21.- You are bound to me

Start from the beginning

"Where are you going?" the boy asked and purposely bumped her shoulder.

"None of your business," Lupita said and continued to walk to the forest.

"Don't," the witch said when the boy was about to open his mouth again. "The werewolves are feeling bad enough as it is. Keep your mouth shut or they will rip your head off."

"She can't do anything," the boy said and wrapped his hand around Lupita's upper arm. Lupita didn't waste a second and swiftly punched his face before clawing his arm. He quickly let go of her hand and fell to the floor before looking at his arm in horror. It was not bleeding, but there was a clear mark left from her claws. "How?"

"Werewolves can still hurt you, dumbass," the witch said and hit the back of his head. "It will heal, don't worry. Won't even scar."

The boy still looked at his arm with a look of shock. Lupita turned her attention to Ambrosia who was giggling slightly at the boy. It warmed her heart slightly that she had been able to make her laugh.

Lupita shook her head and quickly headed for the forest. The forest was on the left side of the school. The first few meters were just forest, then came the big fence, then came miles of pure forest. The fence was harder to get over this time, but once she made it she was free to do as she wanted. This forest wasn't claimed by anyone and was free reign. Which meant it was slightly more dangerous. But once the fresh air entered her lungs, she felt free. The fatigue was still there, but she felt her wolf resurface slightly at the feeling of freedom.

The forest was peaceful. The birds chirped happily and the sun shone through the trees. Lupita spent most of her time just laying in the grass, walking, or climbing trees. It was nice. Much better than in the city.

While Lupita was weakened by the looming new moon, her wolf had fully woken up for the few hours of freedom and was happily trotting around in their headspace. She occasionally took control of their body if she felt the need to or if she just wanted to. It was a nice few hours. Just them and no one else. Maybe an occasional bird would fly by and a squirrel and also... Lupita quickly looked up at the little red squirrel that was climbing towards her where she was laying on a branch. It was her squirrel.

"Hei," she said and scratched it behind its ears after it climbed into her hands. "Jeg må gi deg et navn," she said and looked at it. She finally concluded it was a male and then studied it to find something to name it after. "Hva med...?" she thought back to their first meeting and smiled. "Tyven," she decided. The squirrel gave her an unamused look and jumped out of her hands and onto the branch she was sitting on.

As Lupita was about to apologize to the animal, she looked down to where he was looking and almost lost her balance. Ambrosia was walking around in the forest, looking lost and slightly scared. Lupita didn't even get a chance to ask the squirrel about the vampire before he jumped on her which caused her to fall off her branch. Luckily it was not too far off the ground and once she hit the ground, the only thing that really hurt was her back.

Lupita groaned and rolled over to her stomach. She was sure her whole face was flushed with embarrassment once she saw the black boots in front of her.

"Are you ok?" Ambrosia asked and kneeled down. Lupita only groaned and managed to sit up. It took two tries to fully straighten her back without too much pain. "That looked like it hurt," Ambrosia said with a laugh.

"It did," Lupita said and looked at the vampire. She was dressed surprisingly nice. Her black long sleeve had lovely embroidery, her pants were nice and fit her perfectly and her high boots had pretty red flowers on them. "You are pretty." Ambrosia's cheeks turned slightly pink but she quickly shook her head and stood up.

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