Marlo smiles and struts down the spiral staircase, "Braeden's here, I'm going to go down and get her" Marlo explains to both the man, Peter rolls his eyes but nods anyways.

Derek tilts his head noticing the top his girlfriend's wearing before nodding softly.

Marlo skips towards the sliding door opening it turning around and winking at Derek who smirks at his uncle's uncomfortableness on the couch.

Marlo chuckles leaving the sliding door open and rushes downstairs to the elevator, arriving at the bottom, as the elevator doors open to reveal a smiling Braeden.

"Mar, you look amazing" Braeden says seeing as the last time's she saw the woman she was weak and barely alive.

"Oh, thank you B" Marlo says looking down at the outfit before motioning with her hands for the woman to step into the elevator with her.

"Please go easy on him, I know he might be acting fine when we get up there, but his not, his beyond confused at what's going on" Marlo explains looking over at Braeden who sighs and smacks her lips together.

"Will do" Braeden confirms as the doors ding and Marlo exits the elevator signalling for the mercenary to follow behind her, entering the loft and closing the lofts doors behind them.

"Okay, straight to business" Braeden says sitting on the couch seat across from Derek and Peter.

Marlo leans against the arm of the chair Braeden's sitting on.

Peter glares at both of the woman where Braeden puts her boots on the coffee table.

Derek looks at the smirk on Marlo's face and softly smiles looking down at the ground.

"That table's Italian" Peter states, "So are these boots; thanks Mar for the present" Braeden shrugs smugly.

"Are we going to talk interior design and fashion, or are we going to talk numbers?" Braeden asks noticing Derek staring at himself through a pair of sunglasses and looks at Marlo beside her looking at her boyfriend worriedly.

Peter begins writing something on a piece of paper; pushing the slip of paper towards the two women.

Braeden looks at the numbers on the paper and looks at Marlo who's face is scrunched up already knowing what Braeden's going to do.

Said girl crosses out the number Peter previously wrote and writes down another number and pushes the paper back towards Peter.

"We're hiring you to find Kate, not assassinate the president" Peter scoffs looking at the large amount of money the woman is asking for.

"I was hired by the Calaveras to find Kate, you're hiring me to find her first, going against the Calaveras is what's going to cost you" Braeden explains.

Marlo crosses her arms over her chest unaware of her boyfriend's gaze on her cleavage.

Peter writes down another amount of money sighing and pushing the piece of paper towards the women again only for Braeden to push the said paper back towards Peter denying his offer sticking with the previous one she wrote down.

Marlo looks up at Derek and nods silently telling him that she's not gonna budge and the rules are rules.

Derek sighs and takes a hold of the slip of paper with offers and tears the paper in half.

In The End ✶ Derek Haleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن