Moreover, the house is only planted on a far middle ground in the big estate.

Did Mr. Stewart lived in this big house all by himself? In an estate that has about three massive iron gates before you reach the main compound.

There are fountains located at almost every corner and middle part of the premises. Beautiful flowerpots and Bermuda grass kiss the elegant appearance in the surroundings.

If I live here, on a very good day, I’d sleep on the Bermuda grass than on my bed. In our house, we can’t keep a Bermuda grass because our lands are almost occupied with plants and crops.

I felt my son tighten his grasp around my fingers like he was frightened to go into the house.

“It’s okay, Corey.” I whisper to him. “This is your grandfather’s house. Do you want to meet him?”

He shook his head vigorously, one of his finger at the side of his mouth like he’s not done contemplating.

“This way, ma’am.” An old man gesture us to the door. I saw on his nameplate ‘Butler. Jaymes.’

I carefully followed him with my son walking softly alongside with me.

A massive brown door tall to the ceiling was opened for us by another old butler, I didn’t bother looking at his nameplate. He smiled at me and I smiled back as I walk in with Corey.

Corey kept clinging on my hand when we pass through the foyer to another place. I assume the silence in the atmosphere, arts and little statues on the wall makes his scared.

They’re all strange to him, he hasn’t seen anything that has to do with art in real life. Except on TV.

We took an elevator that dropped us at another floor.

“That door leads to the main part of the house.” The butler said, after pointing towards a door far in the hallway.

I nod with a smile. “Thank you.” And he left.

The hallway was quiet and calm as we walk through. It was like no living soul had lived here and the mere thought of that frighten me.

I wish the butler had not left, I’d have asked him to escort us to the door.

When I got to the door, I took a deep breath as if am ready for an interview.

My palm were turning cold as I gather the urge of pushing the door.

Normally, it’s supposed to be the other way round.

I mean……George with me and him introducing me to his grandpa. Now, just imagine what I’d say if I meet his grandfather first before him?

I haven’t even cram the lines I’d use if I meet the old man.

Okay. Here it comes. Here I go.

On count of three….

One …….. two …….. three –

I pushed the door open with a small push and what greeted Corey and I was nothing but thick darkness.

Corey tighten his grasp around my finger and when I look down at him, he shook his head.

I knew better that he didn’t want to continue this journey.

“It’s okay.” I smile to him. I think something is fishy here. I’ve seen things happen this way in the movies and I’ve read in books too.

Especially the moment where the butler left us alone to walk ourselves to this place.

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