Chapter Three: We Meet Again

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During my time here in Task Force 141, I decided to keep a low profile and only interact with people I was close with, like Soap, Gaz, and Price. After the little interaction I had with Ghost last week, I wanted to be as far away from him as possible. Something about Ghost just made me want to punch him right in the face with that stupid skull mask of his. Every time I'd see him, I would purposely walk faster just to avoid his presence or his eyes. Even if he tried calling out to me, I wouldn't reply unless Soap, Gaz, or Price called out to me after. I hated him for the way he talked to me, the way he grabbed me and put me in my place. We were both Lieutenants yet he was acting like a damn higher-up when I was around him. It was so infuriating.


It was about to be sundown, the sun was setting and the crickets were starting to chirp in the deep forest. I was outside in the field running a few laps, which is what I've been doing during the time I've been here since I haven't been sent to any missions just yet. As I was running, I checked my watch to see it was about to be 6 p.m. I started sprinting, finishing my last lap before I finally went to the benches to catch my breath and drink some water. While drinking water from the water fountain, I felt a large hand grab my shoulder and my instincts kicked in. My eyes widened and I turned around with a raised hand, about to slap or punch the person that grabbed me. Before I could even get to the person who grabbed me, the person grabbed my wrist, stopping me from about to hit them. I looked at the person and realized it was Ghost; what is he doing here?

"Don't scare me like that," I say in a cold and stern tone as I look up at him. Ghost doesn't say anything to me, he just stares at me behind his skull mask. It was almost as if he was staring into my soul, trying to figure out who I was behind my own mask. I moved my wrist away from his grip as I scoffed and glared at him.

"What do you want, Ghost?" I ask, annoyed that he's even outside in the field with me.

"Price wants everyone in the debriefing room. Now." He says with his usual rough voice along with his British accent. 

"What for?" I say sarcastically with my arms crossed. 

"Stop asking questions and just come with me." He scolded before turning around and walking, expecting me to follow him.

I didn't say anything else as I just stared at him with a blank face. I roll my eyes and end up following him inside the mess hall and in the debriefing room. 

As I and Ghost enter the room, Soap, Gaz, and Price are already there. Soap was sitting in one of the chairs at the large table, Gaz was leaning against Price's desk, and Price was in the front of the room waiting for the team to be here. Price saw me and Ghost enter the debriefing room. He nodded at Ghost and smiled at me; he was such a father figure towards me and I appreciated everything he did for me while I've been here. 

"Is this everyone?" Price asks with his heavy British accent as he looks at everyone. He looks at Soap and Soap nods at him in agreement.

"Good. I brought you all in here because we have a few missions. The first one is in Mexico and involves El Sin Nombre, and the other one involves a Russian terrorist." Price says.

Everyone's head jolts up in either shock or confusion once Price mentions a Russian terrorist for the second mission. I raise my eyebrow and lean against the wall near the doorframe while continuing to listen to Price.

"For the first mission, Venom, Ghost, and Soap; you three will be sent to Mexico and work with Los Vaqueros to help capture this El Sin Nombre person. You'll have Philip Graves and his team, also known as The Shadows, join you so you don't get caught. Any questions?" Price says sternly as he looks at me, Ghost, and Soap.

My eyes widened slightly from excitement; my very first mission with a new team! I try to hide my excitement as I look at Price with my usual serious face (RBF - resting bitch face) and nod at him in confirmation. Soap grins and nods his head while Ghost just stares at Price; he then turns his gaze to me as he glares right at me. I can tell by the facial expression behind his mask that he's not happy that I'll be working with him on this mission. I don't care though, all that matters to me right now is that I finally get to be on a mission and not have to stay on base for another damn month.

"Sir," Ghost says before Price could even say anything else. Price turns his gaze to Ghost as he looks at him with a raised eyebrow.

"With all due respect, why are you sending two Lieutenants and one Sergeant to this mission? Wouldn't it be better to send Gaz instead of Venom?" Ghost asked Price as he glanced at me and looked back at Price. I couldn't help but smirk behind my mask; this guy really doesn't want me to go with him and Soap. Price shakes his head and raises a hand, as a way to signal Ghost to stop talking. 

"My decision is final. You three are going. Besides, I'm sure Venom is capable of helping you guys on this mission." Price says sternly.

Ghost doesn't say anything else as he leans back against the wall in the corner of the debriefing room. 

"Now that that's settled, onto the next mission." Price says as he looks at the doorframe and signals someone to come in. All our heads turn to the doorway as a very tall man with a hood over his head that has two holes for eyes and a stained bleach orange color coming out of the eyeholes appears in the doorway. Gaz and Soap are a bit stunned to see how tall the man is, while Ghost just stares at him. As I look at the male, I recognize that hood before; it's König! 

"Everyone meet-" Price was about to say his name until I turned and shifted my body towards König, a bit shocked to see him here.

"König?" I say as I approach him. He glances at everyone first, then looks down at me. His eyes widen and I can tell he's smiling beneath his hood. He doesn't say anything to me at first, just staring at me with his eyes full of happiness that I'm here. I stand in front of him, a bright smile behind my mask, as I take out my hand to shake his. Instead of König shaking my hand, he raises his hand and pats my head like a child. I don't like being touched in any kind of way but with König it felt different; he was the exception. A blush starts to spread across my cheeks behind my mask as I look up at him with a smile. 

"We meet again, Venom," König says with his Austrian accent. 

"It's nice to see you, König," I say happily.

Price clears his throat to try to get our attention. I turn my head to look at Price and back away from König while mumbling "sorry" to Price. 

"Anyway, this is König. He is a soldier in KorTac and he will be training us for our second mission involving the Russian terrorist. Please give him a warm welcome and show him around the base. Our second mission isn't until four months but he will be staying with us to train. As for Venom, Ghost, and Soap, you three will fly out to Mexico to get El Sin Nombre next week. That is all, you're dismissed." Price says as he walks to his desk and starts lighting a cigar.

Gaz is the first to leave the room, Soap follows him while nodding and smirking at me as he walks off. I follow König as he and I leave the debriefing room and begin having a conversation in German. It felt nice seeing an old friend again. I was mostly close with König during my time in KorTac before I got moved to TF141. He always made me feel better whenever I was having a rough day. I'm just glad that I'm finally with someone that I can be myself around.


Author's Note: Hi everyone! Sorry, I've been inactive for a while. School started for me and I'm trying to balance homework and this at the same time. I hope you guys liked this chapter, I will be working on chapter 4 whenever I have free time again. Bye, my lovelies! ❤️

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