Chapter Six: Too Hot to Hold (Part 2)

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Everything felt like a dream at this point. I felt my hands starting to shake as me, Ghost, Soap, and Alejandro were hiding behind a large rock in the river while shooting at Army soldiers that were on the bridge. While shooting, I heard a male voice on the radio through my earpiece; it was Philip Graves.

"This is Shadow-1, engaging the bridge north of your position. Danger close!" Graves said through the radio. I couldn't help but smirk once I heard his voice; he finally made it to help us. I glance up at the sky to see a large jet flying over us, he was in there with the Shadows.

"Who the hell is that?" Alejandro says while shooting.

"Commander Graves, Shadow company. They're with us!" Ghost says roughly while reloading his weapon.

As soon as we all heard Graves, the bridge exploded once the jet high above us aimed and shot at it. We eventually made it to the car that was near the bridge while still shooting at the Army. As I was shooting, a bullet hit my shoulder. I let out a groan once I got hit but I didn't notice it as I continued to shoot my weapon. Ghost, Soap and Alejandro noticed I got shot in the shoulder, but they didn't do or say anything until we got inside the car.

I quickly got in the back of the car with Ghost while Soap took the passenger seat and Alejandro took the drivers seat. Alejandro quickly started driving off to another village in order to find Hassan while Ghost put his weapon away and saw my injured shoulder. Blood was coming out quickly, staining my long-sleeve shirt. I put my gun away and didn't even realize I was bleeding until Soap stared at my wound.

"Venom, you're bleeding." He says sternly.

"What?" I say while putting my mask back on before turning and looking at my shoulder. Oh. I didn't even realize I got hit. No wonder my shoulder was burning.

"Here, let me help-" Ghost was about to touch my shoulder until I grabbed his wrist and stared at him dead in the eyes. He was a bit shocked to see my reaction as he just looked at me in worry.

"Don't touch me." I say sternly.

"You're gonna bleed out if it's not taken care of." Ghost moves his wrist away from my grip. "Let me take care of it."

I hesitate at first, deciding if I should let him or not. Why should I let him? He's been a dick to me since I've first joined. But then again,...I don't wanna die of blood loss. I let out a deep sigh and nod at him. As much as I hated being touched, he seemed caring enough to treat my bullet wound.

"Fine." I say while scooting a bit closer to him so he can treat my wound. Ghost scooted closer to me as he grabbed a small rag and tied it around my shoulder tightly so it would stop bleeding. I don't even flinch or react once he tightens it. He glances at me to see if I react but once he tightens the fabric, he bandages me up and backs away.

"There. We'll treat it later." Ghost says as he looks out the window of the car. It felt weird to see him being so nice to me but then again, we're a team and we should all make sure we're okay as a team.

"Thanks." I say firmly before scooting away from him.

The car stopped a few miles away from the village. We all quickly got out of the car with our guns out, ready to capture Hassan wherever he was.


Meanwhile, Graves was in the jet with his men, aka the Shadows, getting their weapons locked and loaded in order to shoot the Cartel from above.

"All shadows, listen up!" Graves shouts as his men stop what they're doing and look at him.

"These guys on the ground, Mexican Special Forces and Task Force 141, they are your brothers now. You treat em' like your own and lets get this done, yeah?" Graves says sternly.

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