The Morning After

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Willow's POV

I suddenly jolt awake to see an unfamiliar room. I then realize that I am not in my house. My first instinct is thinking I had hooked up with someone, but then memories flooded back from last night.

I remember my break up with Logan and the bottle of vodka I emptied. I hazily remember getting into Lexi's car and her dragging me upstairs to a bed.

Just then, I hear a big crash coming from downstairs. "Shit!" someone yells.

I decide to go find out what was the cause of the loud sound. I walk out of the room and travel down the stairs and into the kitchen to find Lexi standing over what looks like a broken bowl.

"Are you okay?" I ask concerned.

"Ya, I'm fine." She answers, not looking up.

She continues to sweep up the broken glass, throwing it away after. She turns to face me wearing a shocked and puzzled expression. "Do you need some clothes?" She asks.

I look down at my half naked body. I take notice that I am only dressed in a black lacy bra and matching underwear. I must have taken off my outfit during the night. "Uh... no I'm ok. I'll just throw on what I was wearing yesterday."

"It's no problem let me just grab you something. Come with me." She insisted.

I follow her up the stairs and into her room that is filled with boxes. It looks as if she hasn't even bothered to unpack. She walks over to a box and digs out a sweatshirt and pairs it with some shorts. "Is this okay," she asks, holding up the clothes.

"Ya, that's fine," I answer, taking them from her.

She quickly turns around giving me privacy, which I think is weird since she has already seen me in my underwear. I pull the sweatshirt over my head. It is so big that it completely hides the shorts under it.

"I'm done," I say, signaling her to turn back around.

"Do you want some breakfast?" Lexi asks.

"Um. I think I'm just gonna head home."

"Ok. Do you need a ride?"

"No it's fine," I answer. "I'll just walk. It's not that far," and with that I turned to leave.

~A little while later~

When I walk through the door I immediately hear yelling. "You're leaving again!" a voice yells, one I recognized as my father.

"Well, someone has to take care of the family business. And since you've been doing nothing to help the company lately, it's seems I have to!" My mother shouts back.

"I can't believe you put work over our family!" My dad argues.

"I don't! I'm doing this for us."

"Has it ever occurred to you that you're children care more about the time you spend with them then the money you give them."

Just then my mother notices me standing there. "Willow, dear. Where were you last night?"

"I was with a friend." I say, while trying to walk away.

"Not so fast young lady. Who's clothes are you wearing? You know you're not allowed to spend the night with Logan." My dad interrupts.

"They're Lexi's. Now I'm leaving."

"Wait. You were hanging out with Lexi. That's great! I'm so glad you two are becoming friends!" My mom states excitedly.

"We're not. Now, don't you two have an argument to get back to."

I quickly head upstairs to avoid further questions. Only a few minutes after I laid down on my bed, the yelling starts back up again. I grab my AirPods and pressed play on my Spotify playlist to drown out the sound.

Only a little while later, I hear the front door slam shut and I watch from my bedroom window as my mom gets in her cab and heads to the airport.

I wondered to myself, how did my family get like this? What ever made us fall apart?

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