Hardly had she turned the knob of the door of her room, when she saw Vidhi and Vaidik running past her to enter inside. She smiled shaking her head at them. Both the kids were running here and there, and playing together since evening. They bonded well, Vidhi being the elder one was bossing over Vaidik. She was instructing him, and he was following her.

"I just go and change till then you both stay on the bed only. Continue colouring your books."

"Ok, Bua." Vidhi looked up from the book placed before her and smiled giving Manjiri a thumbs up. Vaidik looked at Vidhi and then turned to Manjiri giving her thumbs up by using his both hands, "Ok, Miru."

A while later, Manjiri stepped out of the washroom in her night clothes only to find the kids sitting on Shaurya's desk instead of the bed.

"No, I didn't feel like sleeping today, Fufaji. I tried but my eyes were not closing."

Manjiri heard and saw Vidhi talking to Shaurya on video call. In between whiles, Vaidik too was making Shaurya aware of his presence by uttering something or the other. However, Vidhi was speaking more and was not letting Vaidik hold Manjiri's phone.

Manjiri set the bed whilst waiting for the kids to finish up their conversations with their uncle, so that she too could get a chance to talk to her husband.

Off late, Shaurya had started cultivating patience. He no longer used to dodge away from topics which didn't quite make sense to him. In fact he had started enjoying having a conversation with Vidhi on daily basis. They both used to talk to each other nearly daily.

Whenever Shaurya and Manjiri used to call each other, that meant Vidhi too would talk to Shaurya for minimum ten minutes. Both shared about their days. None could clearly understand the details though.

However, most of the times, especially at night, Vidhi being an early bird used to doze off early in the evening and thus used to miss the chance to talk to Shaurya.

"Why is she still awake?"

Shaurya asked smiling as soon as Manjiri took her phone in her hands from Vidhi's. She was quick to retort opening the balcony's door.

"Blame the germs of Dehradun."

"Oh! I see."

"She is just way too much excited seeing so many new faces altogether. Getting all the pampering and all from everyone."

She muttered dusting the swing with the help of a moist cloth. Not being used from long, nearly everything there had a thin layer of dust coving it. However, before Manjiri could even think to sit there, Shaurya complained as he could see something happening beyond Manjiri's shoulder through the window opening in the room.

"Hey! I can see my desk getting destroyed back there."

"Vaidik, Vidhi, don't mess around here. Sit on the bed and play."

Manjiri urged rushing back to the room. However, before she could again go back to see him on the call, Vidhi came to her.

"Bua, please loosen my ponytail. It's hurting my head."

"Done. Now, is it ok?"

Manjiri asked Vidhi as she did what she was asked to. Vidhi nodded running back to the bed to finish up the drawing.

"Miru, what's that?"

Vaidik asked pointing his finger towards a big box kept on the shelf, as Manjiri was about to go back to the call.

"I also don't know, dear. It's your Shaurya Mama's."

Barely could she provide Vaidik an answer, that was when she heard Shaurya's murmur reaching her ears.

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