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Cassiopeia black

It had been probably and hour since Sirius had chased me and James out of my room and onto the roof but we both knew if he got to us we were as good as dead! "So prongs you think he's gone" he shrugged his shoulders at me "I don't know Cass but I'm gonna let you be the sacrifice" I rolled my eyes of course James was too pussy to go and face death before me!

I slowly climbed down and placed my feet on the banister collapsing into my bedroom. Luckily it was empty "HEY JAMES ITS EMPTY". I heard him shout back some along the lines of 'okay hoe be down in a minute' once he was in the room the windows suddenly shut "James what the fuck open them up" he looked at me confused "I didn't shut them..." that's when Sirius appeared, nobody must've noticed the fucking invisibility cloak! We were dead as shit "tell everyone their wearing hot pink at my funeral" I shouted "HOW CAN I TELL THEM WHEN WE WILL BOTH BE DEAD, CASSIE YOUR BROTHER IS GONNA KILL US!" Sirius started cackling at James's sudden outburst, that was our chance we both headed straight for the doors and ran into the corridor. Unlucky for me I bumped straight into Remus landing on top of him "hey rem" I accidentally positioned myself so I was now sat on-top of him, I only realised when his face went red "shit sorry moons" I said with a smirk, I could've stayed there for a while but I didn't want Remus to be uncomfortable. Even if he was comfortable enough earlier to stare at my tits.. (not complaining though)

When me and Remus finally got up the angry Sirius reappeared.

"Fuck rem protect me or hide me , just do something to get him away please!!!!" that's when he threw me over his shoulders and walked towards Sirius "no rem you traitor not that way! No Remus please!!" I begged at this point I was willing to do anything not to die tonight - I was in my nice pajamas aswell!

Remus lupin

Although it may of been sly I was so fucking jealous of James, I didn't know what came over me when I took Cass to her brother she was fighting it a lot she kept kicking me to put her down, and once I did Sirius took a hold of her. There was a tinge of regret when I did that but she was mine. Even if she didn't know it, she's my favourite, my girl, hell she's my everything.... I just haven't been able to tell her yet I suppose.

Sirius black

Words could explain how mad I was, Cassie and James no! James was my best friend why would he go's for my sister. I wouldn't care if it was Remus or Peter because I can trust them but James! The amount he talks about his dearest lily flower is sick, if you want to shag my sister fine! As long as you don't blow her off the next second for a girl she absolutely despises, nobody really knows why Cassie hates lily so much, Remus surely knows. But I think it all started with an argument in the second year when lily said at-least I don't get abused at home, I mean she's right she doesn't but why tell the whole fucking world that. Nobody needed to know what goes on at the house of black. Nobody should want to know, Nobody should ever want to experience that shit. It's painful and it hurts. I hope that by Christmas mia and Monty will let me stay, I completely forgot to ask Cassie about leaving home forever so I will hope to do that soon.

But what if she says no? What if she says yes? Mia and Monty love her as their own as we have visited many times, but she is always distant on the first few days. But that's always because we go days after we arrived at our real home - or just our birth home nothing about that is a home it's a shit dark and dirty house. Where everything is controlled by Walbuga and Orion black a sick incest couple. Who looks at there cousin and thinks 'i want to shag them' like ew gross!

I feel bad for Cassie as since regulus's first year she has been getting cat called and shouted at saying shit like Cassiopeia let's shag, Cassie be mine when those things happen all she does is sit in her room and cry. She doesn't let anyone in but silly old moony pie. Am I jealous my sister doesn't tell me things? Yes! Am I rooting for my sister and Remus to get together? Also yes!

Remus lupin

All eyes were on Cass and Sirius they were shouting, louder then normal, hell louder then how siblings should ever fight. All eyes were on them it was like we all expected something big to happen, I knew Sirius wouldn't do anything to hurt her but I guess I was proven wrong when I heard a loud SMACK

  Sirius black

SHIT! I let my actions take control of me I was so mad, I didn't realise. She's never going to forgive me, after everything that happens at home , I didn't realise what I was doing until the palm of my hand made contact with her face, everyone was watching. I noticed her eyes became glossy as tears began to fall

"Sirius what the fuck"

That was all the could say before she ran off in the corridor, I was fucked

A/n ~ sorry for the shortish chapter I felt like I was ranting a bit do I decided to stop x

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