Chapter 3: Deadly Spider

Start from the beginning

Gwen: Harry, you shouldn't ask him that.

Harry: What? I just want to know.

As we cleared the table and prepared to head to the next class, Gwen pulled me aside.

Gwen: Hey, can I get your phone number, Y/N?

Y/N: Uhhh... sure thing.

Miles: Yeah, me too, Y/N. Let me get your phone number.

Peter: Same here.

Harry: Me too, Y/N.

Mary: Let's make a group chat after.

Providing them with my phone number, we ended up creating a group chat for the six of us. As we parted ways, they invited me to hang out, but I politely declined, heading to my next class.

Gwen POV

After my conversation with Y/N, a feeling lingered that he was concealing something. His responses to our questions were brief, and there was an elusive quality about him. It triggered my spider-sense, a gut feeling that urged me to investigate further. I considered the possibility of a spy or threat among us, and my determination to uncover the truth intensified. However, I decided to keep this solo mission under wraps, not wanting to alarm Peter and Miles, who seemed to trust Y/N.

By 4:00 pm, it was time for my routine city patrol. Usually a team effort, today it was just me, as Peter and Miles were occupied with their own matters. Interrupting muggers and thwarting small-scale crimes filled my evening until a distress call crackled through my radio.

Radio: All units, we have a massive shootout outside the building on 42nd Avenue. All officers are needed.

As I considered calling Peter and Miles for backup, another announcement caught my attention.

Radio: Spiderman just went inside the building.

Gwen: Wait, what? I thought I heard Peter or Miles on the radio. I need to call them.

I quickly dialed their numbers.

Gwen: Hey, Pete, Miles. Are you there inside the building?

Miles: No, but I'm heading there now.

Peter: Same, I'm on my way.

Gwen: Then who's the new Spiderman? Did you guys hear the radio?

Miles: Yeah, I thought you went in.

Peter: Looks like we're not the only spider people.

Gwen: Let's meet up at the building.

Swinging to the scene, I found the two waiting. Miles acknowledged me with a nod, and Peter started conversing with the officers.

Peter: Alright, tell us what's happening.

Lt. Stacy: We were struggling with this situation, but at least one of you is already there.

Spiderwoman: No problem.

Lt. Morales: The person inside isn't one of us. At least, I hope not.

Cpt. Watanabe: What do you me-

Before she could finish, a window shattered, and a man flew out. Reacting swiftly, I swung in to catch him.

Peter: Alright, we're going in. Make sure your people stay clear.

Lt. Stacy/Lt. Morales/Cpt. Watanabe: Go.

As Miles and Peter entered, I handed over the captured man to the officers. He frantically warned them about the horror inside, suggesting manslaughter. Concerned for the two, I joined the fray.

Gwen: Whoever this person is, he—

Before I could finish, Miles crashed down beside me. I hurriedly approached him.

Gwen: Miles, are you alright?

Miles: He's... fighting... Peter right now. Go and help him.

Gwen: But you—

Miles: GO!! HE NEEDS YOU!!!

Nodding, I instructed him to head outside and recover before turning my attention to Peter. On reaching him, I found him unconscious on the floor. The assailant wore a sleek black bodysuit, intricately patterned with web-like designs. His mask, angular and dark-tinted, concealed his identity, giving off an ominous aura. A utility belt adorned his waist. He gestured, making a gun signal pointed at Peter's head. Instinctively, I shot my web at his hand, connecting with it. Our eyes locked, and as I prepared to confront him, he uttered something in a deep, muffled voice, gesturing with his other hand.

???: You three failed this city, and I'm here to set things right.

Spiderwoman: You're nothing but a monster. You don't deserve to wear that emblem on your chest. Who are you?

He let out a slight chuckle.

???: In due time, little spider... in due time.

From his pouch, he retrieved something and dropped it on the floor, releasing a burst of black smoke. Coughing, I struggled to see through the smoke. Similar to Batman, he vanished. Scanning the surroundings, I realized he had exploited a window to make his escape. Although my instincts urged me to pursue, my priority was Peter. I rushed to his side and checked his pulse—still alive, but severely injured. I lifted Peter's body and exited the building. Informing Miles that we needed to regroup, we convened at one of our hideouts. Miles and I attended to Peter's wounds. Once done, I asked Miles to retrieve the camera footage from the fight.

As we reviewed the footage, the mysterious assailant's movements were precise and calculated, emphasizing stealth and swift takedowns. His actions and tactics were indicative of a highly trained assassin with lethal efficiency.

Miles: This guy is dangerous, Gwen.

Gwen: I know, Miles. Whatever he is, he seems like a highly skilled assassin.

Miles: When Peter and I fought him, he anticipated our moves and was always one step ahead.

Gwen: We're lucky to be alive.

Miles: Yeah.

Examining the footage in detail, Miles and I concluded that this formidable adversary was a deadly spider in his own right.

Funnel-Web (Y/N x Gwen Stacy) Where stories live. Discover now