"The Merry can no longer be repaired." Luffy said looking down all sad. If Usopp's judgement wasn't so clouded right now he would see that everyone in the room was sad over the decision. 

"What did you say?"
"The ship will sink soon."

"Luffy how could you give up on our friend so easily. Merry has been with us for a long time..." You didn't want to be in the room so you just walked out but stayed near the door  to listen but you were leaning on the railing looking out to the ocean and back to the ship that was going to no longer carry you guys.

"..is that how little this ship means to you, Luffy?!" Usopp was shouting so loud you didn't even have to lean near the door to listen, but even with Eneru's fruit it was no trouble.

"You shouldn't shout like that. Usopp." Chopper said.

"Sorry but step aside." Usopp said probably to Chopper. "I'm not done talking to him."


"Then can you make an accurate assessment? We don't have a shipwright on this ship . That's why we asked them to check her!" Luffy said.

"Fine we don't have to ask those guys to fix her! I'll repair her, as I always have! That's how we've continued to travel in the first place. Okay, let's start now. Hey, help me, guys!" 

"Hey, wait Usopp." Sanji spoke to try and stop Usopp.

"Oh, yeah, we don't have enough lumber.."

You weren't actively listening anymore just bits and pieces here and there. Then Luffy almost said something he would regret but Sanji kicked him before he could finish that statement.  He quickly apologized after everything, you had to remind yourself to thank Sanji later for knocking some sense into Luffy.

You turned to the door that was abruptly opened and saw Usopp at the door still talking to people inside. 

"Where I'm going is my own business. It has nothing to do with you guys anymore . I'm leaving the gang." He then shut the door and started walking away. You let out a chuckle as he disappeared. Usopp was literally family he would be back soon or you would have to kidnap him when the time for leaving the island came. 

Nami, Sanji and Chopper came out of the door going after Usopp.

"Usopp it shouldn't be like this. Hey! Turn around!" Nami was yelling at Usopp.

"Hey comeback!" Sanji yelled.

"Don't go Usopp! Come back!" Chopper was fighting for the words to come out through tears. Finally Zoro and Luffy came out and and both were silent they had nothing to say, neither did you. Usopp then turned around and he had something to say.

"Luffy! I can't go along with you anymore, sorry to cause you trouble until the end. It's true that the ship belongs to you, the captain. 
So fight me Monkey D. Luffy! Fight a duel with me!"

"What? What ? Er, hey....what're you saying?!" Nami and probably the rest of the crew were against the idea. The sniper already had his ass handed to him by the Franky family and he still wanted to fight Luffy. You had to admit that when Usopp decided to be serious about something he really put his mind to it.

"At 10 o'clock tonight, I'll come back here. Then we'll fight a duel over the going Merry. I'll defeat you and take the Merry. That's the end between the between you guys and me." Those were his last words before walking off. The three were still leaning over the railing watching Usopp disappear.

"Why did you leave earlier?" Zoro's question was directed to you.

"Just maybe so that you could tell me what happened inside. I have a really bad feeling about this place. I'm going to have a drink, I'll be back before the duel starts."

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