My soul was sold in 2 lakhs and his father lost 20 lakhs?

He blinked, and Devakshaya laughed in the corner, "Told you, it's pointless sending money to them they ain't getting any." He recalled from the side,

I was beyond shocked, "So you did not pay for her academy?" He asked, and closed his eyes rubbing his hand, is he going to get upset again?

"Not just that..." Divya said, and he looked at her, she gulped down, "While he was stealing he found papers of the house and he lost it in the gambling too."She told him, and Daiwik's eyes widen,

"What?"Both Daiwik and Dev yelled, "Where is he right now?" Daiwik asked upset, as he looked like he was ready to punch whoever he sees first.
"We had nowhere to go. So Mom kept her wedding ring unbooked tickets here. He is right now, with those people only. He did not come," She continued,

"How much the House went in?" He asked as they looked at each other, shrugging, "We don't know." They told him simply.

Soon the partially sweet situation turned completely uneasy, "Forget that! Who is this lady?" Divya tried to lighten the mood.

She spoke in between and nothing happened, what happens if I use to speak in between,

I stared at my feet,


PAST ( 4 years ago) -:-

I stared at my feet, while I stood by the kitchen overhearing the conversation that was going on outside. Never had Murshad ever brought his friend home. But today weirdly he did,
As soon as he entered the house he yelled at me to go inside the kitchen,

We were never like normal siblings. Like the way, the gajra guy has always told me in his letters, how they get into little feuds with each other.
I envy that.

Ammi called Murshad and he came inside, looking down at me before he yelled out to get out of his way, I sank myself more on the wall, while he walked by and took the servings for the guest.

He walked out, and as he sat down, keeping the tray, "Where is she...?" His friend asked, who is she? I wondered to myself.

"She is in the kitchen, helping Ammi," He told him, are they talking about me?

I wondered to myself when Murshad called Ammi outside, he even brought our paralyzed father from the room outside and sat him down on the chair, the guy sat there with a grin on his face, as I tried to overlook from the kitchen.

My heart was beating fast with the unnerving thoughts that ran across me, I felt a part of me was well aware of whatever the whole situation was building up to.

And to my surprise, when I heard Murshad recalling my greatest fear in words, I sank onto the wall, shaking my head.

He brought this friend from the factory he worked at for nikah, I don't want to get married. I am 18, I have just cleared my secondary examination, and I don't want to get married. And not to a man I barely knew.

I already, know who if I see far in my far, who I see myself with. And this is not that man.
I stepped out, with the hinge of rush that ran inside me, jumping in between, "Murshad! I don't want to marry." he is the brother who has never let me speak a sentence with him if it is not related to work,

And, me offending his great price by stomping on his decisions, I felt I was being disloyal to him. Yet, this was about my forever, this guy was even older than Murshad, probably in his mid-twenties, bore, ruffed hair,

When I stomped outside with my loud words, he stood up, his eyes all furious as he walked across the table and reached me, "What did you say?" He asked me and slapped me, I swayed and fell on the floor. But he stood me up again, and dragged me inside the room, "You don't get to speak! He wants to marry you! He is our boss's son! He saw you and he likes you! Do you know how good your life will be after you marry him?" He said, "He is a nice man! Who doesn't have other wives. You should count your stars!" he said, and he walked out,

I tried to stand up but he locked me inside once again. I understand Murshad, as the one looking after everything, it must be better for him to have one less mouth to feed. And also, all the money he never complained about while paying my fees. Either it was schooling or coaching. He was not what you call a nice brother. But he knew his duties and he never failed to complete them.


I don't want to get married. I don't.
Not to that man.

I heard the sound of the door after an hour passed by, and the door opened, while I sat at the foot of the bed, hugging my legs tightly,

And that man, he brought stepped on the door. Murshad behind him, "He wants to talk to you." He said and left turning away, that man walked inside. I stood up, wiping my tears away. I was dressed in my maroon suit, and he was looking around, this was not my room alone, it was my and Ammi's room, and the only room, while Murshad and Abu slept outside.

It was not like Murshad to leave me alone with a man, he must like and trust him.
That man gave me a hesitant smile, as he grinned, "I heard. You don't want to marry me, earlier?" he said slowly, I waited to evaluate the man before I nodded, "Yes..."

"I understand! I understand! I am not exactly the dream guy for someone so young?" he said, as he took a step but I took mine behind immediately. I am well aware that he will not harm me with Murshad right along the door.

But never being this close to men, it was strange for me. "I have a nice house. And you will be my first wife and I intend to make you last. And by the grace of god, I earn a very good amount, and soon I will take over the factory. Think about it." he said, as he stepped behind, and walked away.

I don't know what he was here to show off. That he has a nice house and money? Well, he would never buy the two years of mystery love I and someone I care have shared.

Murshad stepped inside. "You will marry him! Do you hear me? How dare you speak in between!" He shouted in a deafening decibel, I looked down.

I am not supposed to speak in between. Between my future? Isn't it too cruel,

I felt the tears building in my eyes once again while I heard his boots closer to me.


He was standing right beside me, he stared at me, confused utterly.

Of course, he will be, his family is such a tight knot, how will he tell them that I am the woman he asked for as a reward from his own while his boss was looting a brothel?

I wondered, and it was exactly what was shadow casting on his face, he was right beside me, and the old fear was covering my chest. As I gulped down,

"She is my wife."

Taken As Reward (The war of politics and love BOOK 2 ) Where stories live. Discover now