Chapter 66 : Arrested

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Author's P.O.V.

Raven's eyes widened.

"ARREST THIS GIRL" Mr. Brown shouted and other man came towards them. He was going to put handcuffs on Raven's hands but Ivan immediately pulled her towards him.

Mr.Brown glared at him.

"Listen kid, I am going to arrest her. Do whatever you want"

"YOU CAN'T ARREST HER MR. BROWN" A voice said from behind.

Their head snapped towards the door only to see Ruby and Xander with a familiar police officer.

Officer Marcus.

"S-Sir" Brown stuttered saluting him.

"Sir She raised her hands on me, on a Police Officer, she needs punishment" He said glaring at her at the end.

"No Brown you can't. She didn't raised her hands on Police Officer so we can't arrest her" Marcus said glaring at him.


"You are Suspended Mr.Brown" He said coldly.


"Lower your volume, Brown otherwise I can arrest you in the crime of disrespecting your senior"

Brown lowered his glare. He is continuously gritting his teeth. His fists are clenched.

"And recently I am getting lots of complaints against you. So, I decided to take matters in my hand and I found out that you are nothing but a corrupted police officer"

"N-No Sir it's not t-true-"

"Yes, it is. You are supporting criminals, you are using your power for misuse, you are greedy most importantly you are misbehaving with female. You are Suspended Mr.Michael Brown."


"I already did it Brown"

Mr. Brown's eyes becomes dark. He was going to hold his collar but other officers hold him back.

"Be in your limits Brown" Marcus said coldly.

"Please escort him out" He told other officers, who nodded in response and dragged Mr. Brown out of the station, who continue struggles in their hold.

Officer Marcus turned towards Raven and said in his usual gentle and polite voice "I am sorry for your trouble"

Raven politely said "it's ok Sir" and immediately added "But Sir, he deleted that video. I-It was a proof against David and Brian. S-Sir-"

"Don't worry Rav, your proof is safe with me" Their heads snapped towards Ivan who showed his phone to Raven.

Raven frowned in confusion.

"How ?"

"Remember I installed an app in my phone which saved all those deleted files in it ?"

He smirked.

Raven's eyes beamed.

"But Mr. Ivan isn't video is in Miss.Raven's phone ?"

"Yes Officer but this app is connected to all four of our phones."

"Yes Yes. Restore that video, Ivan, please" Raven told him.

He nodded and immediately restored it.

He gave his phone to Raven and she showed that video to everyone.

Ruby's eyes watered. While Xander clenched his fist hearing how his bestfriend is harming his children. Not only he abused his sons but also told a boy to bully his daughter.

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