The Spirit Realm

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     Watching Po's reaction, Kai's smirk turned into a dark grin, stepping towards the panda as he seemed to be in disbelief, "Too bad. It only works on mortals. And I-" Reaching up, he pokes Po's nose before grabbing the pandas wrist, "-am a spirit warrior.." Twisting Po's wrist, Kai glared down at him before turning away, his voice echoing across the ice and to the village, "Come!"

     Raising her fist, (Y/n) was about to land another blow to Fang before stopping short as the master had quickly changed back into a pendant. Confused, she frowned softly and watched as the now pendant flew back towards Kai and Po. Looking between the two, the young wolf frowned softly, her (e/c) eyes looking between the two as Kai seemed to stand taller.
     Seeing as Po wasn't moving, her ears perked forward as she headed towards them, "PO!" Once nearing the icy ground again, she lunged forward and leaped off a large rock, letting herself slide towards their direction,
     In an instant, Kai ducked down and sent Po sliding across the ice towards her. Trying to stay on his feet, Po spun in a circle as he glanced over to (Y/n), his eyes widening as he reached towards her, "Get to the village! I can han-"
     From the corner of his eyes, Po could see Kai running easily and quickly across the ice towards him. Seeing as Kai jumped to land a kick, Po turned his back on (Y/n) and ducked, doing his best to balance himself as Kai continued to throw a barrage of punches.
     On the other hand, (Y/n) had almost reached them when suddenly Kai headbutted Po in the stomach, flipping Po into the air and sending the panda sliding and spinning on his stomach.
     As Po continued to slide, Kai bent down and ran on all four hooves again. Using this opportunity, (Y/n) slid in from the side and jumped, almost tackling Kai. Bunching her legs, she kicked hard and pushed herself into the air. Glaring down at the bull, she quickly opened her muzzle and let out a deep bark, the force behind it causing Kai to stumble and fall on his front.
     Bracing herself for the impact of the ice, she closed her eyes tight. Instead of feeling ice, she felt herself getting embraced by warmth, a familiar scent overpowering her own. Confused, she opened her eyes and looked up, her own meeting with Po's green ones.
     From catching her, Po ended up sliding a few more feet, his brows furrowed as he looked down at her worried, "(Y/n)! I told you to go back to the village!" His voice was filled with concern as he quickly stood her up, one paw on her hip while the other one held her cheek, as if looking for any wounds.
     Shaking her head, her ears pinned back as she reached up and held his hand, "I couldn't just leave you here with him!"
     Her ears suddenly flicked back as she heard loud thumping behind her. At the same time, Po looked up and quickly moved (Y/n) to the side, raising his arm to block a punch. Gasping softly, she quickly balanced herself from sliding, ducking quickly as Kai kicked back towards her.
     Glaring up at Kai, (Y/n) moved quick, trying to help Po with attacks, occasionally ducking from a jab or punch thrown at her. But the scuffle between them three quickly ended when Kai spun low to the ground. Sweeping his leg out, the bull managed to knock Po's feet out from under him.
     As (Y/n) went to attempt to stop Po from falling, she gasped and froze as Kai took hold of her neck, his hoof squeezing slightly. On the other hand, just before Po could hit the ground, Kai caught him by the hem of his pants, letting him hang there, taunting him.
     It was when Po looked up that he realized why (Y/n) was so quiet. Shaking his head, he struggled to stand, his feet sliding on the ice below him, "Let her go! This is between you and me!" His chest was starting to tighten, more than anything, he didn't want to lose her too.
     Kai seemed to grin at this, chuckling as he lifted her off the ground with ease, "Ok, I'll let her go~" Simple and sinister.
     With ease, Kai took a step forward and spun his body before throwing both Po and (Y/n) into the air. While (Y/n) coughed and held her throat, Po reached out and caught her, his weight propelling them higher. From down below, Kai grinned and leaped up after them before landing a harsh kick into both warriors, sending them flying towards the village.
     In the air, Po seemed to go quiet, but he could hear (Y/n)'s faint voice yelling to him as if trying to wake him up.
     Her voice was strained, the kick leaving her almost numb. Tears brimmed her (e/c) eyes as she held onto Po before gasping in pain as they both hit the gateway to the village, their bodies bouncing away from eachother before sliding against the rock.
     A pained yelped escaped her muzzle as she hit the ground, the air stolen from her as she panted for air. For a few seconds, she could barely hearing anything over the ringing in her ears. Opening her eyes, she could see Li and Tigress running to them saying something, the villagers following them, but it was all muffled to her.
     Shaking her head, she slowly looked over at Po dazed before his words finally reached her ears, the ringing disappearing
     "-ng. I'm sorry. Run. Run!"
     The sharp sound of metal against rock caught their attention as Po and (Y/n) rolled themselves onto their backs. (Y/n) could feel her tail begin to curl between her legs, looking up fearfully as Kai landed on the ground in front of Po, the ground almost cracking at his landing.
     Kai's eyes glowed their ominous green color, chuckling as he slowly walked towards the crowd, watching as Po and (Y/n) crawled back towards the pandas and Tigress. Grabbing onto the pendant around his neck, Kai lifted it up to reveal Oogway, his smirk turning into a grin, "So, Oogway, these were the ones destined to stop me? I will have their chi.." He then glanced to the villagers, his voice getting louder, "And then all of theirs!"
     Before the pandas could try and run, he whipped out his blade and threw it, it circling around them, forcing everyone to huddle together before catching it in hisi hoof.
     (Y/n) flinched back at the blade, turning herself to look at everyone. In her heart, she prayed that Po's plan would work, but seeing the faces of the terrified pandas, she felt regret for not giving a backup plan for them to escape.
     Looking over at Po, she could see the same thing in his eyes as he looked to everyone; to Li, to Tigress, to Mr. Ping, then to her. Fear. It was the only thing that she could see, anything else, if there was anything else, was easily hidden.
     "And you..." Kai continued, pointing his blade towards Po chuckling, "You really though you can send me back to the spirit realm? You are just a stupid mortal.."
That seemed to catch Po's attention. The panda eyes widened, glancing slightly to Kai before furrowing a brow a smirk on his muzzle as he spoke softly to himself, "It only works on mortals."
     Looking over to (Y/n), he locked eyes with her and mouthed silently, 'Trust me'. He could see that (Y/n) was confused, the frown on her face said it all as he rolled over and faced Kai, slowly standing to his feet, "You're right. I can't send you there."
     As (Y/n) stood up also, she noticed how the smirk on Kai's face faltered slightly. Glancing over to Po, her frown remained as she was trying to make sense of what Po was getting at.
     Standing as tall as he could, Po put on a serious face as he spoke to Kai, "But I can take you there." There was a brief moment of silence before suddenly Po jump and pointed in the air, "What's that!?"
     Everyone, including Kai, looked to where Po had pointed, only to see nothing. In that moment of brief silence, Po moved quick and jumped on Kai. Using his wight for momentum, he spun and wrapped his arms around Kai from behind, grabbing his own pinkie in a Wuxi Finger Hold. Kai called out in shock, his body tense as he didn't realize what Po was going to do.
     (Y/n) gasped softly, reaching out towards the two as she held her arm out, "Po?!"
     Li stepped forward also, frowning as he feared the worst, "Son!"
     For a split second, Po looked up at Li then to (Y/n) before lowering his pinkie, "Skadoosh!"
     There was a sudden bright yellow light, and a shockwave of chi released from Po nearly knocking Li and Mr. Ping back. Kai could be heard yelling as it seemed like Kai was about to throw Po off of him. (Y/n) could feel herself moving, and before she realized it, she had burst through th chi before it could engulf the two and held Kai's arms down before he could reach up.
     The wind picked up around them as Po's chi shined brighter, large petals forming around them as others from nearby trees spiraled in the air. The blinding light from Po's chi forced everyone to turn away as they themselves glowed bright and disappeared into the petals, a large yin-yang symbol with a smaller one in the middle formed, glowing where they had just stood.
     Li and Mr. Ping approached the petals, everyone else following close behind. Li was the first to speak as he ran to the petals looking around, "W-Wha.. What happened? Where's Po and (Y/n)?"
     Tigress frowned softly, her ears pinning back as she spoke in a soft solemn tone, "They took Kai away.. They saved us.."
     Li fell to his knees, the thought of losing his son again hitting him, "No.."
     Shaking his head, Mr. Ping waved his wings as he looked at the petals with worry, "They saved us. But who is going to save them?"

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