Forty - Theo

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She's doing last run throughs right now
Soundcheck and final rehearsals
Can you just wait?

Let me see Ava

I feel like everyone had been given sneak peeks at this damn performance but me the most I'd been told was it was a new song. That's it. Ava and Noah and Jasper said they'd heard it and loved it but she'd been keeping it under tight wrap from me which fucking sucked. Tonight, we were going public and I couldn't even hear the song she was singing immediately after doing so. This paired with me and Jas having to go back to Bournemouth for Mum's birthday thing, leaving Ava and Morgan alone in London for 5 days I was dying to see her properly.

It has been a long few days. Morgan's rehearsals have been super intense for the awards show tonight and then she's been in the studio in between sessions and therapy, it's been a fight to squeeze in calls as she ran between everywhere.

I hit the facetime button again, hoping V would just give in if I bugged her hard enough. It seemed to work when her face filled the screen, setting her side to mute instantly as she shook her head.

"I just want to see her Ava." V rolled her eyes, flipping the camera as she smiled softly, something all of her friends had been doing a lot around us recently. Morgan said it was weird, the looks they kept giving her. Not full smiles and always with an eye roll or shaking their head. Jasper was the worst for it. Only with me away from everyone else. He genuinely squealed like a little girl when I told him we were together together. That man is so dramatic he gives Morgan a run for her money sometimes I swear. He kept making out like this was a whole new concept to me. Like I'd never had a solid relationship before.

I guess this time with Morgan was a little different though. Comparing how I felt about her to every other person I ever thought I loved was like comparing a mountain to a pebble. Same stuff, just a hell of a lot bigger, more intense, not going anywhere. I adore that girl more than music itself. If she gave me the ultimatum of leave music or lose her, it would be a no brainer. I hope it never came to that, but if it did, I had my answer ready for her.

I sunk down in the seat a little, smiling as she danced around the stage. Even without the sound and her being across the stage, my heart was pounding in my chest as Jasper drove us back to London for tonight.

"That's my shirt." I chuckled, hoping Ava could hear me over the music. "I've been looking for it all week, the little shit." God I missed her. She gets 2 songs tonight and I'd sat for hours helping her decide what other song she wanted to go with. She was beyond stressed with her choices and we ended up putting her favourites' in a generator so she didn't need to make the decision and then curled up on her sofa. We'd practically not left that space when she wasn't working. Both of us just wanting to get in as much time together as possible. I wasn't going to tell her I'd booked flights already to be flying out wherever she was every few weeks. Even if it was just a few days with her between shows I'd take it.

The sound unmuted finally, filling the car with Ava's shouts of pride, Morgan's laugh through the microphone as I watched her literally skip across the stage to V. We weren't too far away now thankfully. 5 minutes and I'd be climbing out the car in the O2 artist parking spaces. We knew the deal with this by now. Getting ready here and walking that red carpet tonight was going to feel amazing.

"What do you mean Theo's on- YOU!" She grabbed the phone from V. "You know Ava has no back bone."


"You don't baby." Jasper smiled. "I love it but-"

"Oh, gross guys." Morgan crinkled her nose. "You're not supposed to see this."

"I couldn't hear a thing beautiful. She muted it." She still didn't look impressed. "What are you girls doing now?"

"Killing time." Ava shrugged. "Morgan's probably going to run another lap around this place like a crack head."

"Hey, every run makes me perform a little better. You're welcome to join me."

"You're joking right? Noah dragged me out with you guys this morning before pissing off to play. I still feel like an elephant's sat on my chest." These 2 crack me up.

"I think they need some fresh air." Jasper smirked, turning off the engine in the car park.

"Yeah, I think they do too. You guys should go to the car park for some air. Looks hot in there." They looked at each other as we climbed out of the car. "I mean it's warm out here too but-"

"YOU'RE HERE?" Morgan squealed the camera barely able to register her face but I could see her grinning as she started running through the Arena. I ended the call as she got closer, putting my phone in my pocket so it was out of the way. And as the doors flew open, watching Morgan look around the almost completely empty carpark, I realized just how badly she'd fucked up my plan. After Veronica my plan was to be a lone wolf. Never let someone in the way I'd done with her, never give someone the chance to do it again.

And somehow, looking back to sitting in a petrol station, shitting on this girl that was now beaming at me from across the tarmac, her wavy blonde hair back and all over the place from her run, wearing my shirt. Knowing that sitting there in that parking lot led me to her right now. Led to her running to me and me wrapping my arms around her, enabling her to cross her legs around me and hold me so tight I think I might pop. I have never believed so much in fate. Fate that we had to stop at that specific garage because Jasper needed a drink. Fate that Ava needed to fill up her car. Fate that my phone had her all over. Fate that Jasper shot his charm at a random girl in a shop in the middle of nowhere. Fate that Jasper ranted at me about having an image problem. Fate that Ava and Jasper were soul mates. Made me wonder how long the universe had been working on this. Was Morgan the reason I met Jasper in the first place?

Who knows.

It doesn't matter why or how I got her but right now, I was holding my whole world in my arms and I wasn't fucking letting go. 

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