But had I regretted the last ten minutes in Errol's musician chambers? I asked myself.

Absolutely not. In fact, the last ten minutes would single-handedly go down as one of the most intense experiences I've ever had. One that still left parts of my skin burning with need for Errol's touch again. His lips. His teeth. His fucking tongue. It only played as an inkling as to what would come after the show, and my heart was racing, unsure how to break down this excitement.

Every time I thought back to him, I felt my body kicking up the temp another ten degrees...

"God, you're so fucking beautiful." Errol had whispered dangerously low against my ear, his teeth gently nipping at my lobe while his hands must of moved from the door to the buttons on my vest.

I shuddered against him, missing this.
Fuck it, missing him.

God, it was terrifying how much I had missed every single touch.

Every love bite he gave me.


And something finally clicked when his lips found mine again, just kissing me into the door at this point as I felt my back mold against the wood. I realized in that moment, just how willing I was to throw it all to the wind for him.

The formalities. The professionalism. In that moment, if he asked, I was ready to make love to him in his fucking musician chambers mere minutes before he was set to go on stage.

"Please Errol..." I whispered against his lips, unsure of what I was begging for. Him, perhaps.

He must've understood something, whatever it was, because I was quickly lifted up, his hands taking liberties with feeling up my ass as he walked us across his room.

To where? Who fucking knew. I didn't, nor did I find myself caring.

It was the trust I had with Errol that made it so. Me not caring. I couldn't remember the last time I didn't overthink about where I was, let alone who I was with... but right then, in his chambers, the only thing I cared about was showing Errol just how much I wanted this. Wanted him.

He broke the kiss first, but laid aggressively sweet kisses on my cheek and jawline, before latching his lips onto my neck. At this point, I was gripping at the front of his own suit for dear life, especially once he pressed his lower half completely against me. I felt every part of him, causing my legs to widen a bit around him when he set me down on a surface.

Not even a second later, I heard a few things drop to the floor, and I started to say between incessant moans "is everything o-"

"Don't worry about it." Errol practically growled against the delicate skin around my now exposed collarbone, before I felt his teeth tug at it again. I was absolutely unravelling against him, unsure of how loud I was anymore while all I managed to get out coherently was a string of cuss words, and his name.

"F-Fuck, Errol-" my voice caught in my throat when I felt his hand start to palm me through my trousers. Were they unbuttoned now? When the hell did Errol get to that?

It didn't matter. I now had to focus on not doing the one thing I'd already embarrassingly done once before, and that was cuming in his hand at record fucking speed.

Actually, how many minutes had passed? I wondered.

Well we got our answer just seconds later when we heard a pounding on the door.

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