Po before sighing in defeat, "Yes."
     In his head, Po was still wrapping his head around this new truth, "W-Why?"
     "To save your life!" Turning, Li swung his arm out across the bridge, trying to talk some sense into his only son, "I find out some blade-swinging maniac is coming for you! What am I supposed to do? Just-just let that happen?"
     By now, the anger that was bubbling deep below began to rise, glaring softly as he argued back gripping his paws, "Yes! I'm the Dragon Warrior. Facing maniacs, that's my job." Raising his right paw, he pointed towards Li, "But because of you, I left the valley unprotected! I left my friends unprotected! And now they're all..." He stopped, his anger turning to fear and guilt as he realized he had almost lost (Y/n), his only love, if it weren't for Tigress, "They're all..." He couldn't get the words out, tears pricking his eyes.
     "And you would have been, too!" Reaching forward, Li placed his paw on Po's shoulder trying to have him think of other things, "You could still live the rest of your life with us, start a family and have the life you dreamed of with us."
     Shaking his head, Po shook off his paw off his shoulder, "Oh yeah? And what if I did? What about my friends, my dad! And what about (Y/n)! You said she could never come to the village, I don't want to leave her out here alone to battle Kai and me not be there to help her!"
     Li sighed softly, holding back his tone as he was tired of talking about the wolf, "Well, they would have to understand that you need to be with your own kind. You'd be leaving them behind and you and them can live our your own and their own lives."
     Po could feel his anger beginning to boil again, looking up at Li as if he was crazy, "Oh, so you'd want me to break things off and leave (Y/n) behind? She's my girlfriend! I'm not just going to leave her because you want me to!"
     Unable to help himself, Li glared down at Po, clearly confused on why Po would have such feelings for her, for a wolf no less, "What do you even see in her?" He let out a small laugh as if he was proving a point, "She can't provide you with any cubs, or give you a real family like on of our kind. What can she do that we panda's can't?"
     Po was almost frozen again, the realization that his father truly hated her from her uncles actions striking him like lightning. Glaring up at him, Po waved his arm off to the side, "She has done more for me than anyone else could ever do!..." Closing his eyes for a moment, Po spoke softly as he looked towards the boards beneath them, "Dad, she saved my life... She's had my back, all the way since the day I met her!" Looking up at Li, Po patted his own chest, "You may think you know her but you don't! And dad, she's risked her life for me..." By now he had begun to tear up, flashbacks of when she shoved him all those months ago to put him out of line with Shen's cannon, "She took a cannon head on and almost died if it wasn't for her mentor giving up her own life for her!" His tears threatened to fall, shaking his head as he held his paw over his heart, "When I'm with her, when we fight side by side, and even when we sing together when we're alone, I feel free, and happy. She makes me the happiest panda in all of China! And that is something that no one else can ever do!"
     Li was taken aback at this new information, she had saved his life, she had almost died for him. It reminded him of how Po's mother, his wife, had sacrificed herself to save Po. Sighing softly, Li stepped forward and pulled Po into a hug, "Listen, I hear what you're saying..." When Po didn't return the hug, Li pulled away and gently held his arm, fear in his eyes as he didn't want to bare the feeling of losing him like he had done before, "But I lost you once... I am not going to lose you again. I can't"
     The younger panda had poured his heart out, but hearing what Li had said, he thought that he didn't care one bit about what he said about (Y/n). When Li tried to lead him the rest of the way over the bridge, Po pulled his arm back, "You just did..." Turning back, Po stormed away to go find (Y/n) his eyes widening softly as the other pandas ran past and around him panicking.
     Looking around for Mr. Ping, Po eventually spotted the goose and hurried over frowning, "Dad!" When the he stopped, Po hurried over and frowned softly, "Dad, where's (Y/n) and Tigress?"
     Turning, Mr. Ping pointed to towards a lone medical shack, "They are both in there. Tigress's room is on the right, (Y/n)'s is on the left. They are both sleeping, but Tigress said before I had left that (Y/n) had woken up on the journey here a few times. She thinks that she may wake up soon."
     Po's ears perked up at that, nodding softly as he ran past him and to the shack. Upon entering, there was only a few lanterns in the building to light the way. He first glanced into the right room, looking over at Tigress. From what he could see, the feline was bandaged around her arm and legs, but she had a comfortable look as she slept.
     Taking a small breath, he turned and headed to the room on the left stopping momentarily as his eyes landed on (Y/n). Though he couldn't see under the blanket, from what he could see is that she was that she had bandages wrapped around her shoulders going down, meaning that she was wrapped down her chest and stomach probably. On her arms were separate bandages going from her elbows down to her wrists, her left palm bandaged also.
     Frowning softly, Po grabbed a chair and pulled it to (Y/n)'s right side sitting down. His heart was shuddering, he had almost lost his love cause he chose to leave the valley to be with his father. Gripping his fists, he lowered his head into his paws, hunching over next to (Y/n). He felt guilty, as if it was his fault for her getting hurt.
     Slowly, he eventually lifted his head to look at (Y/n) his ears pinning back as he thought for a moment. Dad mentioned that Tigress said that (Y/n) might wake up soon. Would she be able to hear me now? Hesitantly reaching forward, Po closed his eyes as he spoke softly to her in song, "Loving and fighting, accusing, denying~ I can't imagine a world with you gone~"
     In his head, he was being brought back to the moments when he thought he was going to lose her, "The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of~ I'd be so lost if you left me alone~"
     Sitting up slowly, with his other paw Po used it to rub (Y/n)'s cheek gently, "You blocked his way to the palace~ Nearly taken out by his malice~" His ears pinned back slightly, lifting her slowly and placing her against him, his heart beating alongside hers, "I pull you in to feel your heartbeat~ Can you hear me pleading?~ Please don't leave me~"
     How he was holding her, Po didn't notice yet as (Y/n)'s ear flicked softly, "Hold on, I still want you~ Come back, I still need you~"
     From below, stirred against him faintly hearing the echo of his voice as he continued. Po? At first she thought she was dreaming until she focused her nose on the smells around her, when Po's scent overwhelmed everything else.
     With his paw holding hers, Po lifting (Y/n)'s paw and brought it to his face, "Let me take your hand, I'll make it right~ I swear to love you all my life~"
     (Y/n) could feel Po kiss the back of her paw, his soft kiss making her smile softly. In his words she could almost feel his pain. Oh Po, he must have been so worried..
     Although (Y/n) couldn't see it, Po was holding back tears, his grip on her tightening slightly as he held kissed her forehead gently, his voice coming out like a pained whisper, "Hold on, I still need you~..."
     It was when he sniffled softly that (Y/n) had opened her eyes and looked up at Po. The panda had been crying silently, his shoulders shaking softly as he kept his eyes slow. He would always tell himself that he would stay strong for her, to himself, without her would make his life feel less joyful, even with still having kung fu.
     Frowning softly, (Y/n) reached with her free paw and wiped away his tears, her (f/c) ears pinning back slightly as she hushed him gently, "I-It's alright Po, I'm here."
     For an instant Po had frozen up, but hearing her voice brought him out of that state. Looking down at her with wide eyes, his ears pricked forward and pulled her as close as he could, "(Y/n), you're awake!"
     Giggling softly at his excitement, the she-wolf smiled and hugged back the best she could, wincing as his hug had pressed against a few of her bruises, "Ngh! Yup, awake but still tired hehe." Pulling her hand away from Po's face, she rubbed her eye gently before grunting in surprise as Po had kissed her.
     Holding her in the kiss, Po just couldn't wait any longer, being apart from her and having to deal with Mei had only made him miss (Y/n) more. When he felt her kiss back, he held it for a few seconds more before pulling away chuckling embarrassed, "S-Sorry about that." He let go of her paw and rubbed the back of his neck, heat pooling around his face under his fur, "I just... I missed you so much."
     The she-wolf was tense, flustered slightly before smiling and shaking her head quickly, "N-No, it's alright! I missed you too." She couldn't stop her tail from wagging softly, yet she didn't care at the moment. Being back with Po made this night much more worthwhile.

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