Slytherin Party Part 3

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Gasps broke out with startled glances, whispers and scoffs amongst the wide eyed stares that waited for more information.

Harry waited for quiet. "I am getting very drunk tonight! Nobody is allowed to ask me how I feel or ask me anything to do with it! If you want to hang out or screw around I'm all for it! It's a party and I intend to enjoy what's left of my normal life!" He stomped off with his face in his cup.

Draco smacked a few people who made snide remarks, Blaise and Millicent and Theodore mostly, looking around the room to find Neville who was staring at Luna with a forlorn frown.

Harry hid from everyone as the party progressed with heavy drinking and various split off party games. He sat on the spiral stairs that led to the boys dorm, on his 4th large cup of beer.

Pansy crawled up to the middle of the staircase. "Galleon for your thoughts Missster Pottahhh?!" She slurred with a giggle, plopping herself on the step below him.

Harry glared at Pansy plopping herself rudely between his spread legs. "I'm not drunk enough Pansy." He muttered into his cup, taking a large swig of beer.

Pansy snickered, swiping the white foam off Harry's top lip. "So drink more!" She dug into her hip, pulling a personal sized flat bottle of Fire Whiskey from her skirt. "Consider this a party present, you need this more than I do tonight."

Harry rolled his eyes as he held the brownish red bottle in his hand. "You trying to get me sloshed? Should I hex you before you get your pretty nails in my pants?!" He snapped at her, opening it anyways.

Pansy smirked as she watched Harry take a hefty swallow. "You'll make a very sexy werewolf Potter." She teased her fingers up his leg.

Harry smacked her hand away. "Shut it! I don't wanna talk about i-it!" He slurred, scrunching his nose at the harsh burn after downing another sip. "What are you doing in my lap?!"

Pansy grabbed Harry by the collar of his pajama T-shirt, pulling him forward a little. "I want to offer you something, something I'm sure you won't refuse." She grinned, nose to nose as she smelled the spice on his breath.

Harry raised a brow. "And what exactly is your offer? What's so enticing that I'd agree to your scheming arse?" He licked a drop of whiskey from his lips.

Pansy's grin turned feral. "Take all that frustration and anger I know you're feeling out on me, take me upstairs and do as you wish."

Harry's eyes widened. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me, you're drunk and angry, why wouldn't you be after such a crisis? Don't you want to release all that tension? I'll give you full control to dominate the shit out of me." Pansy pushed herself against Harry's chest as they sat step to step.

Harry scoffed loudly, looking at Pansy with half annoyance, and half morbid curiosity. "You must be joking, Pansy you're absolutely barmy! Nobody just offers themselves like a slab of beef to be beat o-on!" He hiccupped, about to get up.

Pansy pulled Harry back down. "I'm serious Potter, take me upstairs and take advantage, let the rage out!" She forced him to look in her eyes, holding him by the shirt tightly.

Harry was baffled at this, but his inebriated body didn't have the smarts to refuse. "Anything I want?"

Pansy nodded, taking a sip from the small bottle she gave Harry, mouthing over the opening slowly as she swallowed. "Upstairs now Harry, last time I offer." She pulled 2 buttons from her green blouse apart, her cleavage visible.

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