~only outcome that matters~

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Sofiasainz9 via stories

———————————————————————Sofia walked into the ferrari garage and was stood with Carlos, while talking to some of his engineers

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Sofia walked into the ferrari garage and was stood with Carlos, while talking to some of his engineers. Suddenly she felt an arm slip round her waist and was about to move until she realised it was Charles. She still hated this whole PR relationship but what could she do. She needed to speak to Lando and tell him what was happening tho.
"Hola Charles"
"Bonjure Sof"
"I need to talk to you"
"yeah ok come on, let's go to my driver room"
Charles led her out the garage and up a set of stairs before taking her down a corridor and through a door with the monaco flag stuck to the front.
"What's up"
Sofia explained how she needed to tell Lando that their relationship was fake, but took a while to get to the point as she thought charles would be angry. He nodded along.
"Yeah ok"
"I know Charles but- wait what?"
"I said ok, you should tell him. You let me tell my girl our relationship is fake, so why shouldn't you tell Lando"
"Thankyou Charles"
She stood up and hugged him as he kissed the top of her head.
"I've got you Sof"

Sof⚽️: Hey Dan, where abouts are you

rouge aussie🍯: In Mclaren duh. Why?

Sof⚽️:is Lando there?

rouge aussie🍯: yeah why?

Sof⚽️: i need to talk to him but he's ignoring my calls and texts

rouge aussie🍯: alrighty, come on down i'll bring you in

Sof⚽️: your such a legend

rouge aussie🍯: i know :)
She met Daniel outside the Mclaren motor home and he took her inside. They walked into the hospitality room where most of the mclaren team were eating lunch. She had taken off her ferrari cap and left it in Charles driver room out of respect for the teams. Daniel lead her over to a table where him and Lando had been sat. Lando looked up and immediately stood up to leave when he saw Sofia.
"Lando please just give me two minutes of your time. I need to speak to you"
"Speak to your boyfriend" he said as he got up and walked out.
She sat down feeling deflated
"boyfriend?" Daniel asked confused
"you know those rumors about me and charles, yeah well our PR managers are forcing us to pretend they are real"
"that's not fair"
"yeah well i have no choice and i can't get out of it"
"so why did you need to speak to Lando?"
"Because she's angry at me for not telling him i'm 'dating' Charles"
"I think he's just jealous"
"yeah maybe. i don't know what to do dan honestly"
"he will cave and let you talk to him eventually, don't worry"
"yeah i guess so"
Sofia was watching FP1 from the Ferrari garage when everyone gasped. There was a huge crash. The car had flipped up into the air and came crashing down. Debris flying all over the place.
"Oh my gosh that was nasty" Sofia said to a mechanic. "who was it?"
"no idea" he replied "they aren't showing it on camera.
Suddenly Ferrari mechanics started to move around and murmur on Carlos' side of the garage, and Charles crew went out to bring charles back into the garage due to the red flag.
"Why is nobody on this side of the garage going out?"
someone came rushing over to her
"Sof, don't freak out, but it's Carlos"
without another word she sprinted out into the pitlane and crossed over to his race engineer.
"tell me he's ok, is he responding?"
"we are working on it, Carlos can you hear me?"
"Carlos, are you ok?"
Sofia could feel herself tearing up. Ben Chilwell and Mason Mount came rushing over from the redbull garage, where they were guests for the weekend. Ben engulfed Sofia in a hug but she was quick to pull away. The engineer gave her the headset.
"Carlos hello please respond can you hear me?"
She could feel the tears running down her face now. She took the headset off and sat down against the pit wall. She was shaking and crying. Her anxiety was getting the better of her. she was so nervous for her brother. Suddenly, Lando came running over to where Ben and Mason were and crouched down infront of her, causing Ben and Mason to stand back.
"Hey Sof look at me it's ok"
She was sill shaking and he felt so bad for the girl
"Close your eyes Sof. Listen to me carefully"
Between cries and sniffles she closed her eyes as he said
"imagine your on a beach. picture the golden sand and the bright blue sea"
She did so and felt her heart beat slow down
"Listen to the sound of the waves crashing, feel the suns heat on your skin"
He kept describing all the happy parts of the beach until she had calmed down enough to think straight. She looked up at lando and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she gave his a big hug. She continued to cry into his shoulder but she was relaxed now. She pulled away as Carlos' engineer said "he's responding Sof, relax"
She felt a huge weight lifted off her shoulders.
"he won't be able to race this weekend, but he's ok"
She turned to Lando
"Do you want me to get Charles?" he asked
"Yes but Lando wait"
He stopped and looked at her. she gave him a hug again and whispered so only he could hear.
"Me and charles have been made to have a media relationship. it's all fake ok, i'll explain properly later ok?"
Landos mood seemed to cheer up as he nodded and went off to get Charles.
Charles came over and wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.
"it's ok Sof, he's fine"

Off Limits ~Lando Norris~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat