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Cassiopeia black

Once we all arrived in the great hall, dumbledore started his speech. Nobody really pays attention so I was looking at Evan and Barty who kept giving me the 'we have shit to tell you look' once the speech was over I excused myself, people questioned it but let me go anyways. Once I was outside the hall the two boys arrived shortly after "we can't talk here, let's go to the lake" I nodded following them to the black lake. "Right. There is loads of shit going on Cassie and oh my fucking god you need to watch out" I gave Barty a questioning look before Evan started speaking.

"We overheard Regulus, Mulciber and goyle talking. Cassie they were talking about drugging you to test out the new curses they learnt.." I felt like the world collapsed my own brother? "But malfoy overheard them and said I quote ' if any of you vile creatures touch Cassie I will hex the fuck out of you ' Barry added.  thank god for Lucius

As I let Evan carry on the topics for lighter "Narcissa is jealous though because she thinks you and Lucius are going to or have shagged and you know her weird fucking obsessions with him. And also Dorcas and Marlene. We kinda walked in on them but that's not our fault !" I smiled me Barty and Evan have always spoke about the little eyes they give each other and it makes me happy that they have finally admitted there feelings. "So apart from My brother and his mates is there anything else I have to worry about" they both nodded and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "Get off me fuckers or I will be jelly" they both laughed before we all retired back into the hall picking up a few bits that were left, then retiring to our respective dorms.

Remus lupin

Since Cassie had gone it gave lily the perfect chance to talk to me "So Remus you do anything over the summer" I nodded I didn't want to go to much into detail and there were a lot of things I with to forget "well since Cassiopeia isn't here to judge me I was thinking me and you could go to the library" I shook my head. "Sorry Lily But im a Bit busy maybe another time?" I felt bad as he face dropped but it didn't matter as I was more focused on when Cassie was coming back. Then I noticed an angry James potter walking in

James potter

I love moony I really do but spending time with lily really started to piss me off, I was glad when he rejected her but I couldn't stop myself from feeling hurt, why didn't she love me. I know moony was waiting for Cassie but since she's my only girl - friend I needed to speak to her "moony where is Cassie?" He shrugged so I waited sad on her bed that's when I heard the door open "James, Remus said you were looking for me" I quickly wiped the tears that had fell. She looked at me with sorrow in he eyes, she wrapped her arms around me "I'm sorry James.." I nodded crying into her shoulder, once she knew I was finished she sat down which her back against the headboard tapping her lap for me to lay in. "I'm all ears potter"

After I told her, she gave me tips. I dont know if it was in the moment things but I couldn't stop looking at her lips, I kept taking small glances before looking up, she must of noticed. I slowly started to lean in and before I knew it her lips were on mine and we were in a heated snog. I slowly sat up gently pulling her legs and placing her so she was straddling my lap. My kisses went down to her neck "f-fucking hell" I heard her breath hitch, this lasted for about a minute until we heard a 'what the fuck' we both froze and looked up to see a very pale faced lily. Shit.

"Y-you guys were about to shag.." we and Cassie both gave her questioning looks since when did lily care who I shagged? Mate I haven't shagged anyone first of all I'm 15 and well that's it but I suppose 15 doesn't matter. "Since when did you care?" I asked you could hear a bit of disgust in my voice, "it um it doesn't matter carry on" with a flash lily had left the room and my lips attached back onto cassies neck lifting her on my lap.

It didn't take long before we were both naked and well shagging Cassie and me were both virgins so atleast she didn't know what she was doing to. After a while we both got changed again and heard a knock on the door. We looked at eachother in hope it wasn't who we thought, if it was we were both dead. If it wasn't we'd still both be dead.. you know people would snitch

Fuck Cassie opened the door to an extremely mad Sirius "SHIT" she screamed before slamming the door back in his face "James were both going to die" I nodded an angry Sirius was one thing but a angry Sirius when you just fucked his sister was worse. He kept knocking on the door and it got louder every time. "James open the window" I did as she said "climb over the barrier and get onto the roof" once I was on the roof she slowly climbed up "we are so dead" we both laughed as my arms went around her shoulders "tell me about it" we both laugh again when we heard Sirius shouting us "10 galleons he punches me" she agreed with me "bet". The best first night of Hogwarts was spent with Cassie, we both agreed not to take things further  as we thought it would ruin the friendship and this was just a one time thing supposedly but just holding her, and spending time with her was enough. Cassie was my second favourite on the list after Sirius as he will always be my fav, she was always there to hear me rant about my girl problems and always there if any of us were upset. Many people think Cassie is cold and trust me she can be but once you get to know her. The real her. She will brighten your day!

"Hey look it's Sirius" she pointed to a star, I loved how all the back family - most of them had names to do with astrology. Regulus and Sirius we're both stars, whilst Cassiopeia was a constellation and a goddess, which in reality suits Cass the best as she is gorgeous!


A/n - what do we think, should I do more James and Cassiopeia moments. And if you don't know what a snog is it's basically a make out.

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