Chapter 2: A Is For Ali

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Two Months Later

It was the night after New Year's, and Alison DiLaurentis stood in the privacy of her bedroom, gazing at the unfamiliar creature staring back at her in the mirror. School started again tomorrow at Rosewood Day, the private school where everyone in Rosewood attended, and Ali was excited to ruin the four girls who'd ruined her life. She was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, jeans, and sneakers. Her long, wavy, blond hair flowed wildly over her shoulders. This wasn't the look she was used to, but it would do for now.

She pulled her hood over her head and saw her own unblinking cerulean blue eyes in the mirror. She looked demonic and out for murder. You have to get them, she thought. You have to finish this.

And so she was.

This past month, Ali had been released from the Preserve after Ian Thomas had been arrested for planning on killing her identical twin sister, Courtney, and her little sister, Chloe. Ali had been overjoyed at the thought of someone else being pinned for something she'd been planning on doing. She wasn't planning on killing Chloe, though. She loved Chloe more than anything. But even more so, she wanted to see Chloe again.

Chloe had grown up so much in the past four years. When Ali saw her outside the courthouse that November morning, her heart lifted. She couldn't believe how beautiful Chloe was. And the way they looked at each other reminded Ali that Chloe still loved her. After all, she'd changed her story to frame Ian, knowing their parents would have Ali released from the mental hospital she'd been trapped in for four long years.

Ali was so grateful to Chloe for having her released. She certainly considered her little sister to be an ally, and she owed her a debt of gratitude.

Ali turned off the light in her room and headed for the door. She peered out into the hall, making sure no one was there. Letting out a sigh of relief, she crept down the hall and tiptoed down the stairs. She already knew her parents were asleep, and Jason was sleeping in his studio apartment above the garage of the house. They had no idea what she was planning on doing to the four bitches who stole Chloe away from her. Sure, she'd been mad at Courtney for having Chloe's attention all the time. But the four girls were complete losers.

How dare they take Chloe away from Ali. How dare they get to do things with her that Ali should be able to do. It was time to reclaim Chloe's love and attention. And soon enough, she'd never have to worry about those bitches again.

Ali snuck through the huge kitchen to the side door. She opened the red-painted side door, ducked past an overgrown holly bush, and sneaked around the side of the house to the backyard. When she reached the deck behind the house, she dropped to her knees and searched for the cell phone she'd been keeping there the past month—she'd been waiting for the right time to start implementing her plan on taking those bitches down once and for all.

Ali had stalked the four girls before, back when she'd been planning on killing Courtney. But this time, she was going to take things to a new level. Her method of stalking now included sending anonymous messages to the girls. And they were going to be signed with an ominous A. After all, A was for Ali.

Ali reached underneath the deck, and her fingers curled around something cold and hard. It was still there, but she wanted to come outside and check, just to make sure. She smiled devilishly. It was really happening. She was going to get those bitches back for everything they'd done: they'd been standing in her old backyard when she'd been taken away to the Preserve. Courtney was supposed to be sent away, not her. She'd been in and out of the Radley for three years. She couldn't go back to being a patient in a mental hospital. And it was their fault the switch had happened.

But Ali knew she was going to make them pay for what they did. She always knew she'd find a way to get her revenge and her little sister back—for real this time. She wasn't going to do it alone, either. She knew she had the one person she could count on to help her carry it out. Together, they were going to make it happen.

Even if it killed her.

Ali put the phone back under the deck and got to her feet. She sneaked back around the side of the house and darted through the side door. Once she made it upstairs to her room, she shut the door and pulled out her favorite photo from the pocket of her jeans, the same photo where a five-year-old Ali held a one-year-old Chloe in her arms. Ali kissed the photo and held it close to her chest.

"I'm doing this for you, Chloe," she said out loud. "I know you won't like when I'm going to do, but soon enough, we'll be together again. And I will make you love me, just like I love you."

A noise sounded from the hall. Ali glanced at the door, worried that someone might have heard her. She heard footsteps make their way to the bathroom, and the door shut. Ali had done her best to make it seem like she was better. When she first came home from the hospital, her parents and Jason had been a little worried about her. Even now, Ali could tell they thought something was wrong with her. But she knew she all she had to do was be on her best behavior with them.

If they thought she was better, they wouldn't suspect her of anything. Her foolproof plan of getting those bitches would work out perfectly. And she'd finally get Chloe back. After all, she was Alison DiLaurentis, and she always got what she wanted.

Ali couldn't wait.

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