The Fairy Tale

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No One's POV

An 11-year-old Y/N was running through the woods with a smile on his face

Y/N: Eltanin! Eltanin!

Y/N yelled until he ran into someone and fell to the ground

He shook his head and looked up to see a large woman looking down at him

He shook his head and looked up to see a large woman looking down at him

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Y/N smiled

Y/N: Eltanin!

Eltanin then bent down and picked him up

Eltanin: Y/N darling, what have I said about running wildly through the woods?

She said looking at him

Y/N: Ah! To be careful!

Eltanin: And were you?

Y/N: Uh, no

Y/N said blandly while Eltanin giggled

Eltanin: Well I'm here now. What do you need darling?

Y/N then dug into his pocket and took out a crystal

Y/N: Happy birthday! I found it in a cave!

Y/N said putting the crystal in front of him Eltanin was shocked and gently put Y/N down and took the crystal and looked at it. She gave him a soft smile

Eltanin: Thank you deary it's beautiful. I shall cherish it forever!

Y/N: Yay!

Y/N yelled hugging Eltanin's leg

She giggled and patted his head

Eltanin: Now, do you wanna learn some more magic?


Eltanin: Alright then come along now

Eltanin said as she took his hand and they walked off together

???: Y/N...Y/N...! Y/N, Natsu! Wake up! We made it to Hargeon!

Y/N then woke up and rubbed his eyes looking around to see he was inside of a train. A blue-talking cat named Happy was in front of him.

Y/N: Hmm I'm up! I'm up!

The S/C male said standing up and stretching

Y/N then looked down at Happy who was now trying to get Natsu a Pink haired male up

Happy: Come on, get up already!

Conductor: Is he all right?

Happy: He's fine. This always happens when he travels

Happy said turning to the conductor

Happy then turned to Y/N

Now if our information's correct then we should find that salamander somewhere in this town

Black Hole Dragon Slayer Male Reader x Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now