Izuku POV

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A loud ringing noise woke me up. I tiredly rub my eyes, before checking the time. Something clicks. Today is the day!!! I'm finally going to get my quirk! I wonder if it's going to be like Hina's. He's so cool. I quickly jump out of bed. The sooner I get my quirk, the sooner we can be the best hero duo ever. I rush towards my parent's room.

How could they sleep now? Today is super important!! I climb up on top of their bed before jumping up and down, waking them up," Get up! Get up! Today is the day I finally get my quirk." I yell. I'm going to get my quirk. I'm going to get my quirk!! I'm just o excited. It was the only thing I could think about all day yesterday. I look towards my mom as she laughs.

I crawl over to my dad, who groaned as he pulled the cover over his head. "Get up, Dad. You have to get up." I struggle to pull the covers off him. I feel two arms pull me away," Come on, Izu. Dad can get ready while you get dressed." I shout okay, before wiggling out of her grip.

I ran towards my room, grabbing clothes from my dresser. Not wasting any time, I put on my shoes then into the kitchen I go.

My dad sits calmly at the table drinking coffee, still in bed in his pajamas. I look towards my mom, who was frying bacon, a stack of pancakes sat ready on the table. "You said Dad would get ready," I said with a pout. My dad walks behind me," It's okay. I'm getting ready now" he gives me a quick hug before going into their room. The sound of juice pouring, makes me turn my head," It's time for breakfast"

I quickly walk to the table. "Thanks, Mom!" I yell then I stuff my face. I hear Mom pull out a chair before she started to eat. After a few minutes, I pull my chair back to get up. I grab my plate, to put it in the sink. My mom followed after me. I rush to my parent's room, knocking on the door. The door opened, showing my dad who was finally out of his pajama. "Let's Go kid" he picked me up. Carrying me to the car. He handed me to my mom, so she could put me in my car seat.

I loved car rides! They were always super fun. Mom would play music super loud and we would all get the sing. My mom went around to get in. While dad started the car, making sure we were all strapped in before driving. I wait patiently for Mom to cut on the radio. When she did I felt my body start to move. I loved this song. It was my favorite. Mom and Dad always said they loved hearing me sing. They said it made them feel happy.

Sadly the ride the quick. I kinda wish it lasted longer but I'm glad that we were finally here. My dad stopped the car. Then unstrapped me, handing my hand as we followed after my mom.

We had to wait in this super boring room. There was this line of chairs we had to say in. They had music too, but it wasn't like the one in the car. It didn't have any words.

The people there knew our name and seemed to be in some group since they wore the same clothes. I had to follow this one man into a room. He asked me a lot of questions before he put me under this thing. I had to stay super still. After all that he brought me back to the same room. I jumped into my mom's lap. I wonder how cool my quirk is going to be.

It felt like some years had passed, but Mom only said it was five minutes. I still think it was longer though, before they called me into a room again. This time Mom and Dad came with me. We went into this office. The man from earlier sat in front of the desk. We just sat on the other side. The man looked kinda sad. I wonder what happened. "I have good news and bad news," he said cautiously. Everybody's face turned super serious. My dad was the first to speak up," Tell us the good news"

The man cleared his throat.

"The good news is that you have a very healthy boy. I'm sure that he will grow up to be very strong." I saw my mom nod her head, encouraging him to go on. What's up with the bad mood.."The bad news is that he will most likely never manifest a quirk..." The room went silent.

I slightly tug at my dad's sleeve," What does that mean?" My dad looks at me with tears in his eyes. I look at the man, to see if he could give me an answer. I had an idea, but it could be right. I had to be a hero. His voice reeked of pity," You will never have a quirk...you're quirk-less"

I look at my mom for an answer, after asking the same question. I can't be quirkless...I had to have one because I had to be a hero. I promise Hina.

My vision started to blur. My hands touch my cheeks... they're wet... I rub my eyes harshly. The tears won't stop. My mouth starts to work against me. Why won't these sounds stop? This isn't real. They're just joking. It's a joke. They start laughing any moment now.

It's okay. It's okay.It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.It's okay.

My hands start to shake. My breathing gets faster. The room is spinning. I can't breathe. I gasp for air. I feel something pulling me. I fight to keep conscious.

Two arms wrapped around me. I held unto him, as tight as I could. I feared that if I let go, he would disappear just like my dream of being a hero.

"It's okay Izuku...It's going to be okay" Even though my dad was crying himself, he still tried to comfort me."We're going to get through this together. I believed him...

Little did I know that It was a lie...

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