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The black family was one of the sacred 28, most only knew it because they bragged about it, but also because they were the one  most powerful. Nearly every week the daily prophet had there face on it.

The family consisted of Orion, Walbuga, Sirius, Cassiopeia and regulus. For saying they were a very feared family most thought they would never hurt one of there children but god were they wrong.

Cassiopeia was the unluckiest out of all three, her mother hated her guts she blamed everything on the poor girl and one day punished her in a way she's never forget. Cassie was only 8 when she got hit with the cruciatus curse. Cassie had only been reading  in the  library when her mother stormed in and claimed Cassiopeia left the room in a mess when in reality there was one book on the table. Cassie couldn't wait for the day her and her twin went to hogwarts and left regulus . Regulus was a suck up to his mum not so much his dad as Orion favoured his only daughter, as much as he wasn't supposed to as it wasn't part of his wife's 'punishments' he cleaned the girls cuts and tucked her to bed. His cousin was a cruel woman who only cared about an heir, whilst he just wanted his children to be somewhat happy so when they went away to school they wouldn't spill there guts straight as they entered those doors.

When the time came Sirius and Cassiopeia boarded the train and found an empty compartment for themselves only to be bombarded by three other boys in there year. And that's how they became the marauders

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