Your love - T.R

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This is going to be based on the request I got in my A/N chapter. This imagine is basically when you are sad and Tom comforts which we all know is rare, anyways hope you like it<3 also the names I'm using for the  friends in this imagine is not from hp

It was a Friday morning and you were getting ready to go to your classes but you couldn't deny that you were not your happy self this past week, mainly because of your friends. You loved them dearly, enjoyed their company a lot and trusted them with all of your secrets but these past few days they were starting to tease you a lot and pulling your confidence and self esteem down, you didn't think much of it because you knew your best friends loved you but it was getting worse day by day and you were starting to hate yourself.

As you were fixing your tie, your mind started to wonder off to how they treated you, with each of your friends it was different. You had your closest friend, Lilly and she was everything you wanted as a best friend, she'd occasionally imitate or mimic you, which wasn't that big of a deal but you started noticing that each and every time you made a mistake, that could be as simple as getting a name wrong or getting a wrong answer, she would instantly make fun of you and tell this to the teacher or person next to you and she would start exclaiming how she was right and without her you wouldn't get any of the answers correct. Each time she made fun of you for not being smarter than her in that particular subject she would drag your name and make fun of you, another thing she did was that whenever you mentioned your boyfriend while you were with your friend group she would gag and be disgusted by you bringing him up but when you guys were alone on calls she wanted to know everything about you and him.
Each time she did this,you started questioning your self worth and slowly you could feel your smile falling until it was just a frown trying it's best not to burst into tears.

As you moved on to fixing your hair, you held your eyes shut and covered your eyes with your hands as tears started running from your face but you knew you had to pick yourself up and continue. As continued to do your school morning routine your mind reminded you of what happened yesterday with your other close friend Sam, she was the type of person you could hang out with and have fun with but while you guys were changing from your quidditch outfits to your house outfit she started saying mean things about you and when you said you should get better friends in a joking manner she said "oh yea, like you can get new friends, come on y/n you wouldn't have any friends other than us" and you felt like a complete loser and continued changing your outfit and later went on to your class, and each time you had a different opinion from hers she would call you dumb and say how stupid you were when in reality you were the one who helped her each time a professor asked her a question and she didn't know the answer. There were many other things She did that hurt you but you knew now wasn't the time to think about that and with your hair all done, you went down to go to all your classes.

As you entered your first class, you saw your friends daisy and Aaron. She was a good friend but sometimes you didn't really know about what she spoke of, even if you cared deeply for that subject. she was elected the prefect this year with your help but she seemed to ignore that and soon started to boss over the things you used to do but you decided that it was just better to ignore her and continue with your day even if the words she said chipped a bit at your heart everyday and then there was Aaron, he used to be your guy best friend. He used to be so sweet and caring but this year he started becoming his old narcissistic and toxic competitive self. You decided to to just continue being his friend because you didn't want to start a dumb argument.

As you went to your seat you saw your boyfriend, Tom Riddle and that instantly put a smile on your face. As you sat next to him, you wished him good morning with your excited grin, he just nodded and slightly smiled back which may not be a good response from someone you loved but you knew that to get a smile from Tom was a huge deal and a treasure you made sure to protect at all costs.

As the school day came to an end so did your happiness. Just like the previous days, they continued teasing and making fun of you but today it was even more than usual and you couldn't take it anymore so you quickly went back to your room and closed the door as you sunk down to your floor as tears fell from your face, all the things that they had said kept echoing in your mind and you felt like you couldn't breathe, you felt as though a million people were stepping on your chest, you started questioning everything about yourself, your self worth,dignity,personality and everything. You felt like you were a pushover and worthless. You felt as tho you didn't matter and that you sucked and no one would actually want to be friends with you.

Tom had noticed that you were not like your cheery self that he fell in love with,these past few weeks but he wasn't one to talk about feelings. Although he was one for observation and making sure that nobody ever bothered you, the only person he loved in this world. He had kept a silent but deadly eye on your friends and how your smile kept falling.
It is true that Tom Riddle hated everyone but you and saw them as either his loyal servants or a bunch of dirty mud bloods who only caused him problems, he never really liked your friends and only tolerated them for you.
He knew that they only teased you when he wasn't around, there was this one time that Aaron did it in front of him and let's just say he's only alive because you begged Tom not to kill him.
Tom had realised that you left your books and pencil case on your desk and decided to return it back to you since your room was on his way.

As he started walking down the hall which lead to your room, he heard someone crying and weeping. He rolled his eyes thinking that it was just some pathetic girl who didn't know how to deal with things until he thought the voice sounded familiar and then he had realised it, his love was crying. All of a sudden rage had filled his body. He kept his wand ready to kill the person who did this. As he rushed into your room he realised that there wasn't anyone in the room except for in the corner of the bed, where you sat crying and hugging your body trying your best to control your breathing. The sight made Tom's heart feel something and he didn't know what it was, but he knew he couldn't comfort you because he never showed anyone his vulnerability, not even himself.

But for some reason he felt like holding you close and telling you that he would protect you from everything, which he would. He slowly locked the door and sucked in a breath as he was about to do things he'd never imagine he'd do. He came close to you and sat himself close to you and then you had suddenly realised Tom was next to you. You were terrified that he would think you were weak and leave you but as you looked into his piercing dark eyes you were surprised to see fondness and patience, even if his face remained stone cold his eyes told you that he was there for you. You climbed on top of him and hugged him really close as if he was oxygen and you were running out of it.

He hugged you back and held you there and ran his fingers through your hair something he knew comforted you. After an hour or so when your breathing was back to normal, you told him everything and how they treated you. You could see his eyes which showed fondness turn into slow dangerous cold rage as if he would torture and kill each and every one of your friends until they begged and cried for his mercy but he tried to keep his revenge at bay and listen to your words.
You felt comfortable talking to Tom about all this and you didn't feel judged one bit.

When you told him how you felt worthless, he brought your forehead close to his lips and kissed it and he held your puffy face that still had tear stains in his hands and said "you are not worthless. You are special y/n. I have loved you for 2 years now and I can't tell how much I enjoyed your beautiful smile and the way you dance when you are really excited." You were starting to cry again except this was out of love. "If I Tom Riddle can love you, that means you are the most caring and loving soul out there." And what he said next surprised you because even tho you knew he meant it he had never said it and you didn't expect him to because you knew it was difficult for him. "I love you y/n." And he gently kissed your lips, not rough and hard but soft and passionate.

The next day you had heard that all of your friends had ended up in the hospital wing and that Aaron was missing.
While you were thinking about this Tom suddenly appeared and took you to the chamber of secrets something he used to do when he wanted to have some fun or spend some time together. You giggled and jumped on his back.
And you whispered in his ear "I love you, Tom Riddle."

Slytherin imagines Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang