Chapter 1: The obsidian sarcophagus (part one)

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Despite its location on the edge of a volcano, the city of Arcadia enjoyed unprecedented tranquility. Its flourishing economy and the hospitality of its inhabitants made it an exceedingly pleasant haven. Its low crime rate attracted numerous families to settle there. Furthermore, the media praised its university, which was ranked among the best in the world. Everything was perfect. At this point, one could almost say that a divine influence was pampering the metropolis.

Fortunately, Éden Ramsay had the opportunity to grow up in this paradise. At twenty years old, the young woman harbored the dream of becoming an archeologist. Therefore, she worked tirelessly to succeed in her studies. Her efforts had even earned her a place in a prestigious organization. However, nothing could prepare her for the day that was to come. For some time, a piece of news was circulating in the region. The local museum's employees had unearthed something unusual. As a result, the apprentice was mandated to examine it. All that was left for her to do was to listen to the last explanations of her teacher, presenting a series of images using a projector.

"In conclusion, here is a mural depicting K'inich Janaab' Pakal, the famous Mayan ruler of the ancient city of Palenque. I advise you to do as much research on this as possible. You will have to submit a dissertation to me at the end of the semester. That said, I will not keep you any longer. You may go home."

Upon hearing these words, the students got up. For her part, Éden sighed in relief. With the arrival of the weekend, the young woman would have a little more freedom. Consequently, she grabbed her things and withdrew from the classroom. Now, her goal was to exit the establishment. Clearly, another task awaited her.

Once outside, the city dweller had to endure the whims of the wind. Each gust sent her shoulder-length white hair flying. The apprentice archeologist then made her way to the parking lot. Only thirty seconds passed before a car with an azure coating entered her field of vision. At the same time, she pulled out a set of keys from her sweatshirt, the color of which reminded her of the vehicle, and unlocked the driver's door.

While stepping inside the cabin, the twenty-year-old girl tossed her backpack onto the back seat. Then, she started the engine. Numerous people were expecting her at the Arcadia Museum. Moreover, rush hour was about to begin. Therefore, Éden did not want to get caught in traffic.

While maneuvering her vehicle, the student decided to turn on the radio. Her favorite station would keep her company during the trip. Unfortunately, given the circumstances, music was scarce. The presenter preferred to discuss the main topic of the day.

"All of this is exceptional. A sarcophagus entirely composed of obsidian is an atypical find. The members of the M.A.R.O. must be rejoicing right now. And for the listeners who might not be familiar with our corner of the world, know that tourism is largely based on the Velcaèm ruins, a civilization that once inhabited the region. This exhumation would allow us to learn more about their burial rites."

In total, it only took about twenty minutes before the silhouette of the building became more clearly defined. Its glass facade, coupled with its architecture, gave it the impression of being a sumptuous crystal palace. This was an advantage that captured the interest of visitors. Consequently, the young woman ventured into the parking lot. Alas, it was crowded. Fortunately, the administration had found her a spot to immobilize her car. All the white-haired driver had to do was to go there. Once that was done, Éden left the metallic machine and walked towards the main entrance. Once inside, the reception desk was the first thing that caught her cerulean gaze. Therefore, a stop was obligatory.

"Welcome to the Arcadia Museum," the attendant greeted her. "What can I do for you?"

"I am here to examine your sarcophagus," declared the archeologist in a curiously monotone voice.

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