Finally! The King

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Kai had stayed there, kneeling beside Ben's dead body, it took about thirty minutes for a group of armed men to find her, she didn't fight them off, and they took her away. They dragged her into a car placing a sack over her head and drove off. Kai sat still in the car, smilling under the sack. Everything was going according to plan.

The Devasanchi Empire.

'Sir, we have captured the mastermind behind all the killings of the mafia groups. The guilty party is currently being held in our most gaurded cell' a voice reported before bowing and leaving silently.


'Psst.....psssst.....excuse me sir? Could you please loosen these cuffs, the are a little too tight' Kai said as innocently as she could, sobbing a little while she looked the gaurd directly in his eyes. One gaurd by her cell, two outside the door, three in the corridor, the fight would be exciting. But first to get out of this cell.

'I can't do that miss' the gaurd said shaking off her gaze and turning away.

'But you know', Kai began her voice changing and turning seductive, 'I am a vulnerable woman, scared and weak' She said softly. Watching how he relaxed as he heard that. 'I wouldn't want someone to claim me roughly, what if I surrendered to you, then I would be yours, wouldn't I? I'm sure the other gaurds would never cross, a big strong man like yourself, would they?' Kai said smilling shyly at the gaurd who had now turned to face her.

'You make an intriguing point, but I can't let you out' he replied hastily

'Who says I have to come out? You can come in' Kai said stroking his chin through the cell bars, before walking over to her mat of a bed and she proceeded to lie down in a seductive manner.

The gaurd didn't hesitate he unlocked the door and rushed in, his hormones clearly controlling him, his eyes were dilating as he approached Kai, leaning forward to feel his body against hers, Kai's smile changed to disgust as she pulled out her hair pin and stabbed his neck violently, he dropped to the ground gasping pathetically for air. Kai took out the knife the guard had in his pant pocket and picked up his gun.

To kill the gaurds by the door, she lured them in with a manly call for help, the two gaurds came storming in only to be shot down seconds later, the noise of gun fire attracted the other three in the corridor who carelessly charged in to meet their sad fate of death, Kai rushed past them picking up an extra gun and some more ammunition. And two hand grenades. She walked stealthy through the dark halls, finally she reached a staircase and went up it eagerly, she was almost there and she could feel it.

Once she reached the top office, she peeped from the door frame and saw three fully armed gaurds, she leaned back quickly and formed a plan she pulled the pin off one of the grenades and hurled it towards the door, with the remaining seconds she had she went down the stairs to keep herself as far away from the  explosion as possible. Once the grenade went off, the doors that closed the staircase shook from the hinges almost breaking off and the place trembled midly.

Kai once again peeped before fully emerging, the path was littered with bits of burning wood, smokey air and broken glass that crunched under her boots. The door that three gaurds once stood to gaurd had been vaporized into little pieces, Kai walked through the smoke into the room where she would face the bad ass leader who had been so discret that Kai had no idea of who they could possibly be, all she knew was. Only one of them would leave alive. And Kai had no intention of dying before she had taken revenge.

A shadowy figure approached slowly through the smoke, then all of a sudden it stopped and stood still

'Show yourself, you bastard!' Kai shouted stretching her gun towards the direction of the shadow, reloading it with more ammunition in order to send the message that she was armed.

The figure continued to walk slowly towards Kai, not saying a word to her or making a sound as it approached closer.

The smoke was lifting slowly and as the figure got close, she found herself face to face with someone she had once loved, Kai froze and her face whitened her hands began to shake uncontrollably this person infront of her. This person was supposed to be dead.

It was Michael.

'Let's sit down and talk' he said casually as if this wasn't a big deal, and they saw each other every other week for gun fights and grenade throwing.

But it was a big deal, Kai had believed him dead for ten full years, wait, something wasn't right. No no. How come he's alive and in the Devasanchi empire? He obviously wasn't being held hostage, he looked almost too well kept.

Kai didn't have to think twice she took a step back, she didn't have time to process her thoughts. Shoot first, ask questions later. She stretched her hands and shot at Michael's leg, he dropped to his knees wincing as he grabbed onto his leaking thigh.

'Start talking, before I turn you into a colander' Kai said as she began to pace slowly around him

'Kai, I'm sorry, I had duties' Michael said as he sat down and ripped part of his shirt to cover his shot wound

'Did you organize Jeff's murder?' Kai asked trying to keep her composure.

'No, but I did know about it'

'Killed my mom too didn't you?'

'Kai I had to, all I wanted was for jeff to die, and for you to be shaken up, my brother wanted to marry you'

'Michael, you are an only child! You lying son of a bitch!' Kai shouted as she aggressively kneed his face

'It actually makes sense now' Kai said kicking him again 'your fucking last name was daves, if you rearrange it it's devas, the first...' she stopped to kick his stomach 'five letters of Devasanchi, you bloody prick' Kai said laughing lightly

'What did my mother ever do to you! You pathetic asshole! What did you achieve?' Kai said pulling out the knife she had taken off one of the gaurds, 'now old friend. You will know pain' She said as she dug the knife into his abdomen, he screamed loudly, he had no energy to fight back, maybe he understood that he indeed deserved it. 'Don't worry you won't die, that's not a vital point. I'm going to carve you up, and make you beg for your life. Before I send you to hell' Kai said softly

'Kai, m-my brother' he whispered

'Oh, shut up! I'm not buying that crap! I don't understand why? Why would you drag my mother and I into your shitty business? Just take a fucking look at me! Do you think it was easy to become what I hated? And here I am finding out that the one I fought for is the one I hated! You greedy bitch!' Kai shouted stretching her hands once again shooting his arm. Michael was sweating, grabbing his shoulder tightly, his eyes beginning to tear up, he could feel his end, all this blood he was loosing, he wouldn't last long.

'K-kai, I-I, I'm so fucking sorry!' He yelled coughing blood as he did so. 'If you have to kill me please do it! But you have to kill my brother! Please! It won't end if he lives!' He said as strongly as he possibly could, his voice strained and powerless

'Just die! Michael' Kai said as she pointed the gun to his other arm, she would not give him an escape from all the pain, she wanted him to feel what she had felt, even though she knew it wasn't possible. She walked out, leaving him helplessly lying in a pool of his own blood, dying slowly as he bled out.

Kai left the building after placing bombs in it, once she was safely away she brought the Devasanchi empire down to it's knees.


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