I nod and retrieve the outfit from the dresser. I gulp nervously, staring at the pieces in my hands. There are much more than I had anticipated, and I am unsure where to start.

"Intimidating, isn't it?" Asteria asks from behind my shoulder.

"N-Not at all! I am sure I can figure it out—"

"Don't worry, Fe. I figured you may not have much experience. I can dress myself pretty sufficiently save for some pieces that I will need you to tie. Why don't I run through everything with you, so you know for the future?" Asteria suggests.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be an inconvenience," I say.

Asteria rolls her eyes. "I am tired of you saying you are an 'inconvenience,' Fe. You said it multiple times in the garden yesterday, too," Asteria says. There is a certain element of determination in her voice that I have not heard before and that seems uncharacteristic of the princess that was described to me. "I specifically asked you to dress me. It is only right that I show you how since I know you were not properly trained. Let's start with the stockings."

Asteria dresses slowly, showing me each step in the process. When it's time to tie her corset, that is when I am finally put to work. I stand behind her, carefully fastening the ties on the back.

"Is it too tight?" I ask when she makes a sound of discomfort.

"Loosen it slightly, will you?" Asteria asks.

"My apologies, Princess!" I say, loosening one of the ties I made.

"It's all right, Fe. I know you're still learning," she says soothingly.

I find a comfortable tightness and begin weaving the ribbon through. We stand silently, and I realize this is the optimal time to begin a conversation.


"Please, just call me Asteria," she says.

"What? Are you sure? Alba would be upset—"

"I don't feel much like a princess these days. I understand you wanting to refer to me as 'Princess' and 'Your Highness' when around others in the estate, but I would love to hear my own name from someone else besides Alba. I would love if you would merely call me 'Asteria'," she asks.

I know I cannot deny the princess, so I nod. "Um, Asteria, then," I say.

"Yes, Fe?"

"Thank you for yesterday," I murmur. "I do not know how long it would have taken me to feel better if you had not found me in the garden. I truly am grateful that you listened to me."

"Of course," Asteria says. "Like I said, I would like to get to know you better, Fe. I hope that at least you will feel less lonely if we spend some time together."

"That is very kind of you," I say. "Is...is that the reason you asked me to dress you?"

"Partially. I thought it was appropriate for you to begin taking on some more complex duties," Asteria explains.

"But I am sure Josie does a perfectly adequate job—"

"Josie will have other duties to perform. Honestly, she is too strict with me, always nagging me on what to wear and tying my ribbons too tight when I ask her not to. She does not wake me very kindly either. Once, she even dumped cold water from a flower vase on me," Asteria says, laughing some. "I preferred when Alba used to dress me."

I finish tying Asteria's corset and step away. "Why does Alba still not dress you?" I ask.

"Alba is busy in the mornings now attending to the other maids," Asteria explains. "She dressed me when I was younger. She has known me a long time, since I was just a child. I was thrilled when she decided to accompany me from Magewell to Esterpool. I think the transition would have been much harder without her. Anyway, it is time for you to tie the pockets."

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