5. Sick guy

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The guy started destroying the ship mercilessly and you were just looking very confused at everything. Zoro comes down, seems he had gone to sleep inside earlier. "I knew that voice sounded familiar, is that you Johnny?" "Zoro no aniki." So they know each other. "Where's Yosaku?" The Johnny guy started tearing up and went down the ropes and brought up his partner who looked like he was dying. "Yosaku had been sick so we so some rocks to lie on and out of nowhere a canon ball attacked and it was from this ship." Luffy and Usopp started looking around acting like they weren't guilty of anything. Nami walked up after a quick inspection ordered the guilty duo to fetch some lime coz he was suffering from scurvy. A disease characterized by insufficient Vitamin C in the body. "Long ago the disease was fatal to sea farers because they lacked knowledge and did not keep fresh fruits with them so many died." Nami explained, wow so knowledgeable. Usopp and Luffy began squeezing the limes into his mouth and even stuffing them in his face fearing they were responsible for his death.

He then woke up and they introduced themselves as the bounty hunter duo and they used to work with Zoro. Soon Yosaku couldn't take it anymore and fell back down seems like he got up too quickly. Johnny mentioned that they were near the grandline and spoke of a man with eyes like a hawk and Zoro said that that's who his after. A navy ship approached and they looked at you guys before the guy who thought he was hot stuff started talking. "I am Iron fist fullbody it seems you bounty hunters are so weak that you got captured by pirates." "We are not weak would weak people go after guys like these." Dude threw a bunch of bounties in the air and the landed on Merry. Nami's eyes were stuck on a particular bounty and you looked at it and it was Arlong. Jackpot so that's our guy. "Shoot them down." Body man ordered. Luffy stretched to redirect the shot but and accidentally hit the Baratie restaurant. You held your forehead in disappointment, great." Luffy tried to look away like he didn't do anything. You grabbed him by the collar. "Come we have to apologize." You turned around. " And you guys better fix up the ship when we're gone." You pointed at Yosaku and Johnny. You took Luffy to the front and the cooks dragged him upstairs which you soon followed behind. 

"AH! Your leg." "This didn't happen now !" "So it was like that before then." 

Luffy bowed his head down and apologized for the damage and the guy said it was okay he'd just have to work there for a year.

"EH! A year?" You questioned. "Since he doesn't have any money to pay for repairs." Luffy raised his hand up with one finger. " One week." "NO!" "Two weeks." These negotiations were going horribly so you just decided head back down and sat at an empty table. Body navy man was there with his date when they were served wine he swirled it and sniffed it like some creep in a very inelegant way. "Ah this must be from Micque of the North land. Yes this must be Hurutz Burger Stein." What who's going around sniffing and cramming these silly names. "No what are you talking about just eat your meal." With that you burst out laughing and the other customers joined in too. He looked down in shame and was beyond embarrassed that wasn't the term for this situation. The waiter was actually the souse chef and all the waiters ran away then you had an idea. You went back up. "Owner if I wait here could you reduce the time to half a year since you guys don't have waiters and it would be double the man power." "I have no arguments on my part." With that you were given an apron and went downstairs. You saw Body boy crush a bug and put in the soup. "Oi waiter ." You were about to go when Sanji already arrived. "What is this? I have no idea I don't know much about bugs." Snickers could be heard all over. He then bent down towards the blonde beauty, "mademoiselle would you like to drink some wine with me ." Just then Fullbody destroyed the table and claimed he would have the restaurant shut down for health violations. "Oi fullbody stop it." She held on to him urging him to not fight he pushed her away violently and before she could fall you held her shoulders. "Are you okay?" "ah yes thank you." She was blushing and you helped her stand up. "If you took out the bug you could have eaten the sop there was no reason to waste food." He made a strong point. Sanji wastes no time in kicking the marine before he can finish serving him a good beating the ceiling cracks and Luffy and owner fall down.

A marine dude came and said the pirate they captured had escaped. He then came walking in sat down when your co-worker approached and asked if he had money and effectively kicked him out, it was sad and the world was cruel. It reminded you of mariejois you were lucky if they fed you and you had to eat the food whether it was spoiled or whatever it didn't matter everyday was a battle to stay alive how you were here today was a complete mystery you had died several times it also didn't make sense to you, you needed answers the truth. You walked out and wanted to sneak him some food but Sanji was already a step ahead and had brought him some food. The guy was hesitant to take it because of pride. He thanks Sanji and begins to eat. I guess he probably knew what hunger was like. "Hey join my pirate crew, be our cook." "No I refuse. " "Well I refuse your refusal." "What are you even listening I can't leave this place yet." "We're going to the grandline." Guy on the ground got scared, oh yeah someone said they had just got out after entering in for a week. Sooner or later Sanji would join you guys since your visions had 100% success rate and you never saw good stuff. Ghin began talking of how it was a horrible place that they couldn't understand anything and their fifty fleet ships were destroyed in a couple days. Well you couldn't blame these guys they were still trying to confirm if devil fruits were real so they were really behind in like everything. Ghin thanked Sanji and began to leave you touched his shoulder and saw a big ship next to the Baratie and it was falling apart but merry was nowhere to be seen. Great this one didn't look like it was too far away. 

Owner showed up from the top of the balcony. "Oh no your gonna get in trouble for feeding me for free." He then kicked the dishes into the ocean, "can't get in trouble without any evidence, feel free to come back any time." Sanji said. " Or don't." You said to no one in particular but your words didn't pass by the cook and he heard. " Waiter and chore boy are you lazing around." You went back inside but before Sanji could go to the  kitchen pulled him aside." Can I borrow a knife sharpening stone real quick?" "What for you look suspicious." "Calm before the storm just help me out." "Whatever just get it yourself." " Thanks " You ran to the back room and after taking some orders went outside and began sharpening the sword you had.

You looked around and made sure no one was looking touched the ground and made a black hole appear from which you grabbed a scythe and also sharpened it. It had been a while since you used this bad boy this other dimension where you could keep things was almost as explainable as Shiro and Kuro's existence. Inexplainable. Opening the hole again you let the large scythe fall in, that's when you heard dishes being broken and you went in to see Luffy practically destroying the kitchen.

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