Valentine didn't say anything she just looked at him crazy.

"You and me don't go together I don't feel no way about what you do Quincy." Valentine finally spoke before getting inside her car.

"Bet." Quincy said walking off towards his car.


Valentine chilled in her living room watching Vampire diaries over again. She stopped watching after Elena broke up with Stephen to be with his brother and never revisited the show until now.

Her problem was once a show introduced a love intrest she felt they should be end game coupled. There were certain exceptions though like if the couple has an ugly partner or the relationship just seems dumb.

If anything Valentine thought Damen and Bonnie should've ended up together the chemistry was there yet between all the relationships that happened they never touched lips once.

"You a stupid bitch." Valentine said towards Elena after she did yet another dumb thing. She ended up cutting the show off after two more episodes because Elena was just too much.

She picked up her phone and scrolled through her Instagram and viewing stories. The first to pop up was Maria's she was at some club throwing her big heavy ass in a circle. Then she saw Becca's story who seemed to be in the same club with her brothers and drinking champagne.

Lastly, she saw Quincy with the same background as Becca with bad ass strippers in his lap. Her stomach felt jumbled so she instantly closed the tab.

She knew her feelings at the moment were irrational especially because she was dodging Quincy. She didn't know how to be in a healthy relationship let alone the process of working towards one so she rather avoid in than make a fool of herself.

She decided to turn back to her tv and play Garfield which she played candy crush on her phone.

Randomly her phone rang and it was Becca.

Of course she answered it since she had literally nothing else to do.

"Hey." Valentine spoke.

"Girl why the fuck is Quincy in the club putting ice between bitches titties?" Becca said with a loud background.

"You such a snitch." Valentine heard in the background.

"Becca that's not my man." Valentine said rolling her eyes although Becca couldn't see.

"So? You both feeling each otha' and you know it come get yo nigga." Becca said hanging up and sending the address.

Valentine texted she wasn't coming and Becca sent her photos of Quincy acting a fool. One picture he was kissing on a strippers titties and the other his hands was in her thong.

Becca's last message was "come sexy too."

Valentine rolled her eyes harder than before and got out of her couch.

Becca called again just as Valentine found an outfit to wear.

"Yes?" Valentine answered.

"Maria's here dancing on Quincy and his boys." Becca spoke.

"My Maria?" Valentine questioned fastening her pace.

"Yes girl what other sneaky hoe named Maria you and I know of?" Becca hissed.

"What kind of dancing?" Valentine asked getting her purse and keys.

"Her dress is half up and she is not pulling it down...that body is bad chile." Becca choked out.

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