Y/n: I don't know the extent of the virus. Ironwood ignored my warning about how his machines could be hacked, saying (Ironwood voice) they have been thorough in the firewalls of all of Atlesian knights 200 they are impossible to hack. (Normal voice) I'm nowhere near the combat effectiveness as Pyrrha, so I can do Jack crap in that department against Cinder. Umbra is the biggest unknown him, and his semblance is a pain, too. Nothing I think of to at least hinder their plan either back fires or there's not enough info. I should probably head back Yang and Weiss have their match tomorrow.

I proceed to get out of the music room and go back to the dorm.

Timeskip past the match. If the match video isn't added, feel free to yell at me.

Y/n: Well, I guess Flynt really got you fired up.

Yang: Could use a little work.

I got a message from Ozpin on my scroll again. I'll go later for now. I'm gonna make sure my teammate is alright.

Y/n: Hey Yang, be careful with your first one on one.

Yang: Got it.

We start bringing Weiss to the nurse for a quick check-up after the fight. Turns out her aura took the brunt of it. After a bit, I left and went to Ozpin's office via portal. Upon entering, I saw Pyrrha sitting across from Ozpin and Qrow in the corner. Before I could speak, the elevator door opened, revealing Ironwood and Goodwitch.

Ironwood: Sorry we're late.

Y/n: No, I'm not doing this.

Pyrrha: What is this? Y/n, how did you? (Turns back to Ozpin) Who are you?

The three of them come a little closer towards Ozpin and Pyrrha.

Goodwitch: (trying to sound reassuring) You know who we are. We're still the same teachers and Headmasters you met when you arrived at Beacon.

Qrow: 'Cept we've got a little part-time job.

Ironwood: We are the protectors of this world.

Ozpin: And we need your help.

Pyrrha: Y/n you know about this, too?

Y/n: To much. I am not going to be forcing or trying to help her think a decision over.

Ozpin: That's not why I called you. I would think she would need a friendly face during this... exchange.

Y/n: More like info dump but fine.

We all pile into the elevator afterward and was brought down to the vault.

Pyrrha: (so what relaxed) Where are we going?

Ozpin: The vault under the school.

The elevator soon stops and opens to the barely lit hall. Everyone walked out with Pyrrha coming out behind me.

Goodwitch: I'm sure you must have questions.

A whole new World Reboot (Earth male Faunus Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now