Who the heck?

13 4 1

Kai had just woken up, she was lying next to the stranger who had brought her home from a party last night, she remembered his strong arms around her as he took her home to share a heated evening together, as she turned to get up she looked around the room which she had vaguely remembered, her gaze finally coming to a halt when she saw a picture of what seemed to be the man she was in bed with, two other guys and Jeff, she rubbed her eyes in uttermost shock.

'What the actual fuck?' She mumbled
Who the hell did she just fuck Kai stepped out of the bed feeling a little nauseous as she stared clumsily at the man next to her.

She wandered the halls looking for more pictures of Jeff, how did this man know Jeff? Oh my God! Please don't let me be screwing Jeff's brother. She continued to walk in an oblivious state until she came face to face with a large family portrait, she saw an old frail looking man and sitted on his lap was young Jeff, his smile innocent and pure not the kind that would give any girl chills like the way he had done to her before.
The young boy standing to the left of the old man was most likely to be the stranger.

Kai began to think back to the times when Jeff had been alive, how he would touch her, the passion he made her feel, he had been her whole world, her first, everything she had known at some point, yes even though he'd become physically aggressive and whip her or choke her till she lost consciousness, extreme but, to her understandable. Jeff in her opinion didn't deserve to die, so what if he was in the bloody mafia? So what if he'd hurt her? So fucking what if he- if he-had lied and manipulated her? Why did he have to die? And why in front of her?

She would often find herself wondering what could have been if he had survived somehow, would they have had a proper wedding? Would they have been happy? Would Jeff have changed like he said?
Would she finally be able to tell her mom about them?
Would he have met her mother? Would they have had children? She couldn't control the tears that were now streaming down her face, she dropped to the ground unknowingly holding on tightly to the picture frame which she had subconsciously carried from the bedroom.

'Why the fuck did you die Jeff!' She screamed forgetting completely that she was in a stranger's home.

She threw the picture frame out of impulse when she saw an outline forming by the door frame, she got up as steadily as she could, and the stranger emerged from behind the door.

'Who the fuck are you?' Kai said bitterly, she wanted answers and she wanted them quick.

'Who the fuck am I? Lady you're going through my bloody stuff, he began 'I'm surprised you don't already know'

'Don't be cocky with me' Kai scoffed, he was right though how come she had let the memories of Jeff get to her, and in the home of her one night stand, she felt like slapping herself hard in the face.
Ten years Kai! Ten years and still a fucking picture brings you to your bloody knees! You're weak!
She had to shake those thoughts out of her head

'Did you know him?' The stranger's voice echoed through the empty halls.

'Y-yes' Kai responded swallowing hard to fight the newly forming tears, she looked up at this strange man, he resembled Jeff in no way, so who was he? Could he be? An enemy? What was he hiding? And what should she do?

Without thinking about it thoroughly Kai lurched forward at the man and punched his gut, he groaned as he moved a few paces, he stood straight after a few seconds and charged at Kai, all in defense, because his punches didn't as much as touch her, he threw punches which she easily avoided and countered quickly,
each blow leaving him weaker than the last, he tried to reach forward and grab her by the waist but Kai was too quick and kicked him mid air sending him crashing against his own vase display. He didn't fight like a man with experience, that was a little boring to Kai.
So as he stood up again slowly, blood dripping from his mouth smiling obnoxiously, she watched him curiously.

'it's not everyday you get your ass handed to you by a woman' he said laughing, a laugh that showed how surprised he was, but also how deeply in pain he was.

'He was my half-brother' the stranger said as he tried to straighten up.

Kai was silent. Half-brother? What? Jeff, never mentioned, it can't be a trap, but. What if?
She was to stuck in her scrambled thoughts to realize that the stranger had disappeared into the other room and brought back two chairs, he placed one behind her and carefully touched her shoulders and pushed her down onto the chair, Kai didn't flinch for his touch was very warm and pleasing, she let out a sigh and lowered her head into her hands. What the Bloody hell?

'Jeff was my younger brother, half that is, I emphasize because he and his father never let me forget.' The stranger began as he reached for a cloth and wiped the blood off his lips.

Kai was still silent.

'Jeff was interested in his father's business, from a young age he always wanted to be involved'- he sighed,
'Shortly after his elated intrest Jeff's father disappeared. He just vanished without any trace, leaving me, his business, assets, savings and status in the hands of the seventeen year old Jeff.' He paused

Why does his tone sound so sad and melodramatic, how did he recover from the punches she'd given him? Could he have experienced worse? Why did he talk about Jeff like he was some kind of monster. Am I ready to face the truths I might hear, Jeff is kind! Jeff is kind! Jeff is fucking kind! The thoughts in her mind were slowly overpowering her, but still she said nothing.
She continued to face the floor and avoided meeting the strangers gaze. She gritted her teeth, disgusted by her own behavior, even after ten years, she was still Jeff's submissive slave, she had to work on this.
And she had to do it soon.

'My name is Antonio, I was never part of the mafia, though when things went wrong I was blamed for it, Jeff would organize men to beat me up under the accusations that I was leaking information, information that I never even had access too' he chuckled sadly and rose to face the wall that he gave an aggressive punch, maybe pretending it was Jeff.

'Jeff did what to you?' Kai inquired in a hushed voice, Jeff would order his own brother beaten? So what if they didn't have the same father? So fucking what? No it can't be true! It just can't be, why? Why would Jeff do that?

Antonio heard the shakiness in Kai's voice and approached her slowly, he knelt down right in front of her, he reached forward and clasped her hands tightly, Kai looked down at him, only now did she realize that she was half naked and he was shirtless, his touch was soft and gentle, how could someone who'd gone through so much pain be so kind?

'I might not know you, but I know, you are not like Jeff' Antonio said his voice filled with a reassurance of some kind.

He was right, she wasn't like Jeff. She and she only would be worse than he'd ever been if not for him, for her mother and Michael instead.

Kai took in a long deep breath, pulled her hands free from Antonio's grip, ran her hands through her hair and then down her eyes, she had to get a fucking grip.

'My name is Kai, I was Jeff's wife, I was there the night he died. Tell me everything you know about him' Kai said calmly

Antonio looked up into her eyes, he saw them glisten it wasn't rage but it was something, something extremely captivating, something that was stimulating a strong reawakening of the happiness he thought he had lost forever.


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