chapter 2

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When I got to school, I sat down in the little blue chair and started doing my homework. I rolled my eyes when I looked next to me to see that weird girl, Tory. She was what you call, a "horse girl." They were /those/ girls. Yup, the equestrian-crazed freaks that would definitely fuck horses. On my other side, there was this other girl named Mindy. When I tell you I have no fucking idea what comes out of her mouth every time she talks, I mean it. Her 'r' sounds are replaced with 'w's, along with various other consanants- and it's pwobabwy the mowst annowing thiwng I hawve evaw heawd. Everyone was settled in their seats when all of a sudden a girl walked into the room that I had never seen before. She had bright hazel eyes and long, dark brown hair - and I actually did not want to punch her in the face. "We have a new student in the class," The teacher announced, pointing over to the girl I was just looking at. "Hi. I'm Bella. If you're a misogynist, get away." She introduced, briefly looking over at that hairy guy in the corner,
snacking on lasagna. Bella then sat down, and that moment was one of the most beautiful moments that I had ever experienced.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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