Twenty Eight - Theo

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2 weeks. For 2 weeks I'd been able to have my hands all over Morgan behind closed doors and had to keep them to myself in public. She had managed to, thankfully, tell me she was anxious about what happened when people found out about it and neither of us knew what to label it right now whilst we trialed this thing out. I wanted her to be confident in us. So when she left she didn't doubt it was the right. So, we were taking it slow with the public side of things. To the point where no one outside of us knew. Well. Us and my mum knew about her. She'd dragged it out of a very content Theo after Morgan left to be down here. I was supposed to come down a few days later but I couldn't wait. Ended up knocking on her door at 1am with flowers.

But now we were about to get off the train to Leeds, suitcases in hand, sunglasses on and eyes staring at us like we were lost. The entire journey we'd had people taking pictures of us just talking quietly and laughing as we threw grapes at each other, trying to catch them in our mouths. She was surprisingly good at the standard tour game which wasn't shocking. Everything Morgan tried she seemed to ace straight off the bat.

"Welcome to Leeds." She smiled, gesturing around at the rain storm we were hiding from as we waited for the Uber outside the train station.


"The other side is better, up in the shopping centre and everything. When it's not raining I guess." She'd laughed at me as we were walking out, having to grab my jumper and pull me in the right direction. 3 exits. Why did a train station need that many exits? All going to different places. It didn't make any sense but whatever. You do you Leeds.

"Did you spend a lot of time around here?"

"Eh, I guess. I didn't venture into town that often really. Mum and dad have their office up by the uni which isn't too far away so that's usually where I'd end up if I did. I played in a few of the little places around here."


"Yeah. Student union, The Wardrobe. Little places. Just on my first summer on break from Uni when I came home."

"Not since?"

"I played the Arena on my first tour which was weird. Playing your home town is weird anyway."

"It is. I used to watch bands at ours and then when I was up there it was like who in the audience is going to be up here in 10 years' time."

"Exactly." She nodded quickly, smiling at me brightly. "Anyway, the hotel. I booked us 2 rooms. It's a hotel and spa, not much really around it, a little shopping centre down the road that has an Odeon and a mini golf though."

"That sounds like a fun date night. And in the cinema, no one can see us either so you don't have an excuse." She smiled again, shifting on her feet and turning her head to look around. "When's the wedding?"

"Saturday. Train back to London is Sunday afternoon and I have rehearsals Monday so I can't miss that train. So, we've got a few days."

"Why'd you book the extra days?"

"It's a spa hotel. I fancied a little break. Plus, the song gets released on Friday so if anyone wants to complain, I'm close by for them to come rant at me. I haven't been back in here in what feels like forever, it's good to show my face around sometimes. Speaking of, I might go see family tomorrow, get it over with. You can -"

"You better say come with you."

"Theo." She sighed. "They're brutal."

"And? I'm not about to avoid my girlfriend's parents because they can be horrible. If they're going to be horrible, I'm going to be there for you Morgs." I skipped over the label I'd stuck on us. Hoping she wouldn't focus on it and she'd respond like it was natural. It felt it to me. "Besides, is it better if I meet them tomorrow or Saturday at the wedding?"

"I guess." She sighed, rubbing her forehead. "No mention of the whole us thing though."

"Not at all. I'm here as a friend as far as anyone knows." She nodded. It worked. "So, a spa hotel huh?"


"Does that mean there's some tiny little pink bikini in there for me?"

"Maybe a barely covers anything one." She raised an eyebrow and I smirked.

"How barely?"

"Ties at my hips, doesn't cover my arse." I breathed heavily and she chuckled, looking down at her phone quickly. "I brought something else for you too."

"For me?"

"Well, for me to wear, for you." Oh god.


"Check your phone." SHIT. I don't think I could have gotten my phone out quicker if I tried. Sure, enough I had one photo from her and I had to fight my jaw from dropping. I looked over at her and she laughed.

"Where's this taxi? And how long to the hotel?" She giggled and I looked back down at the photo. I'm so fucking lucky.

"Taxi's here now and about 25 minutes." I groaned. "Why?"

"Fucking why. Don't play innocent now." She smirked. "Just you wait."

"Wait for what." I looked around and groaned when people were watching us, making Morgan laugh even harder. "I have more photo-"

"Don't you even dare right now unless you want me to pin you against the wall behind me." I kept my face calm and natural, voice quiet so no one could hear what I was saying to her. "The second we're in that hotel room Morgan, you're mine."

"Yeah, you've made that perfectly clear. Shame I've got a massage booked."

"Mhm. I bet you do. Me." The blush on her face went a shade darker. "Want me to tell you all the dirty things I'm going to do to you in that?"

"I can imagine."

"Mhm. I'm going to tell you anyway sweetheart." 

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