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Cassiopeia black

School was getting better my classes were all good and it was nearly Christmas break! I absolutely loved Christmas but hated the part where I have to go home. I walked through the halls when professor mcgonagall stopped me "Cassie, dear please be careful" I gave her a questioning look before nodding, she didn't know right? How could she? Sirius maybe! I shook it off and carried on to my dorm grabbing my things and meeting all of the marauders there.

"Remus where is everyone?" He shrugged "I think they went to the boats but I wanted to wait for you" I smiled at him before linking my arm with his and off we went to the boats


I wish I got killed before I went home death wouldn't be as painful as this. As soon as I walked in the house I got hit with a curse, I fell to my knees screaming. The older I got the worse the curses got. Sirius was also cursed in that hour we spent downstairs, my mother found out what Goyle did and told me I should've sucked it up and when I argued back she hit me with the cruciartis curse.

Days went by when me and Sirius would only leave our rooms to speak to each other because mother and father only wanted to hear about regulus and it pissed me off, my father used to always be by my side but since hogwarts he fucked that up.

It was quite late at night and I went into Sirius's room but saw him packing "Sirius what are you doing?" He looked up at me I think he thought nobody was going to come in but I did "frère s'il te plaît ne me dis pas que tu pars" (I Hope it says brother please don't tell me your leaving I'm using a translator x) he nodded "Cass I cant take it anymore James offered me his place to stay so I'm going there" I shook my head "what about me! You barely get hurt! It's always ME!" My voice rose I didn't even mean for it to happen but I was pissed, Sirius didn't even try and say anything he just walked to the floo and left, I tried to follow but he must have blocked it as soon as he left. That's when I heard the footsteps coming up to his room "CASSIOPEIA BLACK HAVENT I TOLD YOU TO KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN!" I couldn't reply in time I was hit with another curse, once mother had looked round the room she realised Sirius was nowhere to be seen. She turned to me and the colour left my skin "Cassiopeia my dear where is your brother" she said it sweetly like she didn't just hurt me, I think she only did it to get answers out of me but I was stubborn. Hours went on with endless torture I wasn't going to give in I took all the pain till I was lay half dead on the bedroom floor. "I hope you learned your lesson I will be back tomorrow to carry on"

She was right every day she came in for hours on end I was tortured I had cuts all over that weren't healing , deep deep marks al over my arms and legs. I didn't know where James lived exactly but I knew what street, I had no clothes at the house that I wanted all of them were awful. My clothes stayed at hogwarts so all I needed was money and I took nearly all of the money from my room and from Sirius's and even took some off regulus before I flooed to the street, it was empty it was quite dark so it was expected but it wasn't even 8 o'clock in the evening. I made my way towards a mansion, I didn't even know if it was his house but James went on about having a big house so I just guessed. Thank god I was right. I was quite slow but it was normal after being hurt time and time again for a week straight. As I got up to the door I stumbled but someone caught me before I hit the ground. "Let's get you in the house love, it will be alright" I don't know who it was but there voice was soft and angelic.

The woman helped me into the house and took me into the main room, that's when I saw him. Sirius shot up and just stared at me "oh Cass what happened" I shook my head as tears began to fall "Sirius love nows not the time you go with James to get a room ready whilst I clean her up!" Sirius and James nodded

"I'm Euphimia (correct me if I spelt it wrong please x) but everyone calls me Mia, and my husband who's out right now if fleamont but he goes by Monty, now I'm guessing your a black by your looks, and I'm also guessing you ran away" I was taken back by how much she knew but then remembered Sirius and that she was good mates with James so he probably mentioned me before "well Cassiopeia I have some potions to give you if that's okay" I nodded "Mia is it okay if you call me Cassie, that name reminds me of walbuga" she nodded before leaving the room.

I knew i was safe here, it smelt fresh and everyone had a smile on their face, apart from me I looked tired and some what traumatised but I think the recent events finally came over me.

A/n please lmk if I spelt things incorrectly and lmk if you want a plot added into the story x

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