❥︎ Wooyoung "Because I love you"

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AteezGenre: angst__________________________________________

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Genre: angst

It was seven o'clock in the evening when Wooyoung returned home from training. Being quite exhausted, he threw off his jacket along with his shoes, which he sloppily kicked closer to the closet, and hearing noises coming from the kitchen he immediately headed there, knowing that he would find me there.

I turned my head toward the hallway and saw my boyfriend in them. His hair was in disarray and he was dressed in sports clothes. It was immediately apparent that he was tired so I immediately put dinner on his plate and handed it to him at the table where he immediately sat down.

"Enjoy your meal." I replied, smiling broadly at which he only nodded and quietly muttered his thanks.

"How was your day?" he asked, putting his plate down in the sink. "Were you out shopping with a Yujin?" she was my female best friend.

"Yes, I was. I can show you what I bought," I hugged him putting my arms around his neck. He put his hands on my waist slightly pulling me away from him.

"Can we go to the bedroom for now and watch something?" eagerly I nodded my head at which he smiled and pulled me going to the bedroom.

He pushed me lightly onto the bed and patting my thigh signaled for me to move, which I immediately did by lifting the quilt to cover us.

We lay like that for about an hour without saying anything, only the cartoon that showed first when I turned on the TV was playing in the background.

Wooyoung was lying on my shoulder with his arms wrapped around my belly. He looked like an adorable puppy at the time, which made me quietly chuckle, thinking it was cute. The boy looked at me pulling his eyebrows together but said nothing.

I thought he must be not only tired but also upset for some reason. Whenever he was angry he didn't say anything, preferring to keep everything inside so as not to hurt me, which had happened more than once. He preferred to just lie down in bed, cuddling up and letting his emotions settle.

Finally, after a long time, he sat up, leaning his back against the wall behind the bed.

"You can show me now in what you bought." he smiled broadly and I knew he was much better now.

"I can show you but I don't want to change." He nodded so I quickly got out of bed and ran over to the closet next to which stood the bags of newly bought things.

I started pulling everything out one by one and applying it to my body in a funny pose that made the boy laugh all the time. Suddenly his smile diminished which surprised me.

"Is something wrong?"

"I didn't give you that much money to afford all this." He asked raising his left eyebrow upward.

"Ahh yes, I was shopping with Yeosang" seeing his angry look I knew I was already in trouble. "He lent me some money so I could buy what I liked so much." I said more quietly and stretched my hands in front of me in which I held the sweatshirt I was talking about.

Wooyoung clenched his jaw and, after a moment of intense staring, suddenly stood up. He walked quickly to me and snatched the sweatshirt from my hand waving it in front of my face.

"A couple of money!? Then who the hell am I to make you go around town with other guys and take money from them!" he shouted waving his hands at which I moved away closer to the closet.

"You were busy with your schedule so he offered to go with me. I was supposed to give it back to him tomorrow." I replied quietly. He approached hitting the closet door next to my head with his hand, at which I jumped up.

"And couldn't you wait for me? Ask me if I could go home early? Fuck, you said you were going there with a friend and not fucking Yeosang!" out of fear, my body began to involuntarily shake which didn't escape his notice but he continued nonetheless. "Why do you need me when you can make arrangements to meet my friends!"

"Because I love you Wooyoung. Just because I went with someone else for some stupid shopping doesn't mean I don't need you. I'm sorry for upsetting you," I said quietly and looked into his eyes. To my surprise I saw his gaze soften. It was only then that I felt my cheeks getting wet and my gaze becoming blurred.

Wooyoung sighed deeply and put his hands on my cheeks wiping away the tears.

"You know I don't like it when you hang out with other boys. Even when they are my friends." I nodded. "Don't do that again if you don't want to see me upset. And don't cry. Okay?"

His voice became calmer and his gaze became softer. He pulled me close and hugged me tightly before gently kissing my forehead and nose.

"Can we just go back to bed and continue lying down? Or go to sleep?" I asked pulling away but not looking at him. I hated it when he was like this, he was always morbidly jealous and annoyed by the smallest trivialities and took his anger out on me.

"Of course. Let's go to bed now. I'll talk to Yeosang tomorrow and give him the money," we lay down on the bed and the boy immediately snuggled up. "And besides, you will look beautiful in these clothes" he whispered in my ear. I smiled sadly and hugged him so he wouldn't see my tears.

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