“Normally, I’d say I probably wouldn’t do it. But let’s not forget that you’re responsible for removing just about all my emotions. If I had any fears about getting trapped or killed here, they’re long gone now. So I have a question for you.” You grin wolfishly, taking just a small step closer to the target behind you. “Do you think I’m angry enough to do it?” Elegar tenses, and you can tell he’s on the knife point of breaking. You shift your weight in preparation.

Suddenly, all the tension and nervousness that Elegar shows disappears. He sighs, glancing away from you and into the blackness. “These games have grown boring. I was hoping for something more interesting, but clearly you have none to offer. I will finish you off then go deal with that fool Cipher.” He snaps his head back towards you and you have no reaction time as he brings his hand out and pulls on some sort of invisible string.

The breath is pulled out of you as that pulling sensation is back, harder than ever. It originates at your gut then quickly spreads until it feels like your very skin is getting peeled away. You double over, pain surging through you, even through your numbing potion. You cry out, your legs collapsing under you and sending you to the floor. Tears burst from your eyes instantly, dripping onto your arms that are clenched around your torso.

You force your head to look up, only to see a blurry image of some sort of aspiration in front of you.  The figure looks starkly like you. At the center of it is a pulsating bright, red orb. It occurs to you that the anger you’ve been feeling for the past hour or so has all but disappeared. All you feel is blinding pain; No fear, no guilt, no anger, nothing. In fact, you feel rather indifferent to the clearly dangerous event occurring in front of you.

While, what you assume is, your soul drifts away from you, everything starts to go fuzzy. The edges of Elegar's figure start to melt together, losing definition. You have a feeling that the edges of your vision start to go black, though you can't see it clearly. You feel like throwing up, but you don't even have the strength for that. You know that if you let yourself pass out now, you don't think you'll ever wake up.

Distantly, you think you hear your name. Did you actually hear it or did you imagine it? You can't tell. The brink of death does seem to elicit strange senses in people, after all. Then, you hear it again. You take the last dredges of your strength to pull open your eyes. You see a flicker of different colors meshed into each other. It's moving but you can't tell what it is yet.

It calls you again and you make a greater effort to solve the mystery by focusing your sight. It starts to take shape and you realize it's a person. You can barely feel your limbs under you, but you use what you can to stabilize yourself and get to your feet. That distant feeling from before is back, a deep warm feeling that you can barely graze. It's strange that you can feel anything, so you focus on the feeling.

You take a deep breath and shut your eyes. You feel vertigo hit you, but you keep your feet planted on the ground. You try to grasp that emotion from deep within you, but it evades your grasp like a fish in the water. The longer it takes for you to grasp this, the further from life you can feel yourself fading. Your breaths are becoming shorter. Instead of trying to grasp the feeling, you let it go and try to encourage it to come to you.

Suddenly, something explodes across your backside. Your eyes snap open and you suck in air like you just breached the top of the water. You see with stark clarity that the aspiration of yourself snaps back towards you, disappearing into you. As it sinks in, all your emotions click into place all at once. It hits you with the force of a whale.

       'What happened to Bill?!'
                           'Oh my god, everything's hurts!'
                    'We could die in here!'
'I need to teach that demon a fucking lesson!'

Tears sprout from your eyes immediately from the force of the emotional cocktail inside you. It takes several seconds to get your thoughts in order well enough to figure out what's going on. Your back feels significantly heavier, but that's sunk to the bottom of your thoughts at the moment. You take stock of what's around you; The mirror, Elegar, and Bill. Both demons look quite stunned.

You look at Elegar and Bill with an eerily calm clarity. You slowly kneel down and scoop your dagger from the ground, holding it gently in your grip. Elegar finally finds it in him to speak. "So that's everything it took for you to reveal yourself, you A-" You don't give him the chance to finish. You're on him in half a second, much faster than any human should be. Your blade is at his throat.

"Enough." You speak softly, looking him directly in the eyes. You see the fear pooling in them slowly. "No more games. Bill and I are leaving, whether you like it or not." You see the breath he takes to speak, more than likely to give you some sort of one-liner, but you don't give him the chance. Before he can utter a syllable, you stab him directly in the chest. He chokes out a pained noise as magic floods your dagger, pooling into an invisible reserve. His body crumples to the ground. You don't remove your blade until his form is turned to ash, caused by the removal of his power.

Once everything is said and done, you turn to Bill. He's staring at you with wide eyes, and you apprehensively look back at him. To your utter relief, he doesn't seem afraid of you, only in shock. The deed said and done, you sheath the dagger through the belt of your pants. It feels comfortable there, like it's where it was always meant to be. You take the seconds of silence to gather yourself.

There's a rumbling like an earthquake under your feet. You almost fall over but Bill grabs you and keeps you straight. You whip around and see the result of your kill; The cracks in the mirror are starting to spread rapidly and more of that black ink, that you now suspect is some sort of blood, is pouring out. You have no doubt that the mirror will shatter within a handful of seconds. "We need to move. That mirror is gonna shatter the second one of us goes through." Bill grabs you by the shoulders and drags you closer.

"Wait, wait." You pull his grip away from you as you both stand in front of it. "What do you mean 'one of us'?" You glower at him but all he gives you is a smile. "Don't worry about me, I-" You don't even let him finish the thought. "I'm not leaving you here!" You try to be intimidating, your hackles raising as something on your backside twitches. He sighs and gently takes your hand. His fingers interlock with yours. "Yes, you are." He shoves you. The combination of the rumbling under your feet and shove cause you to stumble well enough to fall right through.

You see a flash of white wings before the blinding light of the portal overtakes your vision.

The Witch in the Woods (Bill Cipher x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن