S e v e n

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Apologies for not posting comment more ideas and if you like this sort of chapter.


I felt my body being tied up, each leg and arm was now attached to a part of the bed frame, that's when I noticed out of the corner of my eye my mother was standing by the wall her wand pointed straight towards me as she casted a spell to silence the room. "You know Cassiopeia if you had turned out like regulus we wouldn't be having these encounters, now look at you, you're a slut" I was taken aback I didn't know how to respond but I didn't have time to mutter something as she started to speak again "I had such high hopes for you, I mean your beautiful, good body, slim any man could have you" I shook my head tears spilling out of my eyes "but you had to go for the half-blood scum, you had to go for the potters son who betrayed the sacred 28, and I won't just let that slide Cassiopeia" more tears began to fall at this point, I tried to hold them in , forcing myself not to show a sign of weakness but her words were sour, she meant them with much spite, and hatred. I shook my head at her "please stop, don't do whatever your going to please" she cackles at my response that's when I'm hit, the pain sores through my whole body, my screams ego the room, that's when I feel my body shake.

"Cassie wake up, cass come on" I slowly open my eyes to see Remus still next to me and four half awake people at the end of my bed, some more awake then others "Cassie, are you okay" I didn't know how to respond I felt the tears brimming at my eyes just as they were about to fall Remus wrapped his arms around me again and Mia sat on the end of the bed gently rubbing my leg "Cassie my darling, I won't question why Remus is in here right now.. but I just want to know if your okay. We can talk about this in the morning if you'd like?" I nod into Remus's arms covering my face from those watching. Effie nods standing up from the bed. "You boys get to bed" she said scooting them out leaving Remus with me, I could tell Sirius was hesitant to go as I felt his stares in the back of my head, I had a feeling he knew what went on. I had a feeling he had dreamt the same thing.

Monty was the last to leave giving Remus a reassuring nod before looking down at me "Cassie my dear, you've found yourself a good friend" I turn to look at him before lifting my head up towards Remus "I know Monty, I know" I say with a slight smile as Fleamont closing the door leaving the two of us alone. "Do you want me to stay" I nod looking at him, his arms still wrapped around me giving me comfort.

"Cassie would you like to take about it now with me, or to all of us in the morning?" I shake my head I didn't want to tell anyone what I had dreamt, I wanted it to be a mere memory that would get lost at the back of my brain, I didn't want to have to recall the torture that had been inflicted on me during my childhood up until now. I just wanted to be here, safe, with Remus.

"Can you just hold me?" He nods getting up to turn the light off whilst the lamp next to us stays on. Once he's back in his place he lifts me onto his lap wrapping his arms around me. "Whatever that was, whatever you dreamt it's all fiction, it's not real. I don't want you to have to panic thinking it's going to happen in reality" oh but he was so wrong

I nodded into Remus's chest as he draws lines on my back, that's when I remembered something. Christmas Eve was tomorrow and I hadn't got anyone gifts, it was never a tradition with the black family, there would be the odd gifts but never a sit down family tradition, I new this year would be different.

"Do you want to go back to sleep?" I shake my head in disagreement. Remus scoots down the bed so he's laying down with me on top of him, I could feel his breathing change and I knew he had fell asleep, I didn't want to burden him so i carefully got off him trying not to wake him up, after I had slid off him I exited the room, making a b-line for Sirius's I gave a soft knock trying not to wake anyone up, hearing feet patters gave me comfort knowing he's awake too, as he opened the door I wrapped my arms around him.

"Cassie I'm so sorry" I shook my head "did you have it too?" I say whilst walking into his room plopping myself down on his bed watching as he shut the door. "I did, accept it was different I was in a pitch black room, I heard soft cries  so I tried to find an exit just using my hands, when I felt a handle I opened it. That's when I saw.." I raised a brow and his sudden pause "that's when I saw you and Her! I heard the way she spoke to you, as the way she didn't even think to stop before hurting you, and when I heard your screams, I knew I wasn't just dreaming, I knew you were the one screaming. I had shot up and raced to your room beating everyone to it, that's when I was Remus, he was panicking trying to wake you up. I had never seen him like that before and as soon as you woke up relief came over his face..."

I opened my arms for Sirius as tears began to fall "oh Cassie it was horrible" I nod in agreement "I know, hell I'm not going to sleep as I fear it'll happen again" that's when I hear a chuckle "what, what are you laughing at?"

That's when Sirius looks back up at me "I just remembered the first time you walked in on me and a girl, you said 'hell I'm not going to sleep as I fear that will be all I can picture" I shake my head at Sirius letting out a chuckle myself "you scarred me for life you bitch, you do not get to laugh!!" That made him laugh even more "I'm just lucky I didn't walk in on you and James" I shake my head with laughter

"hey atleast you wouldn't have tried to kill us!" He shakes his head his face suddenly going back into a frown "you do forgive me right? I never meant to hit you" I nod, I knew he never meant to hurt me "I forgave you the minute it was over, it just shook me if I'm being honest" he nods before laughing again "what are you laughing at now" he shakes his head whilst howling "you should've seen Remus's face when lily came down, he asked her what shook her up so much and when she told him his face went pale, it's like his inner moony was about to run rampage. I questioned what was wrong and he stayed silent, that was his way of protecting you I suppose. Cassie you have yourself a keeper you know! Even if you two never get together. Never loose him as a friend" I nodded looking down as a slight blush came over my cheeks

As time stops ~ Remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now