Chapter 5

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"Your things have arrived."

She followed the direction of his eyes, and sure enough, her big bright red suitcase was being hauled ashore by a group of men. She was overcome by the urge to hide and stepped behind Alex. He turned and wrapped his arms around her, crushing her tight against him.

"Shh, beautiful girl. You are safe. You will never come to harm in my service. Never." Alex led her down to the shore, the ropes attached to her ankles and wrists held loosely in her hands. She felt exceedingly shy, but unafraid. She watched the men working together to set up a big canvas tent. She was surprised and relieved to find that no one was particularly gawking at her, after all she was wearing nothing but a couple whispers of filmy black cloth and a lot of rope.

Alex picked up a beach chair and carried it a little ways away from the commotion of the men working. He put her ropes in her hands and set the chair up, gesturing for her to sit down. He handed her a phone.

"Call your family."

He kissed the top of her head and walked away, leaving her alone with the phone, her rope, and her thoughts. She took a moment to compose herself and then called both her mother and her father. She was very general about her snap decision to cruise around in the catamaran for a bit, but charted cruises were available in the area and both of her parents just assumed she would be aboard one of those.

After only a moment's hesitation, she called her sister. Jesse was 7 years older and had been Natasha's hero from birth. If there was anyone she wanted to give all the detail's to, it was Jess. But, after the 5th ring she knew Jess wasn't going to pick up. She didn't recognize the number. Natasha left a message with the important details and a plea that Jess call her back right away.

She sighed and closed her eyes, letting her head flop back against the back of the chair. She looked up at the fading light and brilliant colors of the sunset. Red, orange, and pink lit the sky and faded into a deep purple near the horizon. Looking at it made her throat tight, it was so exquisite. She closed her eyes again and saw him instead. Pictures of the many sides of the powerful man flashed through her mind. Alex in graceful motion, working the sails and manning the anchor with practiced ease and sinewy strength. Alex's face, raw with hunger for her, as he touched her in ways that made her body tighten and tense with longing for him. And, finally, the way he had taken her into his arms and reassured her. She had never felt so safe.

The phone rang. She was relieved to see Jesse's number on the caller id. They chatted for a moment or two about Jesse's new job and how glad

she was to have made the leap from administration to sales. The money was so much better and she enjoyed making connections with clients. Natasha felt their warm and intense connection and smiled. She knew she could tell Jess anything. "I met a guy," Natasha said quietly. "Well, really a man. A beautiful, exciting, wealthy man who is taking me cruising with him on his sailboat."

"I want you to send me pictures of this guy. Pictures of his boat, especially the name, and pictures of the two of you together. That way I have photographic evidence if you need me to rescue you or something and you'll have them for your scrapbook if he's Mr. Right."

Jess was always practical. She made the perfect counterpoint to Natasha's own impulsive nature. They chatted a few more minutes and Natasha promised to send the pictures. She hung up, feeling completely reassured in her quest to follow her heart and continue her once in a lifetime adventure.

As the very last of the light faded from the sky, Alex returned.

"Everything is ready. We'll be keeping the phone. The men are going to stay anchored here overnight. But, they'll be on their boats in their cabins."

She nodded, wondering what might happen next. She was excited and a tiny bit apprehensive, though fear heightened her emotions, it was really her fear of the unknown. She was completely unafraid of Alex. She told him about her sister's request.

"Well, this Jesse is brilliant. We'll grab those pictures and send them to her. Then you'll be all mine. I can't wait to play with you!"

They spent the next 30 minutes running around like crazy, Natasha struggling to keep the ropes attached to her wrists and ankles from getting tangled up and knocking her flat on her ass. Alex produced a portable spotlight and shined it on the boat. The name she had never noticed was Bound Beauty. She grinned at his truth in advertising. They sent the pictures over the satellite to Jess. The one of them together showed only their faces and she was kissing his cheek while he grinned at the camera. They were finally done. No details stood between them and they could focus their attention entirely on one another.

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