I place the final sheet infront of me.

¿Cómo debo proceder?


Knowing that the words are in Spainsh, I translate them on my phone.

The first text says "How should I proceed?" At least that makes sense.

The next text is annoying ass numbers yet again.

I let out a loud sigh.

I feel like I lost brain cells reading them.

Ok, these messages are useless to me right now but if I can find out what these numbers or codes are, they could be extremely useful.

I've tried the method that Mariana used when she got a hidden number code but to no avail.

This secret code can't be widely used in the Mafia or Blaine would know what it means.

This is yet another dead end but I'm hopeful, in given time, that I'll be able to do something with these messages.


The page of my book finishes with a full stop so I'm finally able to put it down. I turn the page and neatly place the bookmark inside.

I place the book next to me on the bed and turn my attention back to Frinkles, who's been patiently waiting for food.

"Ok. You stay here, I'll be right back." I say tossing the covers off myself.

I open my bedroom door and the lights in the hallway come on. The hallway lights automatically turn on with movement on a night time unless you fully shut them off. I learned that the hard way when I thought someone was messing with me.

The house is unusually empty and it's extremely quiet. I haven't heard from anyone practically all day.

I don't know exactly where everyone went but at breakfast I heard talk of some sort of misson. The majority, if not all, of the people are gone.

I stared at the 5 pages that Blaine give me for hours and I still understand next to nothing. It was pissing me off. I re-read the lines over and over so many times I was close to flinging them out the window and so I got out my book to de-stress.

I lost track of time while reading and so now poor Frinkles is hungry.

I walk down the stairs and as I walk into the next hallway the lights don't come on. I stop and start walking again, hoping that it'll pick me up but it doesn't.

Not wanting to walk down a long, pitch-black hallway by myself I stop. My eyes scan the wall, that's lit up by the adjacent hall, for a lightswitch.

My eyes land on a lightswitch and I reach out to press it before I hear one singular, faint footstep. My hand freezes mid-air.

I listen out for another footstep.

Seconds pass before I make the impulsive decision to switch on the light and confront my fears.

I expect no one to be there, that I'm just imagining it but when I catch a mere glimpse of someone walking round the corner, I know that this is real.


My legs start walking, following after the figure and making the thoughtless, rash decision before my mind can catch up.

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