Chapter 57 : I Missed You !!

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Author's P.O.V.

Raven bit her lips and took a deep breath before entering in Ryder's room.

Her heart shattered.

Ryder was looking so weak. So vulnerable. Cable Of wires are connected from his body. Head is covered from bandages. Bruises are on his face. IV is connected to him.

Tears gathered in her eyes.

She could never imagine her brother in this condition.

She shuts the door, came near and sat beside him.

She sighed.

"Hii Ryder"

She smiled sadly when she saw no response from Ryder.

Usually whenever he saw her, he will try to take her attention, But today he didn't even see her.

"How are you, bro ?"

"You are going to ignore me, Ryder ?"

"Did you forget that you are going to ask for forgiveness from me ? I still didn't forgive you, you know ? So it's better if you woke up soon and ask for forgiveness from me, hmm ?"

Her eyes filled with tears seeing no response.

She caressed his hair softly.

"You know Ryder, I always missed you both. From the day when Mom told me that you guys are not going to come home, you guys are not going to play with me, I was broken. I cried. I told Mom and Dad that I will be a good girl, please tell them to come to me. I will never tease you guys. I even decided that I will give my favourite pink unicorn to you guys but I just want you guys back.-" She chuckled with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"But you guys never returned. You know, I always divide my chocolate in three parts still you didn't return. First, I was so angry because I thought you guys forgot me. You just leave me. I decided that I will not talk to you guys when you will return. But you never return. You know, when I went to school, those mean students always calling me names. They told me that because of me, you guys are gone. I was being naughty that's why you guys leave me. I told them that it's not true. But they never listened. And one day, because of this, I came to Mom and shout at her that I want you guys home, bring them home. She couldn't handle it and-

💭 Flashback 💭

A little girl came to home. She threw her bag on the couch and immediately went towards kitchen angrily.

"Oh you came Honey, go and get fresh-"

"Mom, I want Ryder and Ryan"

Her Mom stopped in her tracks.

"Mom, Where are they ? Tell them to come home right now" That little girl said angrily.

Her Mom's eyes glistened with tears as she bend down to her daughter's level.

"Princess, go and get fresh, I will make something good-"


She had enough of everything. How could her twins left her like this ? If she did mistake then she is ready to say sorry. Then why they are not coming back ? They are selfish. How could they forgot about her ?

She is sad, angry, guilty, as well as frustrated and as a result she is screaming at her mom to bring her brothers back to her.


"RAVEN" Her mom shouts at her.

The said girl flinched badly immediately making her mom felt guilt.

Her mom sighed calming herself down.

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