"Sithspit!! Not these types of fools, cursed them." He muttered as he slowly rubbed his eyes with two fingers.

Then the figure responded.

"You there!! The Republic fleet were authorized to enter this space with the approval of the Senate, of you stand in our way we will destroy you for obstructing oh mission." The captain of the main fleet responded with authority and confidence.

Captain Nellos frowned and glared at the stupidity of the Republic captain.

'Are you stupid? Just because you were given authorization doesn't mean you can waltz here anytime you want, idiot!!' He mentally scolded the Captain or whoever he was as he stared at the hologram ignoring other details about their so called mission.

"No." Nellos responded stopping the captain from his abrupt speech.

"Excuse me? I think I misheard about my-"

" No means no, there are no exception even it was belong to your highest authority. The Republic has no presence here, the moment they abandoned the outer rim and left it to rot, you are despised here Republic dogs. So leave here before worst things will come to you and your corrupt Republic." Nellos quickly responded cutting no quarter for the Republic captain to refute his answer.

"Even the presence of a Jedi-"


The captain of the republic shown irritation in his face showing that he was annoyed by Nellos interfering his speech.

"Fine if war is that you want we will gladly gave it to you." The captain told Nellos unhappily before ending the transmission.

Nellos looked at the coms officer and nod at in which the com officer nods back before typing in the console sending the commands to all ships to red alert.

Once the command reach to all ships they went into arming themselves as shields flared up into the fleet while warming up the turrets and missile pods at the ready to strike.

Not too long the first wave of barrage of laser bolts from the republic navy came running down towards the border patrol fleet.

The shields went just in time as they tanked the incoming bolts of lasers aiming towards them.

"Lieutenant!! I want those frigates to form up into smaller groups and flank them on both sides. When those barrage will stop firing at us, return fire and released our fighters, bombers and Zakus." Nellos commanded.

"Yes captain!!" All the people shouted as they ran towards their station.

Once the blaster bolts went fewer in numbers, the Company's fleet return fire as long and medium ranged plasma turrets open fire at the Republic fleet.

The devastating fire power of the Harrower Star destroyers manage to give the Republic fleet heavy damages.

" Damn it all the sources were false!! Send all fighters and bombers and destroy the fleet!!" The captain which Nellos has spoken shouted a direct order to the clone crew.

"Yes sir." The crew responded but with hesitation in their voice as they send orders to all fighters and bombers to launch.

As the captain fumes over the lost of his ships, another voice barge in.

"Calm yourselves, captain, its not healthy to be full of anger to yourself be at peace with the force and focus into the battle."

The captain just glared at the Jedi who was been ordered to be accompanied him in this expedition.

"Just because you were ordered by the Chancellor that means you can order me around like dogs!! Why don't you help out our fighters out there to minimize our lossing fleet!!" He shouted as he gritted his teeth at the Jedi.

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