Bonus 1 : Bastards

Start from the beginning

But soon, his smirk faded when he saw they started laughing.

"Why should we fear the Government when We are the Government" Alex smirked.

All the colours drained from Brian's face.

"W-What that means ?"

"Oh you didn't know right ? Well let me enlighten you"

"Meet Ivan Ivanov. Son of Dimitri Ivanov. The Only heir of Russian Mafia- one of the strongest Mafia of the World"

Brian's head snapped towards the smirking Ivan.

"W-What ? But y-you are s-steel-" He choked out.

"That's for the world, little boy"

Brian can't move from his place.

"What happened ? Didn't like the name ? Well then, hear my name, hope you will like it" Alex pouted.

"I am Alex De'luca. Son of Giovanni De'luca. The only heir of ITALIAN MAFIA - The Best Mafia along with the Russian Mafia"

Brian just sat there functioning what he just heard. The two boys with whom he grew up are the part of the Mafias- scratch that they are THE MAFIAS.

He gulped when he realised what he had done.

He hurted the most precious person of their life. Raven Wilson. Whom those people love more than their lives. He hurted her. Not once, not twice, not thrice but more than he even count. He forced himself on her, he tried to kiss her, burnt her, bully her, beat her, and even rape her.

His eyes filled with fear. Fear of his Life. He immediately looked up with tears in his eyes.

"P-Ple-ease d-don't h-hurt me. I-I didn't k-know you two were m-mafia. If I'd known, I-I n-never would have b-bothered h-her- p-please l-leave-"

He got interrupted by a hard slap on his face making his face turned right.

"You are nothing but a Bastard, Brian. And I will show you what are the consequences of your actions" Ivan gritted his teeth, punching him on his stomach making him cry due to pain.

"I-I am s-sorry- P-Ple-ease l-leave- me- Think about R-Raven- What will s-she think of you when she learns that you k-kill i-innocents- AHHHHHHH"

Alex shoot him on his right knee making him scream.

"You think you are innocent huh ?" He again shoot him on his left knee making him cry louder.

"And I don't think so it's should be matter to you what our bestfriend will think of us, hmm ?" Ivan said again punching him across his face.

"Don't you dare to take her name from your filthy mouth" Alex said taking out a knife.

Brian's eyes widened.

"N-No P-Ple-eas-plea-se- d-don't-"

"This is for beating her" Alex muttered stabbing that knife in his hands making him scream loudly.

"This is for bullying her" Ivan told pulling his nails out.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" He screamed on the top of his lungs.

"I heard you kissed her, huh ?" Alex gritted his teeth.

Brian's breath hitched, he immediately shook his head, widening his eyes.

"N-No P-Ple-eas-plea-se-s-sorry- I-I- AHHHHHHHHHH- P-PLE-EASE- LEAV-"

He cried loudly when he felt numerous and sharp cuts on his cheek.

"This is for betraying her" Ivan muttered hitting him hard with hammer, breaking his teeths.

"And this is for trying to rape our sister" Alex gritted his teeth.

Brian gulped.

"L-Listen- p-please-"

And with that, They shoot him together on his forehead, ending his all miseries, all in once.

A silence.

"The man who cannot respect girls has no right to live" Alex muttered watching Brian's dead body on the ground.

"And we will not let the person who harms our sister live" Ivan said coldly turning back and they came out of the cell.

Alex's phone rang and he picked it up in second ring.


"Good" Alex smirked and hanged up.

"What happened ?" Ivan asked.

"David is in mental asylum while those ladies reached their deserved places."

Ivan smirked and nodded.

"And They cut Marcus's genitals,  hanging him upside down"

That's the punishments for the bastards of the story.

I hope you liked it 😀.

Next Bonus will be solely based on how Ivan and Alex became Raven's friends ❤️.

Don't forget to Vote and Comment.

I will upload next chapter soon till then stay safe, take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 7 July 2023.

Total Words : 1238 words 😁.

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