9: You Should Heal Pt. II

Start from the beginning

"I don't give a fuck. You know this self-defense reasoning is bullshit. If that's what it really was, why didn't you have her speak to me or the prosecutor? We could've worked out a deal, so this doesn't go to trial."

"Maybe we want it to go to trial. To show how the LAPD can majorly botch a case and still move forward. You want the attention from this high profile case, now you have it," Preme shows his pearly whites.

"So, your client doesn't want to give a statement?"

"She's good. We'll save it for trial. You can cross-examine her," he looks at the prosecutor then back at Matthew. "Then I can't wait to cross-examine you. See you all in court." Supreme smirks walking down the rest of the steps toting his Louis Vuitton briefcase.

"He has a plan. He has to have something that can back that self-defense claim," Roland stuffs his hands into his dress pants pockets.

"Then we'll find out during criminal discovery and prepare. Don't worry," the prosecutor assures him.

They both go back to the precinct where a similar sized crowd is waiting on them to start. Matthew steps to the podium prepared to speak...

"Elite Emerson was charged with first-degree murder in the stabbing and shooting of her ex-boyfriend, Shinobi Waters, and his girlfriend, Sarahi Lincoln. She was taken into custody a month after the murder after the LAPD's diligent investigation."

He swallows not even believing that anymore. He looks down at the pre-written words prepared for him. He reads, "Shinobi Waters was a star about to soar in the filmmaking industry as an award winning cinematographer and director. Sarahi Lincoln was a fashion merchandiser who was beloved by both the fashion industry and her loved ones."

"Right now as we speak, their murdered is being released on a $500,000 bail," the statement causes commotion. "Not only is this a grave mistake, but it's a clear disregard for the grieving families involved in this case."

"A lawyer representing Shinobi and Sarahi's family, said the announcement of a charge against Emerson was a relief to the them. Now her release feels like stab to the heart."

"Today the accused lawyer claimed that she killed Shinobi and Sarahi in self-defense. She also claimed to be the victim of abuse at the hands of Mr. Waters. That's the furthest thing from the truth. In fact, it was the other way around. The relationship between Shinobi and Elite was described as extremely tempestuous and combative. Elite was known for having a history of being the aggressor throughout the couple's tumultuous relationship."

Matthew swallows looking out at the small pond of people. "This is not the end of the investigation. This is just the beginning. With that being said, we're still looking for the murder weapons used in this crime. A knife and gun. If you find anything discarded please report it. We continue to seek the public's help and assistance with information or evidence. We ask that you call our homicide detectives day or night. Justice will be served. Thank you."

Matthew steps away from the microphone letting the chief of police speak next. He only says a few words before the podium is turned over to Shinobi's older brother, Laith, who's the family representative...

"Do you believe that this was a case of self-defense?" Someone asks him.

You can tell his brother's murder has taken a toll on him. He actually let his hair grow out a little. The past couple of weeks have been about making arrangements to bury his brother and this investigation. It's been a media frenzy and he's tired. The bags under his eyes tell that. His best friend was taken from him, savagely at that.

"I, our family has no cause to believe that this was a case of self-defense," Laith answers.

"Does your family believe that the LAPD arrested the right person in Elite Emerson?"

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