Chapter 13: A Grave Mistake

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Thursday evening, Chloe cut through her old backyard and slipped between the thick line of trees that separated her old house from her new one. It felt weird to even look at the house from her bedroom window, which was directly across from Courtney's old bedroom window. Spencer's bedroom window was directly across from Ali's—Chloe didn't like going into Spencer's room for this reason—and it always felt like Ali's presence was still there, watching their every move.

Before Chloe left for school this morning, she'd gone into Spencer's room to ask for extra highlighter. As Spencer was digging through her drawer, Chloe caught a glimpse of Ali's old bedroom window. There, in the pitch-black darkness of the house, was Ali. But when Chloe peered closer at the window, there was no one there. The house wasn't lit, but Chloe knew she saw Ali staring at her through the window.

Now Chloe made her way through her backyard and stepped onto the patio, a chilly gust of wind hitting her in the face. The latest weather report had stated that it was only thirty-five degrees, but only after the news report came up on Chloe's feed.

Seconds ago, Chloe had seen the video pop up on her phone. A news logo had flashed on the screen. "We have breaking news from Rosewood," said a voice-over.

A bug-eyed reporter with a crew cut stood in front of the Rosewood courthouse. "We have an update about the much-anticipated Courtney and Chloe DiLaurentis trial," he announced. "Despite speculation about lack of evidence, the D.A.'s office announced just minutes ago that the trial will take place as scheduled."

Then the broadcast cut to a shot of the front of Ian's house, a big, rambling compound with an American flag prominently over the front porch. "Mr. Thomas has been released on temporary bail until his trial begins," the reporter's voice announced off-camera. "We spoke with him last night to see how he was doing."

Ian's image swam onto the screen. "I'm innocent," he protested, his eyes wide. "Someone else is guilty of this, not me."

The words from the news report replayed in Chloe's head as she stood on the patio. It was quiet and dark on the porch. The woods behind the barn—the very last place Chloe had seen Ali before she was taken away back to the Preserve—seemed darker than usual. When she turned and looked toward her front yard, a light in the Cavanaughs' house snapped on. A tall, dark-haired figure floated by the living room bay window. Jenna. She was pacing around, talking into her cell phone, her lips moving quickly. Chloe shuddered, uneasy. It was such a disconnect to see someone wearing sunglasses indoors...and at night.

The back door swung open, and Spencer stumbled onto the patio. She pulled her cashmere cardigan closer around her, letting out a huge sigh of relief. "Hey, Chloe."

"Hey, Spencer," Chloe said.

Spencer looked in the direction of the Cavanaugh's house, then back at Chloe. "Did you see the news report about Ian's trial?"

Chloe nodded. "I saw it just a little bit ago." She looked at the woods again. The darkness reminded her of Ali. It always seemed to get darker anytime she was around. But, for some reason, the darkness disappeared whenever Chloe was alone with Ali.

She thought of their meeting behind Rosewood Day. Ali had seemed so convincing about not being A—she even showed Chloe she didn't have a phone on her—but that meant nothing. Ali could have either hidden the phone or not kept it on her at the time. Then, when Ali cried, Chloe knew the tears were fake—she could always tell the difference between Ali's fake and genuine crying—but they weren't completely fake. Ali genuinely loved Chloe, but Chloe still didn't believe that Ali wasn't the one behind the A notes. And that giggle...sounded exactly like Ali.

Chloe had been waiting all day to hear from Wilden. She'd called him last night and told him about the notes she, Aria, Hanna, Emily, and Spencer had received. Wilden had promised to call her once he traced the origin of her latest A notes. But things changed when she called him earlier this afternoon about the note she and Spencer had received in the library, adding that she and Spencer were positive someone had been watching them through the windows.

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