Chapter 18

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Five days interval…….

“You’re getting too excited over this date.” Mom said when she walked into my room with Corey and saw me picking up a dress.

The truth is….am getting cold feet and very nervous to meet George’s grandfather for the first time.

God help me. How do I introduce myself to him?

Okay, maybe like this…? Hi, Mr. Stewart, it’s a pleasure to meet you for the first time. I am Diamond Miller, George’s ex-wife?

Gross. Not a nice gesture at all.

Even though, George told me he has divorced Melissa, am still not comfortable about the situation. Am happy but still scared to move into his life officially.

I push aside the number of gowns and tops in my wardrobe. “It’s not a date, mom. He’s just taking me home to meet his grandfather.”

“At night?” She chuckled softly.

“Hmph.” I turn around and place my hands on my hips. “There’s no biggie, besides, it’s Corey’s fourth birthday and he said to make it special with his grandfather and us.” I squatted down and composed my son’s button up properly.

“Okayyyy.” She said and helped me fish out a red cocktail dress. “Are you sure Nadia didn’t left this house few minutes ago to the same place you’re going?”

“Nadia said she has a different occasion she didn’t talk about.” I took the dress from her and fit into it. “She’ll probably tell me how it went tomorrow morning.” I styled my hair and added a little touch of makeup for the first time in months and a red lipstick.

“Oh, I think his chauffeur is here.” Mom said.

And immediately, I carried Corey and grabbed my red purse before leaving. “See you later, Mom.”

“Careful, honey. Don’t forget to bring a piece of Corey’s cake for me.”



The car parked in front of a penthouse. I imagine if this was George’s or his grandfather.

I knew how fucking rich the Stewart’ are. They can buy this country if they wanted to. They’re the baddest tycoon in the whole of America.

I’ve never been here before, so I acknowledge this must belong to his grandpa.


The man is super wealthy to have such a marvelous house. This building surely cost a fortune. It can even buy me and keep some change.

A guard came around and helped me with the door. I wonder why George didn’t come to pick us himself.

Usually on weekends or any midterm days, he used to drive us around the town by himself but earlier today, he didn’t show up and it was his guard that drove us and paid for all the fun items Corey had today in the park.

Although, I was curious and I asked him, but the guy didn’t say a thing to me other than nod his head like a lizard.

I reached for Corey when I got out of the car. My boy obviously thought I was gonna leave him alone in the car.

You need to see the anxious look on his face.

I held my son’s hand as we stood in front of the magnificent house in front of us with a red long carpet that guides a way to the door.

Part of the walls are made of glass while the rest are painted white. This is just the exterior part of the house. I wonder how the inside would look like.

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